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Slide displayed while people arrive

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1 Slide displayed while people arrive

2 …Start Talking About Solutions!
Stop Talking About Addiction… …Start Talking About Solutions! Intro slide for welcome…introduce ourselves…who we are (recoveree’s & affected)…what we do (advocates for community based recovery & wellness)….Homage to CCAR (much of this comes from there resources & contribution)….Reference the TITLE…stop vs. start….

3 war epidemic addiction fight shame battle lonely Barrier failure
When we talk about “addiction”…these are the words and phrases most often used…how does this make you feel? How do you react to these words? war hopeless

4 hope strength wellness possibility recovery journey community
Gateway wellness How about these words? How do they strike you? What’s the difference…what’s the impact within our communities by using one or the other? Stigma…fear…blame…(vs)…understanding…compassion…thoughtfulness….Words have real effect…”Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me” is a FALLACY…it’s not true and in reality words and language have great effect on how we act….example follows…. possibility opportunity

5 “Words are important. If you want to care for something, you call it a ‘flower’;  if you want to kill something, you call it a ‘weed’.” Don Coyhis, White Bison Wellbriety Words have an effect….when we refer to someone as an “addict” versus a “person”…what’s the effect to them….on how we view them?...Now compound that effect within neighborhoods and communities…to the (+)…&…(-)….words and language have a very powerful effect….

6 flower object resource Recovery weed OR Addiction
This effect of our attitude (language we use and subsequent actions towards things) is the foundation of recovery and community based recovery resources…it creates inspiration and aspirational effects (the power of positivity and resource)…or it creates stigma and a shunning effect….let me show what I mean…

7 Hope Performance Achievement
These are the descriptions use for almost every one of our societal institutions…every one….what do they do for us?...(inspire, challenge, reinforce, support, motivate….other?)

8 Community Based Resources
forward facing - strengths based Coaches Mentors Guides Advocates Role Models Tutors Hospitals Schools Parks Churches Athletic Facilities Libraries Excitement Imagination Creativity Leadership Acceptance Learning These are the community based resources that support HOPE…PERFORMANCE….ACHIEVEMENT…..(read & review)…what do they all have in common??? (fly-in) forward facing, strength based…what’s that mean?..... HOPE…PERFORMANCE….ACHIEVEMENT…indeed

9 Plus they are fun…they connect people…
Plus they are fun…they connect people….they help others remove obstacles….they raise awareness…inspire and offer hope….in two words….RECOVERY and/or WELLNESS…why though? Both are good…sought after outcomes….available to everyone….no one is ever told these resources are not available to you….YOU CAN’T PARTICIPATE….ever…..

10 Community Based Resources
for Recovery ? What comes to mind?

11 Community Based Recovery Resources
Recovery Community Centers (RCC) “beacons of recovery & wellness” De-stigmatizes Engagement Socialization Fellowship Imagination Advocacy Puts a face on recovery….brings recovery into the light…not hidden anymore….23M are in active recovery….Millions more are seeking…where do they go? What are the community resources available? Where are they located? What language and attitude do they encounter when they seek recovery?....remember the power of language….object vs. resource? Forward-Facing Strength-Based

12 This a Recovery Community Center…amazing, huh?

13 Culturally Appropriate
Multiple Pathways Personalized Sustainable Culturally Appropriate Meaningful Recovery Coaching Promote Recovery Remove Barriers Connect Encourage Recovery Meetings All Recovery SMART Recovery 12 Step Refuge Recovery Celebrate Recovery MAT/MSR Recovery But wait… There’s more… Recovery Community Centers assist in organizing the local community’s (allies, friends, families, recoverees, employers, etc…) ability to care and offer direct support to those in and/or seeking recovery & wellness…via authentic peer supported relationships….COMMUNITY….Inter-generational transfer of knowledge, practices…things we call ANCIENT KNOWLEDGE…none of this is new…just forgotten…

14 Concepts, Tools & Skills
Recovery Wellness Concepts, Tools & Skills Language Planes of Development Spectrum of Attitudes Parallel Process There are proven tools that when understood….offer both the recoveree and those affected by addiction….hope. Tangible tools that can be understood and practiced to assist the forward facing strength based progression into recovery & sustainable wellness….shared amongst community members…transfer of knowledge/development of proficiency & mastery…anyone can…. Multiple Pathways Recovery Capital Peer Support Wellness Planning

15 Community Based Recovery Resources!
&…more Stages of Recovery Stages of Change Motivational Interviewing Active Listening Intrinsic Motivation Advocacy They are not specialized…inaccessible….concepts or skills…in fact, they are common tools that have built the world we live in…the question is…how did we lose sight of them?....(fly-in ADVOCACY….)….This is the piece that drives everything…. Community Based Recovery Resources!

16 We are the cavalry… If we don’t advocate (that is learn, communicate…raise awareness….) gues what happens….others use words and language that keeps us in the shadows…frames our challenges for us…treats us like objects….when we frame the discussion…when we elevate the opportunities and resources needed….then we are the cavalry we’ve been waiting for….

17 People Do Recover. Change is Possible.
Every year I plant…..why?....I have hope….just like tonight….thank you!

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