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A preliminary definition

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1 A preliminary definition
The CEOS Wide Area Grid A preliminary definition

2 Cooperation today Agencies want (and sometimes need) to cooperate
Examples: one agency produces data that will be used by another agency, e.g., one agency produces level 1 data relevant to a space mission another agency processes these data up to level 2 agencies develop applications that will be used by others, e.g., a research institute implements an algorithm in a software suite The software suite is applied by an agency to some collection of datasets agencies decide to distribute a space mission control facility the agency that owns the satellite implements the platform control facility each agency that owns an instrument part of the satellite payload implements the instrument specific control facility commands and telemetry flow between the platform control facility and the instrument control facility Cooperation between agencies is established in most cases on an ad hoc basis with dedicated hardware and software dedicated networks Paul Kopp – WGISS 21

3 Cooperation Tomorrow There is a long term trend for cooperation amongst agencies almost all space missions are now developed/operated in cooperation It is time for agencies to think about the best way to organize future cooperation in order to save time and money not reinvent the wheel Tomorrow cooperation will be based on generic resources, i.e., not specifically set up for a particular cooperation, but organized as a pool from where they may be drawn and used on demand by an agency agencies that own the pool of resources make a federation (also called a virtual organization) Paul Kopp – WGISS 21

4 What is needed for cooperation amongst agencies?
Political will agencies must be prepared to view and organize their resources and activities in the perspective of cooperation within a federation some agency resources will become part of a pool of resources permanently granted to cooperation Characterization of the cooperation agencies need to analyse their cooperation in the perspective of a future system enabling cooperation: system view each function of such a system must be identified and analysed, e.g., ability to exchange files between two agencies ability for an agency to query a distant data base owned by another agency ability for agency to launch an application owned by another agency etc. Paul Kopp – WGISS 21

5 Components of a system enabling cooperation
Resources provided by each agency computers, data storage facilities software connectivity (each resource must be connected to the other ones) Resources shared by agencies network connecting the resources middleware that makes a single system of all resources, with components from entities like Globus EGEE GRID5000 with the level of security expected by the agencies upper level software (ex.: RDBMS) Paul Kopp – WGISS 21

6 A starting point for permanent cooperation: the Wide Area Grid
Federation of CEOS agencies sharing a common view on cooperation volunteer to set up a federation (or ‘virtual organization’) pooling some of their resources building a common system upon these resources (the Wide Area Grid), based on a network a grid middleware general purpose additional software …and on the CEOS grid past experience Paul Kopp – WGISS 21

7 Next steps 2006 2007 Set up the initial federation of agencies
at least 2 agencies 3 agencies is fine more agencies are welcome Define the main functions of the Wide Area Grid user requirements system definition Define the Wide Area Grid architecture resources, middleware, etc. 2007 Implement and deploy the Wide Area Grid Experiment the Wide Area Grid Paul Kopp – WGISS 21

8 Thoughts? Paul Kopp – WGISS 21

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