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anthrop means human; man; humanity

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Presentation on theme: "anthrop means human; man; humanity"— Presentation transcript:

1 anthrop means human; man; humanity
Child-friendly definitions misanthrope: a person who does not like other people. philanthropy: giving money to people who need it, without wanting anything in return. anthropoid: something that looks similar to man. Sentences The old man was a misanthrope who surrounded his entire garden with barbed wire to keep his neighbours at bay. During the ceremony, the generous celebrity received an award for her philanthropy. While visiting the zoo, we watched a monkey peal a banana in such an anthropoid way. Other notes (add your own in too!) References and official stuff For any further etymological knowledge you wish to discover about these words, you can, for free, at It’s a truly brilliant resource. Definitions sourced from another free website, All images are sourced from which means they are free of copyright and royalties. This means they can be freely downloaded, modified, and distributed. The downside is that there isn’t anywhere near as many images available than on Google Images. You can probably tell which words in this resource had limited images available! Sentences have often been picked from yet another resource freely available: misanthrope philanthropy anthropoid

2 auto means self autograph automobile autobiography
Child-friendly definitions autograph: the signature of someone famous which is specially written for a fan to keep. automobile: a car. autobiography: an account of your life, which you write yourself. Sentences Andy Murray seized the pen and scrawled his autograph across a young fan’s oversized tennis ball. The sleek, powerful automobile cruised down the motorway, its wheels spraying the water behind it. It was interesting to listen to the actress share a memory she had included in her autobiography. Other notes (add your own in too!) References and official stuff For any further etymological knowledge you wish to discover about these words, you can, for free, at It’s a truly brilliant resource. Definitions sourced from another free website, All images are sourced from which means they are free of copyright and royalties. This means they can be freely downloaded, modified, and distributed. The downside is that there isn’t anywhere near as many images available than on Google Images. You can probably tell which words in this resource had limited images available! Sentences have often been picked from yet another resource freely available: autograph automobile autobiography

3 bio means life biography biology biosphere Child-friendly definitions
biography: an account of someone’s life, written by someone else. biology: the science which studies living things. biosphere: the part of the earth’s surface and atmosphere where there are living things. Sentences The popular author will recount the singer’s upbringing in a biography. In biology lessons, we studied the human body and how it works. The moon does not contain a biosphere, which is why there is no water, plants, or known living creatures. Other notes (add your own in too!) References and official stuff For any further etymological knowledge you wish to discover about these words, you can, for free, at It’s a truly brilliant resource. Definitions sourced from another free website, All images are sourced from which means they are free of copyright and royalties. This means they can be freely downloaded, modified, and distributed. The downside is that there isn’t anywhere near as many images available than on Google Images. You can probably tell which words in this resource had limited images available! Sentences have often been picked from yet another resource freely available: biography biology biosphere

4 chron means time chronic chronological synchronise
Child-friendly definitions chronic: (1) an illness or disability which lasts for a very long time. (2) you can describe someone’s bad habits or behaviour as chronic when they have behaved like that for a long time. (3) a very severe and unpleasant situation or problem. chronological: things described or shown in the order in which they happened. synchronise: to cause two activities, processes, or movements to happen at the same time and speed as each other. Sentences For three months, I’ve had a chronic headache. The student, who was intrigued by history, arranged the events into chronological order. In order to perfectly synchronise their movements, the swimmers rehearsed daily. Other notes (add your own in too!) Could compare ‘chronic’ to ’acute’. References and official stuff For any further etymological knowledge you wish to discover about these words, you can, for free, at It’s a truly brilliant resource. Definitions sourced from another free website, All images are sourced from which means they are free of copyright and royalties. This means they can be freely downloaded, modified, and distributed. The downside is that there isn’t anywhere near as many images available than on Google Images. You can probably tell which words in this resource had limited images available! Sentences have often been picked from yet another resource freely available: chronic chronological synchronise

5 dyna means power dynamite aerodynamic dynasty
Child-friendly definitions dynamite: a type of powerful explosive. aerodynamic: if something such as a car has an aerodynamic shape or design, it goes faster and uses less fuel than other cars because the air passes over it more easily. dynasty: a series of rulers of a country who belong to the same family. Sentences Dynamite was used to demolish the dilapidated hotel, so that a newer model could be built. The Concorde was able to achieve such high speeds party due to its aerodynamic shape. The dynasty came to an end when the pharaoh’s only son died without an heir. Other notes (add your own in too!) References and official stuff For any further etymological knowledge you wish to discover about these words, you can, for free, at It’s a truly brilliant resource. Definitions sourced from another free website, All images are sourced from which means they are free of copyright and royalties. This means they can be freely downloaded, modified, and distributed. The downside is that there isn’t anywhere near as many images available than on Google Images. You can probably tell which words in this resource had limited images available! Sentences have often been picked from yet another resource freely available: dynamite aerodynamic dynasty

6 dys means bad; hard; unlucky
Child-friendly definitions dysfunctional: to describe relationships or behaviour which are different from what is considered to be normal. dyslexia: difficulty reading because of a slight problem in their brain. dysentery: an infection which affects a person’s intestines, causing some unpleasant symptoms. Sentences The dysfunctional tap refused to give even a single drop despite Tom ferociously turning. After lots of hard work, the girl was in a better position to deal with her dyslexia. The sailor’s severe stomach pains soon alerted her to a possible dysentery infection. Other notes (add your own in too!) Wasn’t entirely sure about dysentery here. Take it out if you wish. Suppose it links in with a few popular topics. References and official stuff For any further etymological knowledge you wish to discover about these words, you can, for free, at It’s a truly brilliant resource. Definitions sourced from another free website, All images are sourced from which means they are free of copyright and royalties. This means they can be freely downloaded, modified, and distributed. The downside is that there isn’t anywhere near as many images available than on Google Images. You can probably tell which words in this resource had limited images available! Sentences have often been picked from yet another resource freely available: dysfunctional dyslexia dysentery

7 gram means thing written
Child-friendly definitions diagram: a simple drawing to explain how something works. grammar: the ways that words can be put together in order to make sentences. telegram: a message sent by telegraph and then printed and delivered to someone’s home or office. Sentences The children sat with perplexed faces, so the teacher drew a diagram to help. Using a purple pen, Katie read through her writing and correct her grammar mistakes. The telegram was delivered early this morning. Other notes (add your own in too!) Based on what they know from gram, tele, and graph, could students deduce what a telegraph is? References and official stuff For any further etymological knowledge you wish to discover about these words, you can, for free, at It’s a truly brilliant resource. Definitions sourced from another free website, All images are sourced from which means they are free of copyright and royalties. This means they can be freely downloaded, modified, and distributed. The downside is that there isn’t anywhere near as many images available than on Google Images. You can probably tell which words in this resource had limited images available! Sentences have often been picked from yet another resource freely available: diagram grammar telegram

8 graph means writing autograph graphic graphite
Child-friendly definitions autograph: the signature of someone famous which is specially written for a fan to keep. graphic: (1) a clear and detailed description of something. (2) drawing or pictures. graphite: a soft black material that is used in pencils and electrical equipment. Sentences Andy Murray seized the pen and scrawled his autograph across a young fan’s oversized tennis ball. Dad insisted describing his operation in graphic detail while we were eating lunch. As paper met graphite, the words began to flow. Other notes (add your own in too!) References and official stuff For any further etymological knowledge you wish to discover about these words, you can, for free, at It’s a truly brilliant resource. Definitions sourced from another free website, All images are sourced from which means they are free of copyright and royalties. This means they can be freely downloaded, modified, and distributed. The downside is that there isn’t anywhere near as many images available than on Google Images. You can probably tell which words in this resource had limited images available! Sentences have often been picked from yet another resource freely available: autograph graphic graphite

9 hydr means water hydrate hydrant hydraulic Child-friendly definitions
hydrate: to give something water. hydrant: a pipe connected to a water source from which water can be accessed for water when fighting fires. hydraulic: equipment or machinery which is operated by a fluid that is under pressure, such as water or oil. Sentences Exhausted, the runner gulped down an entire bottle of water to hydrate himself. Water had to be ferried from the nearest hydrant to help extinguish the fire. The workers used hydraulic power to pressure wash the car. Other notes (add your own in too!) References and official stuff For any further etymological knowledge you wish to discover about these words, you can, for free, at It’s a truly brilliant resource. Definitions sourced from another free website, All images are sourced from which means they are free of copyright and royalties. This means they can be freely downloaded, modified, and distributed. The downside is that there isn’t anywhere near as many images available than on Google Images. You can probably tell which words in this resource had limited images available! Sentences have often been picked from yet another resource freely available: hydrate hydrant hydraulic

10 hypo means below; beneath
Child-friendly definitions hypothesis: an idea which is suggested as a possible explanation for a particular situation, but which has not yet been proved correct. hypodermic: injected beneath the skin. hypocrisy: to pretend to have qualities, beliefs, or feelings that you do not really have. Sentences Each student gave a hypothesis and theorised which plant would grow the tallest during the study. Hypodermic needles are used to place medications under skin tissue. Although Craig tried to seem sincere in congratulating her opponent, there was a lot of hypocrisy in his words. Other notes (add your own in too!) Link the ‘derm’ in hypodermic with skin. References and official stuff For any further etymological knowledge you wish to discover about these words, you can, for free, at It’s a truly brilliant resource. Definitions sourced from another free website, All images are sourced from which means they are free of copyright and royalties. This means they can be freely downloaded, modified, and distributed. The downside is that there isn’t anywhere near as many images available than on Google Images. You can probably tell which words in this resource had limited images available! Sentences have often been picked from yet another resource freely available: hypothesis hypodermic hypocrisy

11 logy means study of psychology archaeology meteorology
Child-friendly definitions psychology: the study of the human mind and the reasons for people’s behaviour. archaeology: the study of the past by examining their remains. meteorology: the study of the weather. Sentences Studying psychology helped the teacher better understand the minds of her students. After spending three years training in archaeology, Helen was able to correctly identify which era the strange artefact was from. A team of skilled weather experts to investigate the island’s meteorology. Other notes (add your own in too!) Link meteorology to the French for ’weather’, which is météo. References and official stuff For any further etymological knowledge you wish to discover about these words, you can, for free, at It’s a truly brilliant resource. Definitions sourced from another free website, All images are sourced from which means they are free of copyright and royalties. This means they can be freely downloaded, modified, and distributed. The downside is that there isn’t anywhere near as many images available than on Google Images. You can probably tell which words in this resource had limited images available! Sentences have often been picked from yet another resource freely available: psychology archaeology meteorology

12 meter / metr means measure
Child-friendly definitions perimeter: the distance around the outside edge of a shape. symmetrical: something that has two halves which are exactly the same, except that one half is the mirror image of the other. thermometer: an instrument for measuring temperature. Sentences The fence around my house identifies the perimeter of my property. The resplendent butterfly glided through the room, its orange and black patterned wins symmetrical. A thermometer was placed inside the pool to keep track of how warm the water is. Other notes (add your own in too!) References and official stuff For any further etymological knowledge you wish to discover about these words, you can, for free, at It’s a truly brilliant resource. Definitions sourced from another free website, All images are sourced from which means they are free of copyright and royalties. This means they can be freely downloaded, modified, and distributed. The downside is that there isn’t anywhere near as many images available than on Google Images. You can probably tell which words in this resource had limited images available! Sentences have often been picked from yet another resource freely available: perimeter symmetrical thermometer

13 micro means small microphone microscope microscopic
Child-friendly definitions microphone: a device used to make sounds louder, or to record them on a tape recorder. microscope: a scientific instrument which makes very small objects look bigger so that more detail can be seen. microscopic: objects that are extremely small, and usually can be seen only through a microscope. Sentences The energetic singer held the microphone close to his adoring fans. We used a microscope to see tiny objects that are too small for the naked eye. Police were able to trace the criminal after they found a microscopic fleck of blood on the wall. Other notes (add your own in too!) References and official stuff For any further etymological knowledge you wish to discover about these words, you can, for free, at It’s a truly brilliant resource. Definitions sourced from another free website, All images are sourced from which means they are free of copyright and royalties. This means they can be freely downloaded, modified, and distributed. The downside is that there isn’t anywhere near as many images available than on Google Images. You can probably tell which words in this resource had limited images available! Sentences have often been picked from yet another resource freely available: microphone microscope microscopic

14 mis / miso means hate misanthrope misogelastic misodoctakleidist
Type equation here. Child-friendly definitions misanthrope: a person who does not like other people. misodoctakleidist: a person who hates practising on the piano. misogelastic: a person who hates laughter. Sentences The old man was a misanthrope who surrounded his entire garden with barbed wire to keep his neighbours at bay. The misodoctakleidist slammed the lid of the piano down in frustration. You wouldn’t find a misogelastic at a comedy gig. Other notes (add your own in too!) I’ve just added two funny ones on this one! ‘Misogamy’ and ‘misogynist’ might be appropriate to add in for secondary pupils. References and official stuff For any further etymological knowledge you wish to discover about these words, you can, for free, at It’s a truly brilliant resource. Definitions sourced from another free website, All images are sourced from which means they are free of copyright and royalties. This means they can be freely downloaded, modified, and distributed. The downside is that there isn’t anywhere near as many images available than on Google Images. You can probably tell which words in this resource had limited images available! Sentences have often been picked from yet another resource freely available: misanthrope misogelastic misodoctakleidist

15 mono means one monocle monopoly monolith Child-friendly definitions
monocle: a glass lens which people wore in front of one eye to improve their sight in that eye. monopoly: a company or person that has complete control over something, so that it’s impossible for others to become involved in it. monolith: a very large, standing straight up piece of stone, especially one that was put in place in ancient times. Sentences When the old man wanted to look at something small, he would hold his monocle up to one of his eyes. The local telecommunications company has a monopoly on high speed Internet because it offers the only web access in town. The ancient monolith was a monster standing in the field. Other notes (add your own in too!) References and official stuff For any further etymological knowledge you wish to discover about these words, you can, for free, at It’s a truly brilliant resource. Definitions sourced from another free website, All images are sourced from which means they are free of copyright and royalties. This means they can be freely downloaded, modified, and distributed. The downside is that there isn’t anywhere near as many images available than on Google Images. You can probably tell which words in this resource had limited images available! Sentences have often been picked from yet another resource freely available: monocle monopoly monolith

16 nym means name fake anonymous pseudonym eponym
Child-friendly definitions anonymous: if you remain anonymous when you do something, you do not let people know that you were the person who did it. pseudonym: a name which someone, usually a writer, uses instead of their real name. eponym: a noun named after a person. Sentences After being provided with an anonymous tip, detectives were in a better position to pursue the perpetrator. He used a pseudonym to avoid his true identity being revealed. Because Caesar Cardini put together the first Caesar salad, he is credited with being the eponym of the dish. Other notes (add your own in too!) References and official stuff For any further etymological knowledge you wish to discover about these words, you can, for free, at It’s a truly brilliant resource. Definitions sourced from another free website, All images are sourced from which means they are free of copyright and royalties. This means they can be freely downloaded, modified, and distributed. The downside is that there isn’t anywhere near as many images available than on Google Images. You can probably tell which words in this resource had limited images available! Sentences have often been picked from yet another resource freely available: anonymous pseudonym eponym

17 morph means form; shape
Child-friendly definitions metamorphosis: when a person or thing develops and changes into something completely different. amorphous: something that has no clear shape or structure. anthropomorphic: an animal, a god, or an object has feelings or features like those of a human being. Sentences During its metamorphosis, the caterpillar becomes a butterfly. It is impossible to see a shape in the large amorphous cloud floating above our house. The boy’s favorite cartoon stars an anthropomorphic cat who talks and walks like a person. Other notes (add your own in too!) I saw this on Google, and decided on the image above: “an amorphous grey mass which proved to be mashed potato”. References and official stuff For any further etymological knowledge you wish to discover about these words, you can, for free, at It’s a truly brilliant resource. Definitions sourced from another free website, All images are sourced from which means they are free of copyright and royalties. This means they can be freely downloaded, modified, and distributed. The downside is that there isn’t anywhere near as many images available than on Google Images. You can probably tell which words in this resource had limited images available! Sentences have often been picked from yet another resource freely available: metamorphosis anthropomorphic amorphous

18 phil means love bibliophile philosophy philanthropy
Child-friendly definitions bibliophile: a lover of books. philosophy: the love and pursuit of wisdom through reasoning. philanthropy: giving money to people who need it, without wanting anything in return. Sentences Jason is a bibliophile who reads at least four books every day. Live life to the full, that’s my philosophy. During the ceremony, the generous celebrity received an award for her philanthropy. Other notes (add your own in too!) References and official stuff For any further etymological knowledge you wish to discover about these words, you can, for free, at It’s a truly brilliant resource. Definitions sourced from another free website, All images are sourced from which means they are free of copyright and royalties. This means they can be freely downloaded, modified, and distributed. The downside is that there isn’t anywhere near as many images available than on Google Images. You can probably tell which words in this resource had limited images available! Sentences have often been picked from yet another resource freely available: bibliophile philosophy philanthropy

19 phobia means fear claustrophobia arachnophobia agoraphobia
Child-friendly definitions claustrophobia: the fear of small or enclosed spaces. agoraphobia: the fear of open or public spaces. arachnophobia: the fear of spiders. Sentences Elevators are not ideal places for a person with claustrophobia to step into. While being bumped around in the crowds, the man had to leave due to his agoraphobia. The sight of a large, hairy tarantula sent her arachnophobia into overdrive. Other notes (add your own in too!) Plenty to choose from here. Worth noting that ’phobia’ is a standalone word in itself. References and official stuff For any further etymological knowledge you wish to discover about these words, you can, for free, at It’s a truly brilliant resource. Definitions sourced from another free website, All images are sourced from which means they are free of copyright and royalties. This means they can be freely downloaded, modified, and distributed. The downside is that there isn’t anywhere near as many images available than on Google Images. You can probably tell which words in this resource had limited images available! Sentences have often been picked from yet another resource freely available: claustrophobia arachnophobia agoraphobia

20 phon means sound telephone symphony cacophony
Child-friendly definitions telephone: the electrical system of communication that you use to talk directly to someone else in a different place. symphony: a piece of music written to be played by an orchestra. cacophony: a loud, unpleasant mixture of sounds. Sentences They had just put on their winter clothes when the telephone rang. A symphony composed by Beethoven is likely to be popular. When the actor walked into the theater, there was a cacophony of screams from the reporters. Other notes (add your own in too!) References and official stuff For any further etymological knowledge you wish to discover about these words, you can, for free, at It’s a truly brilliant resource. Definitions sourced from another free website, All images are sourced from which means they are free of copyright and royalties. This means they can be freely downloaded, modified, and distributed. The downside is that there isn’t anywhere near as many images available than on Google Images. You can probably tell which words in this resource had limited images available! Sentences have often been picked from yet another resource freely available: telephone symphony cacophony

21 photo / phos means light
Child-friendly definitions photograph: a picture made using a camera. photographer: someone who takes photographs as a job or hobby. photosynthesis: the way that green plants make their food using sunlight. Sentences At the wedding, the defining moment was immortalised in a photograph. Every newspaper photographer was at the crime scene so they could publish pictures of it in their newspaper for the world to see. If not for photosynthesis, plants would perish from a lack of nutrients. Other notes (add your own in too!) References and official stuff For any further etymological knowledge you wish to discover about these words, you can, for free, at It’s a truly brilliant resource. Definitions sourced from another free website, All images are sourced from which means they are free of copyright and royalties. This means they can be freely downloaded, modified, and distributed. The downside is that there isn’t anywhere near as many images available than on Google Images. You can probably tell which words in this resource had limited images available! Sentences have often been picked from yet another resource freely available: photosynthesis photograph photographer

22 pseudo means false fake fake fake pseudonym pseudograph pseudoscience
Child-friendly definitions pseudonym: a name which someone, usually a writer, uses instead of their real name. pseudoscience: a fake or false science that makes claims based on little or no scientific evidence.  pseudograph: a piece of writing that is false. Sentences He used a pseudonym to avoid his true identity being revealed. Feng-shui is highly regarded in China, but considered pseudoscience because of its superstitious elements. The criminal approached the airport passport checking station with a pseudograph clenched within his hands. Other notes (add your own in too!) This was a difficult one to find images for, so I had to improvise. I think children would have a lot of fun creating their own pseudonyms, or including a pseudograph in a piece of writing. Well known pseudonyms, or pennames when referring to an author, include Robert Galbraith (J.K. Rowling), Malcolm X (Malcolm Little), and Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama). References and official stuff For any further etymological knowledge you wish to discover about these words, you can, for free, at It’s a truly brilliant resource. Definitions sourced from another free website, All images are sourced from which means they are free of copyright and royalties. This means they can be freely downloaded, modified, and distributed. The downside is that there isn’t anywhere near as many images available than on Google Images. You can probably tell which words in this resource had limited images available! Sentences have often been picked from yet another resource freely available: pseudonym pseudograph pseudoscience

23 psycho means soul; spirit
Child-friendly definitions psychology: the study of the human mind and the reasons for people’s behaviour. Sentences Studying psychology helped the teacher better understand the minds of her students. Other notes (add your own in too!) Other options for this slide were ’psychopath’, ‘pschosis’, and ‘psychoanalysis’. If you can find an appropriate picture, go for it! References and official stuff For any further etymological knowledge you wish to discover about these words, you can, for free, at It’s a truly brilliant resource. Definitions sourced from another free website, All images are sourced from which means they are free of copyright and royalties. This means they can be freely downloaded, modified, and distributed. The downside is that there isn’t anywhere near as many images available than on Google Images. You can probably tell which words in this resource had limited images available! Sentences have often been picked from yet another resource freely available: psychology

24 scope means viewing instrument
Child-friendly definitions microscope: a scientific instrument which makes very small objects look bigger so that more detail can be seen. periscope: a vertical tube which people inside submarines can look through to see above the surface of the water. telescope: an instrument used to make things that are very far away seem larger and nearer when you look through it. Sentences We used a microscope to see tiny objects that are too small for the naked eye. Although the soldier was positioned in a ditch, he was able to use a periscope to observe the enemy camp above ground. She peered through the telescope at the vast array of constellations above. Other notes (add your own in too!) References and official stuff For any further etymological knowledge you wish to discover about these words, you can, for free, at It’s a truly brilliant resource. Definitions sourced from another free website, All images are sourced from which means they are free of copyright and royalties. This means they can be freely downloaded, modified, and distributed. The downside is that there isn’t anywhere near as many images available than on Google Images. You can probably tell which words in this resource had limited images available! Sentences have often been picked from yet another resource freely available: microscope periscope telescope

25 tech / techno means art; science; skill
Child-friendly definitions technique: a particular method of doing an activity, usually involving practical skills. technician: someone whose job involves practical skilled work with scientific equipment. technology: scientific knowledge being used for practical purposes. Sentences Jamie used a different problem-solving technique than his sister, but she still got the same answer. A pharmacy technician assists in measuring and crafting prescriptions to each patient's order. Improvements in technology mean that students are now able to solve advanced maths problems on calculators. Other notes (add your own in too!) References and official stuff For any further etymological knowledge you wish to discover about these words, you can, for free, at It’s a truly brilliant resource. Definitions sourced from another free website, All images are sourced from which means they are free of copyright and royalties. This means they can be freely downloaded, modified, and distributed. The downside is that there isn’t anywhere near as many images available than on Google Images. You can probably tell which words in this resource had limited images available! Sentences have often been picked from yet another resource freely available: technique technician technology

26 tele means sound telephone television telepathic
Child-friendly definitions telephone: the electrical system of communication that you use to talk directly to someone else in a different place. television: sending pictures and sounds by electrical signals over a distance so that people can receive them on a television (electrical equipment consisting of a box and a glass screen) in their homes. telepathic: possessing mental powers which cannot be explained by science, such as being able to communicate with other people’s minds. Sentences They had just put on their winter clothes when the telephone rang. The children sat on the plush sofa watching cartoons on the television. Many people believe twins are telepathic and can talk to each other without speaking. Other notes (add your own in too!) References and official stuff For any further etymological knowledge you wish to discover about these words, you can, for free, at It’s a truly brilliant resource. Definitions sourced from another free website, All images are sourced from which means they are free of copyright and royalties. This means they can be freely downloaded, modified, and distributed. The downside is that there isn’t anywhere near as many images available than on Google Images. You can probably tell which words in this resource had limited images available! Sentences have often been picked from yet another resource freely available: telephone television telepathic

27 therm means heat thermometer thermal Thermos
Child-friendly definitions thermometer: an instrument for measuring temperature. thermal: relating to or caused by heat or changes in temperature. Thermos: a container which is used to keep hot drinks hot and cold drinks cold. Sentences A thermometer was placed inside the pool to keep track of how warm the water is. Thermal materials were used when building the house to keep the inside of the home warm during the winter. A Thermos is needed for the hike if you want to keep your water cool in the scorching heat. Other notes (add your own in too!) A Thermos has two thin, shiny glass walls with no air between them. References and official stuff For any further etymological knowledge you wish to discover about these words, you can, for free, at It’s a truly brilliant resource. Definitions sourced from another free website, All images are sourced from which means they are free of copyright and royalties. This means they can be freely downloaded, modified, and distributed. The downside is that there isn’t anywhere near as many images available than on Google Images. You can probably tell which words in this resource had limited images available! Sentences have often been picked from yet another resource freely available: thermometer thermal Thermos

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