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Thinking About Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behavior

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Presentation on theme: "Thinking About Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behavior"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thinking About Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behavior
Charles T. Blair-Broeker Randal M. Ernst

2 Emotion Module 12

3 Introduction Module 12: Emotion

4 Emotions Whole-organism responses, involving: Physiological arousal
Expressive behaviors Conscious experience

5 Debates in Emotion Research
Which comes first, physiological arousal or the subjective experience of an emotion? Can we react emotionally before appraising a situation, or does thinking always precede emotion?

6 Theories of Emotion: Historical Approaches
Module 12: Emotion

7 Common Sense Theory Emotion-arousing stimulus leads to a conscious feeling (fear, anger) and a physiological response. Seeing an angry dog triggers feelings of fear and physical responses such as trembling.

8 James-Lange Theory An emotion-arousing stimulus in the environment triggers a physiological reaction. Our awareness of the physiological reaction leads to our experience of an emotion.




12 Cannon-Bard Theory An emotion-arousing stimulus simultaneously triggers both a physiological response and the experience of an emotion.



15 Theories of Emotion: Cognition and Emotion
Module 12: Emotion

16 Cognitive Appraisal One’s thoughts about a situation
How a person interprets a situation in the environment

17 Two-Factor Theory Also called the Schachter-Singer Theory
Emotions involve two factors: A physiological arousal A cognitive label of the arousal Also called the Schachter-Singer Theory




21 Robert Zajonc ( ) Suggested that not all emotions involve deliberate thinking Therefore, cognition is not necessary for all emotions Some emotions skip the thinking part of the brain

22 Paths to Emotional Responses

23 Paths to Emotional Responses

24 Paths to Emotional Responses

25 Richard Lazarus ( ) Believed some emotions do not require conscious thought However, there must be a minimum of unconscious thought.

26 Fear: A Closer Look Module 12: Emotion

27 Autonomic Nervous System
The division of the peripheral nervous system that controls the glands and muscles of the internal organs Monitors the autonomic functions Controls breathing, blood pressure, and digestive processes Divided into the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems

28 Divisions of the Nervous System

29 Sympathetic Nervous System
The part of the autonomic nervous system that arouses the body to deal with perceived threats Fight or flight response

30 Divisions of the Nervous System

31 Parasympathetic Nervous System
The part of the autonomic nervous system that calms the body Brings the body back down to a relaxed state

32 Divisions of the Nervous System

33 Autonomic Nervous System

34 Autonomic Nervous System

35 Autonomic Nervous System

36 Autonomic Nervous System

37 Autonomic Nervous System

38 Autonomic Nervous System

39 Autonomic Nervous System

40 The Expression of Emotion: Nonverbal Communication
Module 12: Emotion

41 Nonverbal Communication
Communicating feelings without words: --Facial expressions Tone of voice Hand gestures Also called “body language”

42 The Expression of Emotion: Gender and Cultural Effects on Emotion
Module 12: Emotion

43 Gender Effects Women are better at reading nonverbal communication of emotions. Women tend to express emotions more than men do.

44 Display Rules The cultural rules governing how and when a person may express emotion Rules greatly vary from culture to culture.

45 Facial Expressions Paul Ekman studied facial expressions in an attempt to determine if they are inborn or culturally based.

46 Which Baby is Which? Anger, Disgust, Fear, Interest, Joy, Surprise, Sadness

47 Joy Anger Interest Disgust Surprise Sadness Fear Which Baby is Which? Anger, Disgust, Fear, Interest, Joy, Surprise, Sadness

48 Ekman’s Facial Expression Study
Insert “Ekman’s Studies on Facial Expression of Emotion” Video #28 from Worth’s Digital Media Archive for Psychology. Instructions for importing the video file can be found in the ‘Readme’ file on the CD-ROM.

49 The End

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