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Design and Layout (part one)

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1 Design and Layout (part one)
Elements of Art - Value (Drawing Concepts) Multimedia - Photoshop

Performance Standard 5.1: Identify and Apply the Elements of Art Pacing Guide: S1 Unit 7 - Elements of Digital Photographic Design 7A: Teach students to identify, record and use art elements. Students to explore, analyze, and talk about what they see in the physical world and how to describe their own digital art creations. Objective: Identify and use the art element Value. Explore, analyze, and talk about how they appear in the physical world and describe their use in your own digital art creations.

3 What Are They? The Elements of Art are fundamental ideas about the practice of good visual design. An element of art is simply a component, like a tool, that the artist uses to accomplish what he/she sets out to create. The parts that provide structure to a piece include: Line Shape / Form Value Space / Perspective Texture Color

4 Elements of Art Vocabulary Line Shape / Form Value Space / Perspective
Texture Color

5 Value

6 Value Value The relative degree of light and dark in a design, contrast between black and white. Value is created by a light source that shines on an object creating highlights and shadows.  It creates depth within a picture.

7 Example: Value How is Value being used in these pictures?

8 Concept Review Line Shape Form Value Describes a shape or outline.
Tells the eye where to look. Group related objects and divide unrelated objects. Shape An enclosed space with defined boundaries. Shape implies two-dimensions: length and width Form Form has depth, length, and width and is perceived as three-dimensional. Value The relative lightness or darkness of color Contrast

9 ASSIGNMENT PS Setting Up The Workspace
Open the Line, Shape, Form and Value document Decide on a form to create, then decide on the type of shadowing you want to use. Be sure Fill is turned off in the Options Bar and that you are using a Stroke color that is different from your background color. Typically, light, medium and dark tones of the same shade are used to create value (highlights) within a form. Shadowing is used to create value outside of a form. NOTE: It is easiest to create Value if you have a multi-surfaced form (cube, triangle, cylinder or custom shape of your making)

10 ASSIGNMENT Creating Value in Photoshop CS6
Create New Layers for each of your Forms Layer > New > Layer Verify the correct layer is highlighted while you are drawing. Use the Pen Tool, Pencil, Brush and / or the Shape tools to create your artwork

11 ASSIGNMENT Creating Value in Photoshop CS6
EXAMPLE: Form Form with Lighting Form with Shadow


13 Creating Complex Shapes in Photoshop CS6
Select different shape tools and overlap your individual shapes on the same layer. Hold Shift (keep holding) and click the first layer you drew a shape on, then click the last layer you drew a shape on. This will activate (select) each of the layers.

14 Creating Complex Shapes in Photoshop CS6
Select Layer > Combine Shapes > Unite Shapes. The selected layers in the Layers panel will merge to create one layer with your complex shape.

15 Creating Complex Forms in Photoshop CS6
You can now use this Shape to create a Form: Duplicate the layer containing your complex shape. Layer > Duplicate Layer

16 Creating Complex Forms in Photoshop CS6
Change the Fill color of the copied shape. Select a color to use and click the Paint Bucket tool You will see a message asking you to rasterize the image. Click Yes. Using the Move tool, position the shapes so that one shadows the other.

17 Assignment PS Line, Shape, Form and Value
Save your design as Line, Shape, Form, and Value Practice explaining your artwork For instance, the characteristics of Line and Shape that you used. How did you create Form and Value? Be prepared to present your artwork to the class and explain how your piece demonstrates Line, Shape, Form, and Value. It does not have to be perfect. Share what you have.

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