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Synergy Program for Front-End, Electronics, Data Acquisition & Control

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1 Synergy Program for Front-End, Electronics, Data Acquisition & Control
JRA 30 Synergy Program for Front-End, Electronics, Data Acquisition & Control SGFDC for Nuclear Physics KVI, STFC Daresbury, GSI/FAIR,LEGNARO/ALPI, CEA Saclay, Univ. Huelva, GANIL/SPIRAL2 (Eng + Phys) Laying groundwork over the last two years To pool resources for a common strategy towards the next generation Electronics Systems Site at GSI under Synergy Group Emanuel Pollacco CEA Saclay

2 A simple view of a SYSTEM
DET FEE Board ASICs ADC FPGA DSP Optic Transfer Switching DAQ Run, Data, Instrument Control Store A simple view of a SYSTEM SOFT - HARD

3 Emanuel Pollacco CEA Saclay
CORE ACTIVITIES JRA 30 TASKS Networking JRA Systems Study ASIC development R&D ASIC/ADC Interface Data Acquisition Time-Stamping Control & Optimization Networking Assemble the Euro. Nucl. Phys. Community towards : A study of available resources. Study of the next generation FEE+DAQ. Develop Euro strategy. Information diffusing, educ. (Master, PhD), … Future of the field JRA To design & build a demonstrator that will employ the capacities of the community to work collectively – Resources & Needs exercise. NOT a Universal System Emanuel Pollacco CEA Saclay

4 Emanuel Pollacco CEA Saclay
AN INNOVATIVE PROGRAM JRA 30 System Attributes Employing a User-Centered Design Modular, Generic, Portable FEE Scalable Automated Calibration & Control Adaptive intelligent system control Future Proofing ASIC  AGIC (S: Specific, G: General) Advanced µ-electronics architecture.  Single configuration for:- Si based device, - TPC, - EM-Calorimeters, Neutron detection. Small/Large Labs/Instr. Adaptive Intelligent System Control Study of sensors /µ-electronics architecture,  control theory, …  instrument stabilised / optimised response pulse shape, ... ASIC: Application Specific Integrated Circuits Emanuel Pollacco CEA Saclay

5 Benefits to EU Nucl. Structure Physics & EU Programs
GSI HYDE EXL R3B Elise Chrystal Ball LAND GANIL FAZIA GASPARD PARIS S3 VAMOS & SPEG LEGNARO AGATA Ancillary PRISMA KVI BIG BITE TNA TNA 1 – GSI/NUSTAR TNA 3 – GANIL/SPIRAL TNA 5 - LEGNARO TNA 7 - KVI TNA 2 - Jyväskylä TNA 4 - Louvain-la-Neuve TNA 8 - ISOLDE Servicing Infrastructure JRA – AGATA Ancillary – Calorimeters (PARIS, EXL, R3B, GASPARD) – Beam Tracking – Si devices – DPS-FA – FAZIA – ECOS – TPC & NACTAR (NA10) – EXID – Slow & Fast & neutrons Transverse program Discussed Synergy Benefit To be discussed Emanuel Pollacco CEA Saclay

6 Emanuel Pollacco CEA Saclay
Principle JRA task Participating Institutions Labs below will contribute ~75% of FTE required CEA Saclay, France GANIL, France (PhD students) GSI, Darmstadt, Germany (PhD students) Huelva University , Spain (PhD students) INFN (Legnaro & Milan), Italy (PhD students) KVI, The Netherlands (PhD students) STFC Daresbury and Rutherford Labs, England European Indust. (eg: IBM, CAEN, Photonics …) – under study Training - PhD Servicing TNA Key Phrases Rally the Euro. Nucl. Phys. Community. Study & build the Next Generation Demonstrator for Nuclear Physics. Emanuel Pollacco CEA Saclay

7 Synergy Group for Front-End Electronics and Data Acquisition (SGFD)
Scope: The idea of a SGFD has been developed during common meetings of people working on front-end electronics and data acquisition within SPIRAL2, NUSTAR/FAIR and LEGNARO. The synergistic approach offers some significant benefits: It overcomes problems caused by the limited capacities and scarce expertise in the field of ASIC development and manufacturing for nuclear physics applications. It provides the strongly overlapping user communities with common user interfaces and data structures for DAQ systems and controls. It makes the most effective use of the limit scientific and engineering manpower dedicated to DAQ and controls tasks. With this letter, we approach the boards of the above listed collaborations and facilities to formally establish a SGFD and to provide the SGFD with the mandate to recommend areas of R&D to the various working groups on instrumentation. The SGFD will seek to establish the necessary organization for the implementation of this common R&D. In addition, SGFD will seek and recommend common technological solutions in the areas of front-end electronics and data acquisition. To allow for a functional group, the members are expected to perform studies and development.

8 Specifications for Energy, Charge, Time and Pulse Shape Measurement
JRA 30 Specifications for Energy, Charge, Time and Pulse Shape Measurement Signal bandwidth Energy/Charge Dynamic Range Energy/Charge/Time resolution Rate/channel min-max Sampling Rate Time resolution SNOB Signal processing requirements Environmental requirements Trigger requirements Emanel Pollacco CEA Saclay

9 General Purpose Signal Treatment Card : GEPSET
ASIC A D C FPGA PC or PC Farm Optic Link XXX-Fast FPGA Pulse hight, Q integration Time Pulse shape PMT, APD, PD (g, n, cp) Si(Li), DSSD, IC (cp: highly segmented devicses) TPC(GEM, Micomegas, …), Emanuel POLLACCO CEA Saclay

10 General Purpose Signal Treatment Card : GEPSET
ASIC FPGA C D A Optic Link GEPSET C O N E T A R C&C D E T C O R S ASIC FPGA C D A Optic Link GEPSET D E T C O R S Data Filter C&C D E T C O R S ASIC FPGA C D A Optic Link GEPSET Event Builder Fast Selective read-out Dynamic Trigger Time-stamp Emanuel POLLACCO CEA Saclay

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