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Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

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1 Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
Home of the Golden Lions Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports You’re gonna hear us R.O.A.R.! Secondary Style at Shelby High School

2 Shelby High is . . . 800 (+/-) students total 62 teachers 4 Principals
3 Guidance Counselors 1 Freshman Academy Director 1 Technology Specialist 1 Media Specialist 4 Teacher’s Assistants ________________________________________________ 13% African-American 83% White 3% Multi-racial 1% Other 800 (+/-) students total 48% African-American 40% White 7% Multi-racial 3.5% Hispanic 1.5% Asian _________________________________________ 63% free or reduced lunch 12% E.C. students



5 Attendance

6 In-School Suspensions

7 Out of School Suspensions

8 2009 – 2010 Principal selects six teachers and one administrator to investigate PBIS for Shelby High. Spring: The team visits Triton H. S. in Erwin, N.C. and presents information to faculty. Faculty votes by secret ballot and approves implementation with 93%. Summer: The team travels to Statesville for Module 1 training. Planning sessions are used to focus team and establish attainable goals for first year of implementation.

9 2010 – 2011 Planning for Implementation
The team meets in the summer and roles of members are assigned. Slogan (R.O.A.R.), school-wide matrix of expectations, and rewards for upcoming year are developed. Minor Incident Referrals (MIR’s) and Office Discipline Referrals (ODR’s) are created based on faculty input. Education of faculty, students, and parents (through letters, lesson plans, and instructional videos) is prepared and scheduled.

10 Accept Responsibility
Behavior Matrix Respect Others Accept Responsibility CLASSROOM Treat yourself and others with kindness Talk only at appropriate times Use appropriate language, tone, and volume Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself Leave room and materials ready for next class Be on time and prepared Listen to all instructions Complete assignments Be engaged and do your best Refrain from eating and drinking HALL Refrain from affectionate displays Keep hallways clean Walk at appropriate pace Stay to the right and keep moving CAFETERIA Wait your turn in line Be considerate and courteous Use good manners Pay for all items Stay seated while eating Leave area clean and neat Recycle and throw away trash Finish all food and drinks before leaving RESTROOM Keep restroom clean Keep walls free of graffiti Keep restroom tobacco and drug free Use restroom in vicinity for its intended purpose Flush toilets and turn off faucets Place all trash in appropriate place

11 Behavior Matrix (continued)
Respect Others Accept Responsibility BUS Treat others and bus driver with kindness Use appropriate language, tone, and volume Take care of bus and school property Sit in assigned seat or area Remain seated Keep food, drinks, and gum off the bus MEDIA CENTER Keep area free of food and drinks Return materials to their proper places or bring them to the front desk Follow Acceptable Use Policy for computers Present pass at front desk upon arrival Return books on time Pay fines on time BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL Wait patiently for halls to open Refrain from affectionate displays Enter and exit premises promptly Stay in designated areas

12 2011 – 2012 Year One of Implementation
Faculty is educated through small-group rotations. MIR’s & ODR’s – purpose and procedure Celebrations – purpose and management Best Practices – PBIS philosophy in the classroom Students are introduced to PBIS through homeroom lessons with videos during first ten days of the year. Team continues to meet monthly to organize and review data. Reward – every 4.5 week / Celebration – every 9 weeks

13 2012 – 2013 Year Two of Implementation
Data is reviewed to adjust parts of the program. New members are added to the team. The team is trained on Modules 2 and 3. Addition of ticket-concept is introduced and modeled for faculty. Celebrations are revised.

14 2013 – 2014 Year of Three of Implementation
Data is used to further revisions. Interventions for those not attending rewards are implemented. A steering committee is established with sub-groups. Parents are added to the team for support and input. A handbook is created and presented to the faculty.

15 Where do we go from here? Students will be added to the team for input and student buy-in. The PBIS philosophy will be introduced to new students and faculty and will be fostered school-wide. Community and corporate partnerships will be developed. Interventions will be provided for students with repeat referrals (mentors, check-in/check-out, college visits, and behavior reflections).

16 Shelby High is . . . Shelby High School
230 E. Dixon Blvd. Shelby, NC 28152

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