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Paul Drumm VC 14th September 2005

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1 Paul Drumm VC 14th September 2005
MICE Project Report Paul Drumm VC 14th September 2005

2 Target Beam Line Technical Scrutiny at the RAL CM
Prototype test in beam in January Readiness review in November Benchmark pi-production vs beam loss Beam Line Optics new rates & beam sizes to be issued to PID group  CM13 Solenoid by CM? Cryogenics – kick-off meeting imminent DAQ / H-S-Review

3 RF Technical Aim single test stand Availability issues with tubes
Test components for two systems Availability issues with tubes ISIS 116 tubes are being ring-fenced for ISIS New 116 tubes available need to buy & fabricate glass in next two years expensive – tube made to order at market price 170 tubes Cern tube – low demand available for ~ next year no plan in place – depends on CERN’s attitude

4 FAC meeting 19th September
Management FAC meeting 19th September AB & PD representing & reporting on MICE Membership: R Wade – Chair, PPARC UK LK Len - Office of High Energy Physics - Washington, DC Randy Ruchti - NSF/eXP Particle Physics, USA Franke Linde (?) - NIKHEF, Netherlands Kenzo Nakamura (x) - KEK-IPNS, Japan A Skrinsky (?) - BINP Plus two (admin) PPARC UK

5 Collaboration Meeting
As of 9am 14th – 25 registered 11 UK XXXXXXXXXXX 9 USA XXXXXXXXX 2 JP XX 1 CH X 1 Italy X 1 Netherlands X Room availability: deadline noon GMT 19th September Thereafter at risk (& more work for debbie )

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