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PROGRAM & POLICY EVALUATION Formative & Process Evaluation

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1 PROGRAM & POLICY EVALUATION Formative & Process Evaluation
CRJS 4466 PROGRAM & POLICY EVALUATION Formative & Process Evaluation Tests Evaluation projects Questions?

2 4. Single System Research Design
SSRD’s developed out of clinical/social work research used with individuals, groups, organizations directed at measuring outcomes, using visual (graphic) presentations a cousin of interrupted time series designs

3 4. Single System Research Design
selecting outcome measures: 1. measurement reliability 2. measurement validity 3. sensitivity to change measures need to be accessible, repeatable measures ideally can be baselined prior to intervention can be used even in needs assessments

4 4. Single System Research Design
notation: A design (baseline only) B design – intervention ABA – baseline, intervention, post-intervention ABAC – (a second intervention) BAB

5 4. Single System Research Design
quasi-experimental, multiple time series designs; E group XXXXXXXXX INT XXXXXXXXXXX C group XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX can be extended to multifactorial designs

6 5. Single System Research Designs – Formative Evaluations
can be employed in existing programs (B phase) to evaluate effectiveness by altering B phase with removal of intervention (A phase) to assess impact of removing on behaviour, alternating A and B to assess effectiveness of intervention

7 6. Single System Research Designs – Quality Assurance
multiple time series designs ABA, and ‘multifactorial designs, as in the textbook example related to assessing days stay in three hospital wards

8 7. Single System Research Designs
summative evaluation experimental designs issues related to external validity – the use of replication use of inferential statistics







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