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Geometry Operations in GAMBIT
Introduction Objective: Terminology:
Create and mesh the fluid region for flow problems and solid regions for heat transfer (and structural analysis for FIDAP Users). Typically accomplished by constructing and working with lower order entity objects and volume primitives. Terminology: Vertex – A point in space. Edge – A curve that is defined by at least 1 vertex (in the case of 1 vertex, the edge forms a loop). Face – A surface (not necessarily planar) bounded by at least 1 edge (except for sphere and torus). Volume – A geometric solid, can be thought of as an air-tight set of connected faces. Lowest order Highest order
Introduction Color by entity Color by connectivity
Vertices and edges are colored according to the highest order entity to which they are connected. Coloring scheme: Vertex: White Edge: Yellow Face: Blue Volume: Green Color by connectivity Vertices and edges are colored according to the number of edges and faces to which they are connected: White: Connected to 0 parent entities Orange: Connected to 1 parent entity Blue: Connected to 2 parent entities Magenta: Connected to 3 or more parent entities
Introduction Undo/Redo: 10 levels of undo by default.
Applies to all geometry, meshing, and zoning commands. Rolling the mouse over any button provides a description of any command. This also applies to the Undo/Redo buttons. Number of undo/redo levels controlled by the variable global.undo.LEVEL Left-click to execute the visible button operation. Right-click to select between undo/redo.
Real, Virtual, and Faceted Geometry
Three kinds of geometry in GAMBIT: Real Defined by the ACIS library of geometry creation/modification routines. Geometry defined by mathematical formulae. Virtual A library of routines (created by FLUENT) which provides additional functionality by redefining the topology. Geometry is defined using references to one or more real entities (referred to as host entities). Faceted geometry Treated like virtual geometry. Derived from importing a mesh or faceted geometry into GAMBIT Two objects that share the same underlying geometry but have different topology.
Coordinate Systems Create coordinate system. Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical are possible with either Offset/Angle or Vertices for location/orientation. Modify a user-created coordinate system. Set the active coordinate system. The selected coordinate system will be used in all panels. Snap vertex creation onto grid (recommended only for simple geometries) Creation of rulers
General Operations – Move/Copy
Move/Copy is available for all geometric entities. Translate Reflect Rotate Scale Vector Plane normal to vector Options: Move connected geometry (Move tool only) Copy mesh and/or zone types (either linked or unlinked)
General Operations – Define Vector
Vector Definition form is used in: Rotate and Reflect (in Move/Copy) Sweep and Revolve (in Edge/Face/Volume Create) Methods: Coordinate system axis Edge 2 Vertices 2 Points Screen View Magnitude option allows size of vector to be defined.
General Operations – Align
The align tool combines one translation and two rotation commands into one tool. Can operate on any geometric entity. It uses vertices on the start and end position to move the object. Method of increased alignment with the use of vertex pairs Connected geometry can be included 1 2 Plane alignment 3 1 3 2 Plane Alignment Translation 2 Rotation 3
Non-Conformal Interface (Faces are not connected)
Connectivity It is very important to understand the concept of connectivity. In order for flow to pass from one face/volume to another, the two entities must be connected. Conformal mesh – Nodes are shared at the interface between entities Non-Conformal mesh – Nodes are not shared at the interface. Conformal Interface (Faces are connected) Non-Conformal Interface (Faces are not connected)
General Operations – Connect
Vertices, edges and faces can be connected. The operation eliminates all duplicate entities and reconnects upper topology. Only entities within the ACIS tolerance will be connected. Existing mesh will be preserved Copy + Translate Connect Edges One Face Two Edges One Edge
General Operations – Disconnect
Vertices, edges and faces can be disconnected The operation recreates duplicate entities and reconnects upper topology Several options exist Edge + vertices Edge only Edge + selected vertex Disconnect Edge + Vertices One edge shared by two faces Two edges (one for each face)
General Operations – Delete
The delete tool can be used to delete any geometry. Lower Geometry option If selected, will delete the selected entity plus any lower order geometry. This option defaults to ON. Will delete the selected entity plus all available lower geometry (that does not belong to another entity). If not selected, the lower order geometry will be retained. Useful for deleting an edge/face/volume for purposes of cleaning up splits in faces and edges. An entity CANNOT be deleted if it is referenced by another higher order entity. A vertex that belongs to an edge, an edge that belongs to a face, etc.
General Operations – Miscellaneous
Summarize/Query/Total Summary of vertex coordinates,lower topology, mesh information, element/node labels, etc. Checks for valid ACIS geometry Query: useful to associate geometric objects with object names Get total number of entities Modify Color/Label Modify entity colors Change entity label
Geometry Creation
Geometry Creation GAMBIT uses the ACIS geometry engine.
Provides tools for bottom-up geometry creation: Vertex creation: From coordinates, grid snap, etc. Edge creation : Straight, vertex sweep/revolve, arc, ellipse, spline, etc. Face creation : Wireframe, edge sweep/revolve, etc. Volume creation : Wireframe, face sweep/revolve, face stitch, etc. Provides tools for top-down geometry creation by: Face creation: Rectangle, circle, ellipse, etc. Volume creation: Brick, cylinder, sphere, etc. Boolean operation: Unite, subtract, intersect Decomposition: Split Geometry creation typically involves use of all tools.
Vertex Creation Commonly used vertex creation methods:
By coordinates (Cartesian, cylindrical, spherical) On edge (if the intent is to split the edge, the edge split tool should be used instead). At the intersection of two edges (resulting vertex is not connected to either edge) Vertex is not connected to either edge At the centroid of an edge/face/volume Project onto an edge Other vertex creation methods are presented in the Appendix On face or volume Read coordinates from data file
Edge Creation – Straight and Arcs
Straight line Multiple edges can be created by selecting multiple vertices. Arc Circle Three vertices on the arc/circle OR Center and two endpoints OR Radius and start/end angles (arc only)
Edge Creation – Vertex Sweep and Revolve
Sweep vertex Select a vertex to sweep. Choose edge or vector option. Revolve vertex Select one or more vertices to rotate Specify angle of revolution Define the axis of revolution using the vector definition form. Input the Height for spiral creation.
Edge Creation – Other Tools
Other edge creation tools are available: Elliptical arc Conic arc Fillet arc Create edge from vertices (NURBS) Project edge(s) onto a face Details on each of these tools can be found in the Appendix.
Face Creation – Wireframe
Creates both real and virtual faces All edges must be connected into a closed loop. Number of edges and pick order are not important. If all edges are coplanar then the face creation is always successful. For non-coplanar edges: A real face will be created if the edges form a convex shape. A planar tolerant face can also be created if the edges are close to being coplanar and within a specified tolerance. 6 coplanar edges Real or virtual face Create real face by wireframe
Face Creation – Wireframe
Real face creation from convex non-coplanar edges Tolerant real face creation from non-coplanar edges (Tolerance is calculated automatically and printed in the transcript window)
Advanced Covering Advanced Covering technology allows construction of new, real geometry based on existing geometry or mesh. Better quality faces result from using existing faces, edges or vertices as guides. Virtual-to-Real conversion is possible using an existing triangular surface mesh on any arbitrarily-shaped single loop face. Face creation without Advanced Covering Face creation with Advanced Covering
Face Creation – Revolve Edge
Revolve Edge (with or without mesh) Using an edge, an angle and an axis definition. Use vectors for definition of the axis. Source edge can intersect the axis. Axis Axis Source edge Rotation Axis and rotation direction determined by right-hand rule Source edge
Face Creation – Sweep Edge
Sweep Edge (with or without mesh) Rigid – edge is translated along sweep path, edge maintains orientation throughout the sweep. Perpendicular – Edge orientation is rotated with the path. Draft and Twist option Be careful not to create degenerate faces Sweep path start tangent vector parallel to edge tangent Path Perpendicular, Draft = 0, ± 30 Rigid Perpendicular, Draft = 0 Perpendicular, Twist = 120 Edge
Face Creation – Other Tools
Other bottom-up face creation tools are available: Parallelogram Polygon Vertex rows Skin Net Details on each of these tools can be found in the Appendix.
Face Primitives Dimensions and Plane/Direction must be specified
Rectangle Circle Ellipse
Volume Creation – Face Stitch
Can create single or multiple volumes from a set of connected faces For a single volume, if a few faces are missing, GAMBIT can automatically find the missing faces. For multiple volumes, any extra faces are discarded. Tolerant volume stitch can create a single volume from disconnected faces with gap(s) within a small tolerance. Tolerance can be Auto or Specified. Real and virtual options are available. Order of picking is not important. Can handle voids and dangling faces. Ten Connected Faces One Volume
Volume Creation – Face Stitch
Single Volume Stitch Multiple Volume Stitch …and creates one volume 2 faces selected, GAMBIT locates other faces automatically… F 11 faces selected, GAMBIT ignores two faces… …and creates two volumes
Volume Creation –Sweep Face and Revolve Face
Rigid option (analogous to face sweep) Perpendicular option Draft Twist Revolve Face (with or without mesh) Using a face, a revolving vector and an angle Use either edge or vector to define the axis. Axis
Volume Primitives GAMBIT can create volumes using primitives.
The following are available: Brick Frustum Cylinder Sphere Prism Torus Pyramid Details of each can be found in the Appendix.
Real Geometry Operations
Boolean Operations – Unite
The order of picking is not important (except for labeling) Retain option – keeps copies of the entity Unite Faces All faces must be coplanar or have matching tangents. Unite Volumes 1 face 2 faces 1 volume 2 intersecting volumes
Boolean Operations – Subtract
The order of picking is important Retain option – keeps copies of the entity Subtract Faces All faces must be coplanar Subtract Volumes 2 faces Multiple entities can be entered in second list box. 2 intersecting volumes
Boolean Operations – Intersect
Real Face/Volume Boolean Intersect The order of picking is not important (except for labeling) Retain - keeps copies of entities. All entities must intersect each other. Intersect Faces (All faces must be coplanar) Intersect Volumes
Splitting Edges The Split operation: Employs the intersection of two geometric entities to divide one or both objects into two or more pieces. Useful for decomposing geometries into smaller, simpler ones. Edge Split Split an edge into two or more edges Resulting edges are connected by default. Edges can be split with: Point – specify a value between 0 and 1 where the edge will be split. Use 0.5 to split edge in half. Vertex - must already be created. Edge Must already be created Bi-directional option results in both edges being split at point(s) of intersection.
Splitting Faces "Target" "Tool" 2 Faces: Split A with B 2 Faces:
Real Face Split The order of picking is important Faces do not need to be coplanar In general, for all splits (edges, faces, volumes): "Tool" entities are, by default, deleted after split is performed. Retain option prevents “Tool” entities from being deleted. By default, resulting objects are connected. "Target" Split A with B 2 Faces: Split B with A 2 Faces: Bidirectional split 3 Faces: "Tool"
Splitting Volumes Real Volume Boolean Split "Target" "Tool"
The order of picking is important Volume/Volume splits "Target" B A Split A with B 2 volumes B A "Tool" Split B with A 2 volumes Volume/Face splits B A Bidirectional split 2 volumes 3 volumes
Clarification – Subtract vs. Split
Result is one volume. Cut-away shows one volume results Cannot mesh core region. Flow/Heat Transfer in annular region only Split Result is two connected volumes. Both annulus and core can be meshed. Flow/Heat Transfer possible in both regions Subtract + Retain option (inner cylinder) Result is two disconnected volumes. Appears same as split Duplicate faces result at the interface Non-conformal mesh Useful for multiple reference frame problem. Two cylinders (disconnected)
Clarification – Bidirectional Split vs. Unite
The appropriate operation to use depends on the need to create additional surfaces for: Defining boundary conditions Controlling the mesh One Volume Unite One volume results No interior faces Two cylinders (disconnected) Three Volumes Bidirectional Split Three volumes result Multiple interior faces
Virtual Geometry Operations
Virtual Geometry Operations
Merge – replaces two connected entities with a single virtual entity Split – partitions an individual entity into two separate, connected virtual entities Connect – combines two individual, unconnected entities such that the lower geometry is shared at common interfaces (unrestricted by ACIS tolerances) 2 faces (real or virtual) Virtual face One face (real or virtual) 2 virtual faces 2 virtual, connected faces 2 faces (real or virtual)
Virtual Geometry Operations
Create - creates independent virtual entities Use host entities for shape definition Collapse - splits a face and merges the resulting pieces with two or more neighboring faces Virtual edge conforms to face 3 faces (real or virtual) 2 virtual faces
Plug-In Tools Plug-ins are extra tools which can be added to GAMBIT.
Download plugins to: \FLUENT.INC\Gambit2.2.x\plugins (Windows) Home directory (UNIX/LINUX) Load by importing a plugin file Currently developed plugins Split multiple faces with a face Create a face via offset Control visibility by zone Create a brick based on the bounding box for the current geometry Multiple splitting of edges based on equal spacing or actual length Calculate distance between two vertices Convex or concave pipe size transitions Project multiple edges onto multiple faces
Example – Deleting Entities that Belong to Other Entities
Incorrect: Attempt to delete one face of a volume An error results. The selected face cannot be deleted since it is part of a volume (a higher order entity). Correct: Delete the volume with Lower Geometry option turned OFF. The volume is deleted and the faces are left behind. Any of the remaining faces can be deleted.
Vertex Creation – Other Methods
On a face Useful to create edges on a surface for use in a virtual face split Select a face, enter a U or V value (or enter coordinates) On a volume Rarely used
Vertex Creation – Read From Data File
Vertices can be created by reading a data file. Both ICEM input and generic vertex data file are supported. ICEM Input File → Import → ICEM Input… Vertex data file File → Import → Vertex Data… Format same as ICEM input except only the coordinates are required. Npc Nc x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 . xN yN zN N = Total number of points Npc = number of points per curve Nc = number of curves xi yi zi = Real or integer vertex coordinates
Edge Creation Elliptical Arc – created using 3 vertices
Conic Arc – created using 3 vertices Center vertex Major vertex Start angle End angle On-edge vertex Shoulder vertex End Start
Edge Creation Fillet Arc Create Edge from Vertices (NURBS)
Creates a fillet out of a corner Create Edge from Vertices (NURBS) Third-order by default Use tolerance for the approximate option Edge 1 Edge 2 R Continuous edge
Edge Creation Project Edge on Surface
Limited to a single edge projection onto a single face Direction defined in the Vector Definition form. Face Projection vector Edge Projected edge
Face Creation Parallelogram Polygon Vertex rows Skin Net
defined by three vertices Polygon Selection order is important. 5 or more vertices must be coplanar. Vertex rows Tolerance input Skin Topologically parallel edges Edges must be picked in order Both ends of all edges can coincide Net Topologically intersecting edges
Volume Creation – Wireframe
Create volume from wireframe Create volumes from connected edges Number of edges and order of picking is not important Voids and seamless volumes and faces cannot be created Same limitation as face wire frame creation, for each face 36 connected edges One volume
Volume Creation – Sweep Faces
Sweep (with or without mesh) Rigid option Perpendicular option Draft Twist face path volume volume Draft face path volume Twist path face
Volume Primitives Brick Cylinder, Frustum
Width (X), Depth (Y) and Height (Z) The width (X) value is also used for Y and Z if no other input is given. 9 preset positions (each octant plus centered) Cylinder, Frustum Height and two cross-sectional radii (3rd radius for frustum) The Radius 1 value is used for remaining radii if no other radius input is given. 9 preset directions (three in each axis)
Volume Primitives Prism, Pyramid Sphere Torus
Similar inputs as cylinder and frustum. Number of sides 9 different preset directions (three for each axis) Sphere Only one radius is required Torus Major and cross-sectional radii Three axis locations
Volume Blends Blend - create fillet/rounded edges
Pick a volume Pick the edges that need a blend and enter the desired radius. Pick vertex (if needed) and specify the setback Bulge specifies the surface bulge with range from 0–2 (0 = no bulge, 2 = highly bulged). Bulge is not recommended for hex meshing. Setback > Radius Setback < Radius
Boolean Characteristics: Imprinting
Uniting connected volumes results in imprinting A B C Unite A with B Face contains an imprint of the cylinder A and C are connected B is a cylinder inside both
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