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Churches of Christ Vic/Tas

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1 Churches of Christ Vic/Tas
SUPERVISION Churches of Christ Vic/Tas

2 What is it? Supervision is a joint endeavour in which a minister, with the help of a Supervisor, develops themselves in relation to their ministry and wider context, attends to the people they minister to and by developing their own practice feeds back into the knowledge and effectiveness of the wider CCVT Movement.

3 Pathways Accredited or Registered
CCVT aims to enable those in ministry to access Supervision through two primary pathways, Registered Supervision and Accredited Supervision.

4 Covenant CCVT recommends that Supervisory relationships begin with a covenant document which includes specific items of agreement so that the Supervisor and Supervisee can feel sufficiently safe and have complete clarity around their roles, and the boundaries of the relationship. If there is a mismatch in expectations the Supervisory relationship can become a token relationship with no real benefits or value or a negative experience for both parties. Now this is a long covenant, but we hope it gives structure, understanding and trust to those engaging in the supervisory relationship.

5 Liase with Striling and other training providers to gather lists of those who have completed Supervisor training.

6 Have conversations on a case by case basis with individuals about training they have completed if they would like to enter the pool of CCVT trained supervisors. Liase with Striling and other training providers to gather lists of those who have completed Supervisor training.

7 Have conversations on a case by case basis with individuals about training they have completed if they would like to enter the pool of CCVT trained supervisors. Liase with Striling and other training providers to gather lists of those who have completed Supervisor training. Run 'Registered' supervision training days to grow pool of trained supervisors.

8 Create database to track supervisors with contact details.
Have conversations on a case by case basis with individuals about training they have completed if they would like to enter the pool of CCVT trained supervisors. Liase with Striling and other training providers to gather lists of those who have completed Supervisor training. Run 'Registered' supervision training days to grow pool of trained supervisors. Create database to track supervisors with contact details.

9 Create pool of trained Supervisors
Have conversations on a case by case basis with individuals about training they have completed if they would like to enter the pool of CCVT trained supervisors. Create pool of trained Supervisors Liase with Striling and other training providers to gather lists of those who have completed Supervisor training. Run 'Registered' supervision training days to grow pool of trained supervisors. Create database to track supervisors with contact details.

10 Create pool of trained Supervisors
Have conversations on a case by case basis with individuals about training they have completed if they would like to enter the pool of CCVT trained supervisors. Create pool of trained Supervisors Liase with Striling and other training providers to gather lists of those who have completed Supervisor training. Run 'Registered' supervision training days to grow pool of trained supervisors. Supervisor informs Jay if formal Supervisory relationship is entered. Create database to track supervisors with contact details.

11 Create pool of trained Supervisors
Have conversations on a case by case basis with individuals about training they have completed if they would like to enter the pool of CCVT trained supervisors. Create pool of trained Supervisors Request comes in through website. goes through to Jay and leadership s. Liase with Striling and other training providers to gather lists of those who have completed Supervisor training. Run 'Registered' supervision training days to grow pool of trained supervisors. Supervisor informs Jay if formal Supervisory relationship is entered. Create database to track supervisors with contact details.

12 Create pool of trained Supervisors
Have conversations on a case by case basis with individuals about training they have completed if they would like to enter the pool of CCVT trained supervisors. Create pool of trained Supervisors Request comes in through website. goes through to Jay and leadership s. Liase with Striling and other training providers to gather lists of those who have completed Supervisor training. Run 'Registered' supervision training days to grow pool of trained supervisors. Supervisor informs Jay if formal Supervisory relationship is entered. Jay calls requester and has conversations around what they want out of Supervision. Jay to feed back three names from Supervisor Pool to requester. Create database to track supervisors with contact details.

13 Create pool of trained Supervisors
Have conversations on a case by case basis with individuals about training they have completed if they would like to enter the pool of CCVT trained supervisors. Create pool of trained Supervisors Request comes in through website. goes through to Jay and leadership s. Liase with Striling and other training providers to gather lists of those who have completed Supervisor training. Run 'Registered' supervision training days to grow pool of trained supervisors. Supervisor informs Jay if formal Supervisory relationship is entered. Jay calls requester and has conversations around what they want out of Supervision. Jay to feed back three names from Supervisor Pool to requester. Create database to track supervisors with contact details. Requester responsibility to contact those three people.

14 Create pool of trained Supervisors
Have conversations on a case by case basis with individuals about training they have completed if they would like to enter the pool of CCVT trained supervisors. Create pool of trained Supervisors Request comes in through website. goes through to Jay and leadership s. Liase with Striling and other training providers to gather lists of those who have completed Supervisor training. Run 'Registered' supervision training days to grow pool of trained supervisors. Supervisor informs Jay if formal Supervisory relationship is entered. Jay calls requester and has conversations around what they want out of Supervision. Jay to feed back three names from Supervisor Pool to requester. Create database to track supervisors with contact details. Jay informs Supervisors they may be called. Requester responsibility to contact those three people.

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