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Copper Canyon Press.

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1 Copper Canyon Press

2 Poetry is vital to language and living
Poetry is vital to language and living. Copper Canyon Press publishes extraordinary poetry from around the world to engage the imaginations and intellects of readers.


4 Historical Overview Founded in 1972 by Sam Hamill and Tree Swenson in Denver, Colorado Moved to Port Townsend in 1974 Copper Canyon became a 501 ( c ) 3 nonprofit in 1990 Currently run by twelve employees and a rotating team of interns, based in Port Townsend and working remotely

5 Inside every book, we say…
Copper Canyon Press is in residence at Fort Worden State Park in Port Townsend, Washington, under the auspices of Centrum. Centrum is a gathering place for artist and creative thinkers from around the world, students of all ages and backgrounds, and audiences seeking extraordinary cultural enrichment.

6 Regional Engagement Board of Directors based in Seattle
Works with organizations regionally, such as Seattle Arts & Lectures and Hugo House Co-sponsors the Port Townsend Writers’ Conference Rachel McKibbens, Benjamin Alire Sáenz, and Javier Zamora, Seattle Arts & Lectures, April 2018 Aimee Nezhukumatathil, Seattle Arts & Lectures, May 2018

7 Electronic Presence 5.4K Instagram followers 12K Facebook followers
37.5K Twitter followers

8 Major Supporters

9 Pulitzer Prize Winners
2009 2005

10 National Book Award Winners
1996 2002 2005

11 Poets Laureate W.S. Merwin & Ted Kooser


13 Best of 2016

14 Spring Releases Pablo Neruda’s Then Come Back
Melissa Stein’s terrible blooms Ha Jin’s A Distant Center

15 Translations Published works translated from 17 different languages
Print original languages alongside the English translations

16 Recently in the media

17 Javier Zamora


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