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North Dakota Nurses Association

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1 North Dakota Nurses Association
Drugs North Dakota Nurses Association October 7th, 2016 8/1/2018

2 Purpose To improve your ability to recognize persons who may be impaired by drugs Drug ID 8/1/2018

3 What is a “drug”? 8/1/2018

4 Working Definition of “Drug”
Any substance which, when taken into the human body, can impair the ability of the person. 8/1/2018

5 What are the drug classifications What do these drugs look like
DRUG ID What are the drug classifications What do these drugs look like 8/1/2018

6 Central Nervous System Depressants
Alcohol Rohypnol Valium/Xanax GHB - Gamma-hydroxybutyrate 8/1/2018

7 8/1/2018 Drug use/Baranyai

8 Central Nervous System Stimulants
Cocaine Amphetamines Methamphetamine 8/1/2018

9 8/1/2018

10 Central Nervous System Stimulants
Cocaine Amphetamines Methamphetamine 8/1/2018

11 8/1/2018 Drug use/Baranyai

12 Indicators of CNS Stimulant Impairment
General Indicators Eye Indicators Restlessness, Excitation Talkative Euphoria Exaggerated Reflexes Anxiety Grinding Teeth Redness to Nasal Area Runny Nose Body Tremors No Nystagmus Pupils will be noticeably dilated

13 8/1/2018 Drug use/Baranyai

14 8/1/2018 Drug use/Baranyai

15 Signs & Behaviors - Meth
Aggression Agitation Excited speech Inability to stay still Paranoia Dilated pupils Confusion Nervousness Insomnia or falling asleep while you are talking to them Chemical burns 8/1/2018

16 Meth – From this to this! 8/1/2018

17 8/1/2018 Drug use/Baranyai

18 Different Color and forms

19 8/1/2018

20 Hallucinogens LSD Peyote MDMA (Ecstasy) 8/1/2018

21 Transposing of the Senses
Synesthesia Transposing of the Senses “Seeing Sounds” “Hearing Colors” 8/1/2018

22 Indicators of Hallucinogen Impairment
General Indicators Eye Indicators No Nystagmus Pupils will be noticeably dilated Hallucinations Dazed Appearance Disoriented, Uncoordinated Body Tremors Perspiring Paranoia Difficulty in Speech Nausea Piloerection (goose bumps) 303

23 8/1/2018

24 8/1/2018

25 Dissociative Anasthetics
Ketamine PCP Analogs 8/1/2018

26 8/1/2018

27 Narcotic Analgesics Heroin Morphine Codeine Synthetic Opiates
(e.g., Demerol, Methadone, Fentanyl) 8/1/2018

28 Synthetic Opiates (e.g., Demerol, Methadone)
Narcotic Analgesics Heroin Morphine Codeine Synthetic Opiates (e.g., Demerol, Methadone) 8/1/2018

29 Indicators of Narcotic Analgesic Impairment
General Indicators Eye Indicators No Nystagmus Pupils will be constricted “On the Nod” Droopy Eyelids Depressed Reflexes Dry Mouth Facial Itching Low, Raspy Speech Possible Puncture Marks, “Tracks”

30 8/1/2018 Drug use/Baranyai

31 8/1/2018 Drug use/Baranyai

32 Inhalants Toluene Glue Paint 8/1/2018

33 Indicators of Inhalant Impairment
General Indicators Eye Indicators Disorientation Slurred Speech Residue of Substance on Face, Hands, Clothing Confusion Possible Nausea Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus will be present Vertical Nystagmus may be present* Pupil size generally normal *High doses for that individual

34 Cannabis Marijuana Hashish 8/1/2018

35 8/1/2018

36 Indicators of Cannabis Impairment
General Indicators Eye Indicators Very bloodshot eyes, with pronounced veins in the eyeballs Body Tremors Odor of Marijuana Disoriented Relaxed Inhibitions Difficulty in Dividing Attention No Nystagmus Pupil size usually will be dilated - but may be normal 312

37 8/1/2018 Drug use/Baranyai

38 8/1/2018 Drug use/Baranyai

39 Signs 8/1/2018

40 The Eye Examinations 8/1/2018

41 Drugs Causing Pupil Dilation
CNS Stimulants Hallucinogens Cannabis 8/1/2018

42 Narcotic Analgesics Usually Cause Pupil Constriction
Heroin Codeine Demerol Pupils may be considered constricted if the iris appears very small and a large portion of the iris is visible 8/1/2018

43 Drugs That Usually Don’t Affect Pupil Size
CNS Depressants PCP Inhalants 8/1/2018

44 Drugs That Induce Nystagmus
CNS Depressants PCP Inhalants 8/1/2018

45 Poly drug Use Use of two or more drugs at the same time. EXAMPLES:
Alcohol and Almost Anything Else PCP and Cannabis Heroin and Cocaine Many Others 8/1/2018

46 The End 8/1/2018

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