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Pre Columbian America 1491.

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Presentation on theme: "Pre Columbian America 1491."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre Columbian America 1491

2 Beringia Land Bridge from Asia 10, ,000 years ago

3 Maya Modern Mexico City States Written language Advanced Culture

4 Maya

5 Aztecs Large Empire Warrior People Modern day Mexico

6 Aztec

7 Inca Stretched length of South America Writing system (quipu)
Great cities and roads

8 Inca

9 North America Few inhabitants Migratory/ small farms Smaller groups

10 Document Analysis

11 Document Analysis

12 Europe on the Eve of Contact

13 New Nations Spain Portugal England

14 New Nations In need of wealth Growing middle class Willing to fight

15 Trade European trade with Africa Middle East East Asia

16 New Technology Caravel Sextant

17 Why explore? Glory Wealth Religion Nationalism Scientific curiosity

18 Spanish America

19 Columbus 1492 initial voyage 3 Subsequent voyages Landed in Bahamas
Explored Eastern Caribbean 3 Subsequent voyages Explored Caribbean and Florida coast


21 The Conquistadores Independent adventurers commissioned by Spanish crown to subdue new lands By Major Caribbean islands decimated By Cortés destroys Aztec Empire de Soto explores Southeast Coronado explores Southwest


23 From Plunder to Settlement
Encomienda System rewards Conquistadors Large land grants Indian inhabitants provide labor or tribute Appointed officials answer only to Crown Catholic Church Protects Indian rights Performs mass conversions By 1650, 1/2 million Spaniards in New World Unmarried males intermarry Mixed-blood population emerges

24 Dutch French and English Exploration

25 French first to explore eastern North American (Louisiana) and established claims to Canada relations based on trade, especially furs. enjoyed good relations with Indians.

26 Dutch Dutch East India Company (1602) Henry Hudson (1609)
Charter Joint Stock Company Henry Hudson (1609) NW Passage Begin to Settle NY area Not Catholic, Protestant

27 England John Cabot (1497) Colonies NW Passage New Foundland
Joint Stock Companies Find wealth Religious freedom

28 English Colonies Virginia (1585) Roanoak (1585) Jamestown (1607)
Sir Walter Ralegh (Fort Raleigh) Roanoak (1585) First colonial attempt Failed Jamestown (1607) First permanent establishment

29 Columbian Exchange Exchanges between Old and New Worlds occurred.
European diseases decimated Indian populations. American precious metals American crops to Europe– corn, potatoes, cotton, chocolate, tobacco European crops to America—wheat, sugar, rice, horses, cattle


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