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ETL Job Scheduler Job Database Server User Interface Scheduler

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1 ETL Job Scheduler Job Database Server User Interface Scheduler
Job Definition Database Job Database Server Controls access to the Job Definition Database User Interface Scheduler Accepts commands via socket connection from User Interface Sends commands to remote agents Domain Agent Execute commands received via Socket connection Domain Agent Execute commands received via Socket connection

2 ETL Job Scheduler Installation:
Create the installation directory where the scheduler will be installed eg: /opt/loco Unzip the supplied file into installation directory In the Installation directory scheduler/bin there are two scripts to run the server and domain agent, update the following environment variables: ETL_HOME is the directory the Loco ETL in installed in SCHEDULER_HOME should be set toe the Installation directory /scheduler eg: /opt/loco/scheduler In the SCHEDULER_HOME/lib directory, the file log4j.xml file the schedulerFileLogger definition should be updated to point to the required log directory, typically this will be SCHEDULER_HOME/lib Copy the war file from the webapp directory to the Tomcat webapps directory and restart Tomcat, this will expand the war file to create a webapps/scheduler directory. The same changes must be made to the log4j.xml file in the webapps/scheduler/WEB-INF/classes directory. In the webapps/scheduler/WEB-INF/spring directory is a file service.xml, change the property schedulerServerHostname to be the IP address of the server that is hosting the scheduler. Restart tomcat to make the changes effective. Steps 1 to 4 inclusive should be completed for each server as required Apart from the steps outlined here, no additional installation is required.

3 ETL Job Scheduler Running the Scheduler components
An installation of the Scheduler will normally consist of: One Scheduler installation and One or more Domain Agents In the installation bin directory are two scripts: runSchedulerServer.ksh – run this on the server nominated as the Scheduler server runSchedulerAgent.ksh – run this on each server nominated as a Domain Agent. The configuration client can be accessed using the url

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