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Bible – Old Testament – 1 Kings

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1 Bible – Old Testament – 1 Kings
King David grows old His son Adonijah supported by Joab and Abiather a priest sought to be king But Zadok the priest , various prophets including Nathan and David’s mighty men(royal guard) were not with him Adonijah prepared a feast but did not invite those who opposed him including Solomon his brother King David confirms that Solomon son of Bathsheba should succeed him , in front of witnesses including Zadok and Nathan

2 Bible – Old Testament – 1 Kings
Solomon is annointed King by Zadok and Nathan and much of the army When Adonijah hears this he is afraid but throws himself on Solomon’s mercy Solomon sends him home David dies after telling Solomon to walk in the ways of the Lord and acknowledging Solomon’s wisdom

3 Bible – Old Testament – 1 Kings
Solomon deals with further opposition from Adonijah. Adonijah and Joab are killed and Abiathar is stripped of the priesthood The Lord appears to Solomon in a dream and grants him wisdom Israel experiences a time of peace and building due to Solomon’s wisdom Solomon orders preparations to be made to build a temple to the Lord in Jerusalem

4 Bible – Old Testament – 1 Kings
The Temple is completed in 7 years Solomon also oversees the building of a palace which takes 13 years The Ark of the Covenant is placed in the Temple with great ceremony The King in the presence of all Israel dedicates the Temple to the Lord

5 Bible – Old Testament – 1 Kings
After 20 years of building Solomon makes peace with his neighbours and allies himself with Hiram, King of Tyre They build up a navy between them Many non Israelites are pressed into service The Queen of Sheba (Yemen) hears of Solomon’s slendour and comes to see for herself

6 Bible – Old Testament – 1 Kings
Solomon has many wives not all of whom are Israelites God becomes angry at Solomon for building places of worship for his foreign wives. Jeroboam rebels against Solomon and flees to Egypt Solomon reigned for 40 years and was succeed by his son Rehoboam

7 Bible – Old Testament – 1 Kings
Jeroboam returns from Egypt and leads many of the tribes against Rehoboam Once again Israel splits Rehoboam rules over Judah(Benjamin)(17 years) Son Abijah succeeds him Jeroboam rules over Israel but allows the building of alters to foreign gods (22 years) son Nadab succeeds him

8 Bible – Old Testament – 1 Kings
Abijah (3 years) succeeded by Asa (41 years) -Judah Nadab (2 years) succeeded by Baasha(24 years) – Israel Israel and Judah fought often in these years Israel – Elah(2 y), Zimri (7 days), Omri(12 y),Ahab marries Jezebel , worships Baal Jezebeel tries to kill all the lords prophets

9 Bible – Old Testament – 1 Kings
Prophet Elijah announces great drought God takes care of Elijah first by ravens then by a widow at Zarephath Widow’s jar of flour and the jug of oil replenish, in keeping with the word of the Lord spoken by Elijah. Elijah revives the son of the widow Elijah sent by the lord to Ahab

10 Bible – Old Testament – 1 Kings
Elijah demonstrates the power of the Lord to the people of Israel on Mount Carmel against 450 prophets of Baal The prophets of Baal are killed Jezebel threatens Elijah who flees to Horeb (the mountain of God) God tells Elijah to anoint Nimshi king of Israel Elijah calls Elisha as his servant

11 Bible – Old Testament – 1 Kings
Ahab defeats but does not kill Ben-Hadad Jezebel arranges the death of Naboth because he would not sell his vinyard to Ahab Elijah meets with Ahab and prophecies his death and that of Jezebel Jehoshaphat becomes king of Judah (25 y) Ahab is killed in battle Ahaziah becomes king of Israel(2 y) he also worships Baal Jezebel (wife of the deceased Ahab) still holds sway in Israel

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