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Reconstruction Did the nation have an opportunity to advance the cause of racial justice?

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Presentation on theme: "Reconstruction Did the nation have an opportunity to advance the cause of racial justice?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reconstruction Did the nation have an opportunity to advance the cause of racial justice?

2 Civil War & Racial Justice
Radicals, Abolitionists and Lincoln Emancipation Proclamation The War and Black Soldiers Amnesty and Reconstruction Wade Davis The Thirteenth Amendment Lincoln’s Death

3 Meaning of Reconstruction
Ending Slavery Issues of Treason Reintegration of the South Andrew Johnson and Congress 1865 & Southern Defeat Reports from the South Presidential Reconstruction

4 Congressional Response
Freedmen’s Bureau Reauthorization Radicals Com’ite on Reconstruction Johnson and the Moderate GOP 1866 Civil Rights Act Johnson Attacks Radicals: Swing Around the Circle campaign in 66 Election

5 Impeachment Battle Radicals and Racial Justice Tenure of Office Act
Command of the Army Act President Impeached: Eleven Articles Senate Vote: 35 v. 19 Significance

6 Congressional Reconstruction
Military Districts Radical Coalitions: The Disenfranchised Fourteenth Amendment Spirit of Defiance Fifteenth Amendment New Regimes

7 Radical Democracy or Miscegenation
The Newest South Black & Tan Conventions? Coalition: Scalawags and Carpetbaggers Corruption and Incompetence Blacks and Whites take office New Constitutions Intimidation and Sabatoge

8 Failure of Reconstruction
Death of Radicals: Voice of Justice National Issues: IR, Frontier, Immigration The Grant Administration KKK The Redeemers Jim Crow, Poll Taxes and Sharecropping The Courts and the New South

9 Old V. New South Jim Crow and Plessey Decision Sharecropping economy
Political Disenfranchisement Terror and incident of Lynching Accommodation of Booker T. Washington Frederick Douglass: Agitate, Agitate … WEB Du Bois and Niagara Movement

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