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Ecology: Ecosystems Cornell Notes Page 159.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecology: Ecosystems Cornell Notes Page 159."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecology: Ecosystems Cornell Notes Page 159

2 What is Ecology? The study of how living things interact with each other and their environment.

3 Page 158- divide top 2/3 of page into half vertically
Page 158- divide top 2/3 of page into half vertically. Label one column “Living things” and the other “Nonliving things”





8 What are Biotic Factors? Living parts of an ecosystem.
Plants, animals, insects, bacteria, etc.

9 What are Abiotic Factors? Nonliving parts of an ecosystem
Water, sunlight, air, rocks, temperature, etc.

10 What is an Organism? An individual, living thing.
Use energy, grow, reproduce, respond to environment

11 What is a Species? A group or “type” of organisms that are physically similar and can reproduce. Ex.) humans

12 Think and Discuss: How is an Organism different from a Species?

13 What is a Population? All the members of the same species in an area.

14 Think and Discuss: How is a Population different from a Species?

15 What is a Community? All the different populations that live together in an area.

16 What is an Ecosystem? All the living and nonliving things that interact in an area.

17 What is a Habitat? The place where a species population lives and provides the things it needs. food, water, shelter

18 What is a Niche? The role an organism plays in its habitat to survive.
Its job. Ex.) Honey bee pollinating flowers

19 Think and Discuss: What is the difference between a Community and an Ecosystem?

20 Biotic or Abiotic?

21 Biotic or Abiotic?

22 Biotic or Abiotic?

23 Biotic or Abiotic?

24 Biotic or Abiotic?

25 Summary pg. 158 Topic Sentence: Ecosystems are made up of all the living and nonliving things that interact with each other. Biotic/ Abiotic factors Organism Species Population Community

26 Assignment Fold your paper into 6 equal rectangles. Turn your paper sideways. Draw a plant or animal in one section. Label it by name and put “organism” under it. Draw a population of the same organism ( 2 or more) in the next section. Label it population.

27 Draw a community from the same environment that the organism is found(2 or more species). Just use one section. Label it community. Use the remaining 3 sections to draw an ecosystem from the same environment that the original organism is found ( include at least 5 living factors, 5 non-living factors). Label them abiotic and biotic items. Label this section Ecosystem. COLOR ALL sections.


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