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Alternative Representations for Artificial Immune Systems

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1 Alternative Representations for Artificial Immune Systems
James Marshall and Tim Kovacs University of Bristol

2 Representational Bias
Representation introduces an inductive bias to a learning system Affects what is learnable and how quickly it can be learned Best representation may differ from task to task

3 Choosing representations
Q: how do we choose the best representation for our task? A: we need: Domain knowledge Knowledge about representations This work attempts to build up the latter

4 Learning representations
We can also ask the machine to learn which representation to use: For a class of problems (easier) On the fly for a particular problem (harder) We’ve done some preliminary work where the learner has a choice of just two representations But here we only study the two representations

5 Our learning task Concept learning of Boolean functions from labeled examples Examples are presented as binary strings of length n Learn condition-action rules as either: Hyperspheres (from the AIS literature) Hyperplanes (from the LCS literature)

6 Hyperspheres Rule = condition, radius r, action
Condition: a binary string specifies a point Rule matches if instance is within hamming distance r of condition 0000:2 =>0 matches 0000, 0001, 0010,0100,1000,0011,0110,1100,1001,1010,0101 Generality of rule is specified by radius Some use in AIS literature Related but more complex representations also used

7 Hyperplanes Rule = condition, action
Condition = ternary string from {0,1,#} Rule matches if bitwise comparison succeeds: # in rules matches either 0 or 1 in string 00## matches 0000, 0001, 0010, 0011 only Generality of rule is specified by number of #s Widely used with Learning Classifier Systems Related to AIS

8 Key difference Generalisation of planes is conditioned on dimensions, spheres are not 0000 r =1 matches 0000,0001,0010,0100,1000 Planes select which dimensions to generalise over (#s), spheres only how many (radius) This seems a fundamental difference: they belong to different classes of representation We don’t know what classes there are!

9 Expressivity Spheres treat all dimensions equivalently
Greater need for exception rules than with planes More spheres needed to express a given Boolean function, on average, than with planes Size of minimal representation in a given representation correlates strongly with ease of learning Consequently may be harder to learn with spheres

10 Example: suitability for multiplexers
A long-used testbed for LCS Instances consist of address bits and data bits Instance class given by value of addressed data bit Defined for strings of length 3, 6, 11, 20…

11 Proofs It’s easy to show: 100% accurate planes exist for all n
100% accurate spheres exist for no n Pairs of spheres in a default/exception relationship can achieve 100% accuracy We expect planes to be much better for multiplexers

12 Enumeration of 11 mux 11 multiplexer has only 2048 instances
Let’s enumerate all the minimally general spheres (r=1) and planes (d = 2) Compute accurate of each as percentage of matched instances belonging to majority class of matched instances

13 Accuracy of Enumerated Planes and Spheres
Planes Spheres 100% accurate classifiers are the mode for 2-d planes while no 100% accurate spheres exist. Planes are also much better empirically (using XCS)

14 Information content Planes have more information: bits
where n is string length Spheres have only where x is the maximum radius Again, spheres are less expressive but also less complex, which suggests they’ll be easier to learn

15 Search space size Planes: Spheres: of radii between 0 and n inclusive
There are more planes than spheres for a given problem Should be harder to find best solution with planes But it should fit the target better (or need fewer rules)

16 Size of planes and spheres
Size = number of instances matched Planes: where d is the dimensionality (number of #s) of the plane This is independent of n Spheres: where r is the radius This depends on string length n Consequence: as we increase string length spheres grow, planes don’t

17 Size of planes and spheres
Spheres grow more when we increment radius than planes do when we add a # Spaces of spheres is less fine-grained

18 Size of planes and spheres

19 Example: adding sensors
We have a robot with n binary sensors Suppose we add another We have twice as many states To make new input irrelevant we need twice as many spheres but same number of planes Difficult to make concept conditional on new input using spheres, easy using planes This must complicate feature construction/reduction using spheres

20 Conclusions Spheres: not well-suited to concepts which depend on particular dimensions better when dimensions are equivalent e.g. majority vote whenever Hamming Distance is a useful distance metric! have greater need for exception rules

21 Other approaches We’ve analysed representations:
syntactically: size, number of rules on Boolean functions: how many rules are needed? Other theoretical approaches: COLT-type bounds Schema theory, Markov chain analysis More realistic tasks: Encoding schemes used in the AIS literature Higher-cardinality tasks Empirical results on real-world problems

22 Non-binary problems Interval representations typical
Intervals reps. are between planes and spheres Planes specify either 1 value or ignore dimension Spheres with a centre in each dimension are intervals

23 Future work Allow learning system to select which representation to use Initial results good Key issue: how efficient is this? Fast: useful for one-off learning Slow: useful for classes of problems?

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