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Unit 7 Week 1 Compare and Contrast Homophones.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 7 Week 1 Compare and Contrast Homophones."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 7 Week 1 Compare and Contrast Homophones

2 Day 1


4 Phonics Homophones

5 Homophones Let’s Practice

6 Phonics Let’s Practice Syllable Patterns Match each word to its picture. Divide each word into its syllables.

7 Homophones Phonics Let’s Practice

8 Homophones Phonics On Your Own

9 Blend the sounds to read the words.
Phonics Syllable Patterns Blend the sounds to read the words.

10 Comprehension Compare and Contrast

11 Comprehension Let’s Practice Compare and Contrast

12 Comprehension On Your Own

13 Comprehension On Your Own

14 Comprehension On Your Own

15 Day 2

16 Phonics Story

17 Phonics Homophones

18 Draw lines to connect the homophone pairs.
Phonics Let’s Practice Homophones Draw lines to connect the homophone pairs.

19 Phonics Let’s Practice Homophones

20 Phonics Homophones

21 Phonics On Your Own Homophones

22 Comprehension Let’s Practice

23 Write to compare and contrast the creatures.
Comprehension Let’s Practice Write to compare and contrast the creatures. The creatures are alike because… The creatures are different because…

24 Comprehension Let’s Practice

25 Comprehension Let’s Practice length length dorsal fin dorsal fin
behavior behavior length of life length of life teeth teeth

26 Comprehension On Your Own

27 Day 3

28 Phonics Homophones Let’s Practice It

29 Phonics Homophone Scoot

30 Homophone Scoot Answer Key
Phonics Homophone Scoot Answer Key

31 Comprehension Tumblebooks

32 Comprehension Tumblebooks Elizabeth Ronald

33 Comprehension Using your Venn Diagram from Day 2, write to compare and contrast your creatures.

34 Day 4


36 Highlight the correct homophone!
Phonics Highlight the correct homophone!

37 Comprehension Create a homophone booklet!
Come up with your own homophone match on the last page.

38 Comprehension

39 Comprehension Let’s Practice Compare and Contrast

40 Comprehension Let’s Practice Compare and Contrast

41 Comprehension On your Own Compare & Contrast

42 Compare & Contrast Comprehension On Your Own: Sort the events in
the story. Compare & Contrast

43 Day 5

44 Spelling and Phonics Test
Assessment Spelling and Phonics Test Write your first and last name on your test. Relax and do your best!

45 Spelling and Phonics Test
Assessment Spelling and Phonics Test Write your first and last name on your test. Relax and do your best!

46 Spelling and Phonics Test
Assessment Spelling and Phonics Test Write your first and last name on your test. Relax and do your best!

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