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Purposes of a Church Goal:

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1 Purposes of a Church Goal:
To establish the core purposes of the church which includes missions/evangelism.

2 Purposes of a Church Worship - Glorifying God through worship and prayer (v.42) EV - Spreading the gospel (v.47) Equipping - Equipping the saints through teaching and mentoring (v.42) Edifying - Edifying others through ministry and service (v.44-45) Exhorting - Encouraging believers to persevere in the faith through fellowship (v.42)

3 1. Worshipping/Glorifying God through and prayer and praise
In Acts 2:42-47, we see the believers gathering together for praise and worship. Of course this included teaching, fellowship, Lord’s Supper, and prayer. Eph 3:20-21 – According to these verses, God is to receive glory in the church (v.21). Why should we glorify Him? Because as we pray, he is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think (v.20).

4 1. Worshipping/Glorifying God through and prayer and praise
1 Cor 10:31 - In all that we do, we should seek to glorify Him. Of course this includes prayer. Charles Spurgeon comments from Psalm 50:15 that we have a delightful partnership with God. God says, “call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.” We pray, he delivers us, we glorify Him.

5 2. Spreading the gospel In Acts 2:47, we see that the Lord was saving people daily through their witness. Before Jesus ascended into heaven, he gave His disciples (the church) his last command. His last command is also the Great Commission.

6 2. Spreading the gospel Matt 28:18-20
The one verb/command is make disciples. Therefore, it is this passage’s most-important concept. The 3 participles are go, baptize, and instruct. These are all secondary.

7 2. Spreading the gospel Therefore, you can understand the Great Commission like this. The most important thing is we should make disciples…through going to all nations, through baptizing them, and through instructing them.

8 3. Equipping the saints through teaching and mentoring
In Acts 2:42 they devoted themselves to the apostle’s teaching. Renewing our minds and beliefs through God’s word is the key to knowing and doing God’s will (Rom 12:1-2).

9 3. Equipping the saints through teaching and mentoring
Eph 4:11-16 v. 11 – We see the different gifts or offices that God has given to the church. What is their purpose? v.12 – to equip the saints for the work of ministry. v.12 – to build up the body of Christ

10 3. Equipping the saints through teaching and mentoring
Eph 4:11-16 v.13 - until they all attain to the unity of the faith v.14 – no longer by bad teaching persuaded v – growing up in Christ How can we specifically teach and mentor our church members?

11 4. Edifying/Encouraging others through ministry and service
Acts 2:44-45 – We see they knew their possessions were not their own, but belonged to God. They were unified, treating each other as family members, giving to others as they had need. They loved and served each other. How can we define love?

12 4. Edifying/Encouraging others through ministry and service
1 John 4:7-10 In verse 10, we learn that love is a decision/commitment to do what is best for other people, regardless of what it costs you. Like the Father. Although we didn’t deserve it and were His enemies, God still sent His Son to die for our sins. Unconditional love is not based on a feeling. This love, ministry, and service to the bro/sis will cause the world to know that we truly are His disciples (John 13:34-35).

13 5. Exhorting - Encouraging believers to persevere in faith through fellowship
Christians need the church/body in order to persevere in faith and to live for God. Heb 3:12-14 What is the warning in verse 12? Take care lest one has an unbelieving heart.

14 5. Exhorting - Encouraging believers to persevere in faith through fellowship
Heb 3:12-14 What should we do to avoid this unbelief? V.13 – exhort one another every day What is the purpose of the exhorting? Keep those in the church from being hardened by sin

15 5. Exhorting - Encouraging believers to persevere in faith through fellowship
Heb 3:12-14 How do we know who truly shares in Christ (is a Christian)? V. 14 – if they hold their confidence firm until the end, then we know Perseverance is not a way to earn eternal-life, but proves our present faith is real

Which 1 or 2 purposes does your church excel in? Which 1 or 2 purposes does your church lack in? Have you previously tried to help the church grow in this area? If yes, what was the result? If no, brainstorm something the leaders at your church could do to change the situation.

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