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Teachings of the Living Prophets

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1 Teachings of the Living Prophets
Thomas Spencer Monson

2 President Monson Born… Bishop at age… Mission President at age…
August 21, 1927 Bishop at age… 22 Mission President at age… 31 Apostle at age… 36 Favorite breakfast food… Wheaties Favorite yogurt flavor… Lime Favorite dessert… Orange sherbet Least favorite chore… Changing lightbulbs Wife’s name… Francis Graduated college from… University of Utah Number of siblings…. Five Favorite hobby… Raising pigeons This information is from my friend Scott who is Pres Monson’s nephew.

3 First Conference Talk

4 “President Monson Called to be an Apostle”
His calling to be an Apostle “President Monson Called to be an Apostle”

5 Favorite quotes?

6 “Choose your love. Love your choice.”
“The past is behind, learn from it. The future is ahead, prepare for it. The present is here, live it.” “Work will win when wishy washy wishing won’t”

7 “Never let a problem to be solved, become more important than a person to be loved.”
“Stick to a task 'til it sticks to you. . .for beginners are many, but finishers few.” “Be of good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith.”

8 “Men take care not to make women weep, for God counts their tears.”
“Having gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a gift and not delivering it.”


10 A Timeline Of Talks On Service By- President Thomas S. Monson
President Monson The Theme of President Monson’s ministry A Timeline Of Talks On Service By- President Thomas S. Monson

11 A Timeline Of Talks On Service By- President Thomas S. Monson
President Monson The Theme of President Monson’s ministry A Timeline Of Talks On Service By- President Thomas S. Monson

12 Who knows him? Met him? Associated with him?

5 REMINDERS 1 2 3 Come grab a study journal Reading Reminders Credit Requirements OR to: 81010 75% Attendance Assigned Readings Elevate Learning (any 1) Doctrinal Essay (1pg) Study Journal Personal Project OR Text the to: @TLP16 4 5 Contact Info Please Register @Brotherichards

14 Invite!

15 Teachings of the Living Prophets
Thomas Spencer Monson

16 Thomas S. Monson Drops a Missionary Bombshell!!
President Monson Where were you when this happened? Thomas S. Monson Drops a Missionary Bombshell!!

17 Thomas S. Monson Drops a Missionary Bombshell!!
President Monson Biggest announcement of his ministry Thomas S. Monson Drops a Missionary Bombshell!!

18 April 2016 What stood out to you?

19 President & Sister Monson

20 President & Sister Monson

21 President & Sister Monson

22 President Monson The Love Story….

23 What do you love or appreciate about him?
Favorite stories from President Monson’s ministry? Elder Keetch RM – 2 Kings 4

24 President Monson As a young bishop, he received a call one evening informing him that an older member of his ward had been taken to the veterans’ hospital in Salt Lake City for treatment. Could he come to give the man a blessing? he was asked. Bishop Monson explained that he was just on his way to a stake meeting, but he would stop by the hospital as soon as the meeting was over. At that leadership meeting, he felt unsettled, ill at ease. A prompting came strongly: leave the meeting at once, and go directly to the hospital. But surely it would be discourteous to walk out while the stake president was speaking, wouldn’t it? He waited until the end of the stake president’s address and then made his way to the door even before the closing prayer.

25 President Monson At the hospital he found himself running down the corridor. There seemed to be a flurry of activity outside the man’s room, and a nurse stopped the new arrival. “Are you Bishop Monson?” she asked. “Yes,” was his anxious reply. “I’m sorry,” the nurse replied. “The patient was calling your name just before he passed away.” As the young bishop walked out of the hospital that night, he vowed he would never again fail to act on an impression from the Lord.

26 Teachings of the Living Prophets
Thomas Spencer Monson

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