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Are you investment ready?

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Presentation on theme: "Are you investment ready?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Are you investment ready?
Using the diagnostic tool Hannah Williams Social Investment Business

2 Aims Understand how the diagnostic tool fits into the process
Understand how the diagnostic tool works Consider how to make best use of the diagnostic tool Start to understand how investment ready your organisation is

3 How to apply

4 What the diagnostic tool is…
Helps you think about how investment ready you are A framework for internal use about your finances, HR, governance, customers, impact and quality A way to get a quick investment readiness report which identifies areas for improvement before you apply for investment A basis for discussions with a Big Potential advisor later in the process

5 ..and the diagnostic tool isn’t
For you to tell us that you are investment ready now. Big Potential is for helping you move towards investment readiness A tool to decide whether you ‘score high enough’ to proceed – we will only check your eligibility for a Big Potential grant when we review the tool For getting a detailed overview of your investment readiness needs – but you will get this from a Big Potential 1:1 Support Advisor session

6 Accessing the diagnostic
Register at Complete your eligibility check Start your online diagnostic

7 Tips for making best use of the diagnostic
Consult with other members of your organisation if possible and where necessary Be honest – answering questions inaccurately to score higher won’t give you a good appreciation of needs Review the results and consider how you might address development needs

8 Group exercise For each of the five investment readiness questions:
decide where your organisation is on the scale think about who in your organisation you might need to speak to when answering the question discuss your answers discuss how you think this question relates to investment readiness.

9 Start your journey Online:
Phone: Get your copy of the Big Potential programme guidance now!

10 Thank you!

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