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Figures of speech and criticisms

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1 Figures of speech and criticisms
Mr. Jones

2 Simile A FIGURE OF SPEECH in which a comparison is made between unlike or dissimilar objects using the words like or as. Exp. Friends are like bad habits.

3 Metaphor A FIGURE OF SPEECH in which a comparison is drawn between two dissimilar or unlike things without the use of like or as. Exp. He is a beast at badminton.

4 Personification A FIGURE OF SPEECH in which animals, ideas, or objects are given human characteristics or form. Exp. “The wind spoke to me this morning.”

5 Hyperbole A FIGURE OF SPEECH in which an exaggeration or overstatement is made to illustrate a point. Exp. “It’s like a million degrees in here.”

6 Marxist criticism In literature, looking at who has money versus who does not have money, Exp. Titanic. Jack vs. Rose

7 Archetypal criticism In literature, looking at themes, characters that reoccur throughout time. Exp. The Outsiders is similar to Pretty in Pink which is similar to Arthur. (Rich vs. poor.)

8 Assignment Annotate the story “Why Chicken Means so Much to Me” for Figures of Speech and mark any examples of the Marxist and Archetypal criticism. Then, on a separate sheet of paper answer the following questions: Why does the main character (Junior) draw cartoons? Use evidence from the story to support your answer. 2. Are his parents good parents or bad parents? Give evidence from the story to support your claim. 3. Are animals as important as humans? Give evidence that they are, using the story as your support. 4. Why do you think his mother remembers every detail of the stories she reads? What does this say about her life? 5. In the last line, Junior states that a bullet only costs two cents. Why does a bullet cost more than that, emotionally? What does a bullet truly cost Junior? 6. Is Junior’s plight a state of mind or can it be overcome? Give an example from the story that suggests that he CAN overcome his poverty. 7. Are Junior and the Native Americans in the story alone in their plight? Compare the situation in the story to another culture/people/ person who has been mistreated by society.

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