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Biography Book Report Graphic Organizer

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1 Biography Book Report Graphic Organizer
Name and #: Date: Biography Book Report Graphic Organizer Paragraph 1: Due Tuesday, April 11th (worth 6 pts.) Title: Author and Illustrator: Number of Pages: Topic (who your books is about): Why did you choose this book for your report? What were you hoping to learn about this person? Paragraph 2: Due Friday, April 14th (worth 10 pts.) Describe why the subject of this biography is so interesting that he or she deserves an entire book written about his/her life.: Write 3 interesting facts you learned about this person. 1. 2. 3. What was the most important thing about this person? What are some things (2 or more) that you were surprised to learn? 4. What did you read that you already knew? What part of the book do you think would be most interesting to your classmates and why?

2 Paragraph 3: Due Wednesday, April 19th (worth 5 pts.)
Write at least 5 new words that you learned from this book. 3 Write the definition for the 5 new words you learned in YOUR OWN WORDS. 1 2 4 5 Paragraph 4: Due Friday, April 21st (worth 3 pts.) What other strategies, besides writing in the book, did the author use to help you learn about the subject? Were there photographs, illustrations, diagrams, maps, timelines, glossaries, or other features? Did the author put important vocabulary words in bold (darker) letters? Paragraph 5: Due Monday, April 14th (worth 4 pts.) Was this book a good choice for you to read? Why or why not? Which part of the book were your favorites and least favorites? Why? Closing Sentence to wrap things up:

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