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2 International Year of Biodiversity
Declared by the UNGA (61/203), An opportunity for the biodiversity community to encourage people to: Discover the biodiversity that surrounds us Realise its value, our connection to it and the consequences of its loss Act to save it. The celebrations of the International Year of Biodiversity are a unique opportunity for the biodiversity community. We have the opportunity to encourage people to DISCOVER the biodiversity that surrounds us, to REALISE its value, our connection to it and the consequences of its loss and to ACT to save it.

3 2010 Biodiversity Target “To achieve, by 2010, a significant reduction of the current rate of biodiversity loss at the global, regional and national level, as a contribution to poverty alleviation and to the benefit of all life on Earth” In decision VI/26, the Conference of the Parties (COP) adopted the Strategic Plan for the CBD. In the Plan's mission statement, Parties committed themselves to a more effective and coherent implementation of the three objectives of the Convention, to achieve by 2010 a significant reduction of the current rate of biodiversity loss at the global, regional and national level as a contribution to poverty alleviation and to the benefit of all life on Earth. The 2010 Biodiversity Target was subsequently endorsed by the World Summit on Sustainable Development and the United Nations General Assembly at the 2005 World Summit. The Summit also highlighted the essential role of biodiversity in meeting the Millennium Development Goals, especially the targets to halve the incidence of poverty and hunger by It recognized that the Convention is the key international instrument on biodiversity. Unfortunately it seems that the 2010 Target will not be reached on time, but there are good news… 3

4 International Year of Biodiversity Goals
Raise awareness of: How biodiversity is important for our lives What people have already done to save biodiversity Promote new and novel ways to safeguard biodiversity Encourage people to take immediate steps to reduce the rate of loss of biodiversity Initiate dialogue on steps for the post period Through the International Year of Biodiversity 2010 we hope to reflect the goals of organizations working all over the world to safeguard biodiversity. As such, the objectives of the International Year of Biodiversity 2010 are as follows: Enhance public awareness of the importance of safeguarding biodiversity and of the underlying threats to biodiversity. Raise awareness of the accomplishments to save biodiversity that have already been realized by communities and governments. Encourage individuals, organizations and governments to take the immediate steps needed to halt the loss of biodiversity. Promote innovative solutions to reduce the threats to biodiversity. Start dialogue between stakeholders for the steps to be taken in the post-2010 period.

5 International Year of Biodiversity Communications Campaign
Create excitement around the discovery that people are part of nature Highlight the huge opportunity we are presented with in the International Year of Biodiversity Create a strong sense of optimism that it is not too late to act Be honest about the urgency of the challenge. NOW is the time to act. Talking about biodiversity isn’t easy. It is a complex, scientific subject that encompasses everything and everyone. However, biodiversity is also an inspiring and exciting story – it is the story of life and the systems that sustain it. If we want to motivate people around the world to take action to safeguard biodiversity, we need to help them discover the amazing connections between themselves and the world around them, and then realize the consequences of biodiversity loss as well as the huge benefits we will all share if we conserve and use it sustainably. Excitement, opportunity, optimism, urgency This is a real challenge, and we need to get our communications just right in order to succeed. It is vital that our communications.... ...create excitement around the discovery that people are part of nature and intertwined with biodiversity. ...highlight the huge opportunity we are presented with, to safeguard biodiversity and create better lives for us all. ...create a strong sense of optimism that it’s not too late to act, and that together we can make a huge difference. ...are honest about the urgency of the challenge. Now is the time for action. What our messages do Our messages are designed to lay the foundations for your call to action. They aim to do this by following these objectives: Remove the perception that people are disconnected from biodiversity. Raise awareness of the threats of biodiversity loss and the benefits of safeguarding it. Promote a sense of urgency for action to halt the loss of biodiversity, and encourage people to act now. What the partner’s messages need to do Using the International Year of Biodiversity 2010 messages as a foundation, your messages should do the following: Urge your target audiences to take action. Provide a list of specific actions they can take to safeguard biodiversity in your area. Provide guidance for how to take action.

6 International Year of Biodiversity Messages
2010 is the International Year of Biodiversity; Let’s reflect on our achievements to safeguard biodiversity and focus on the urgency of our challenge for the future. Now is the time to act. Human activity is causing the diversity of life on earth to be lost at a greatly accelerated rate. These losses impoverish us all and damage the life support systems we rely on everyday. But we can prevent them. Biodiversity, the variety of life on earth, is essential to sustaining the living networks and systems that provide us all with health, wealth, food, fuel and the vital services our lives depend on. Humans are part of nature’s rich diversity and have the power to protect or destroy it. The messages communicate the main points of the International Year of Biodiversity efficiently and effectively so that people have a clear understanding of the International Year of Biodiversity and its aims. The International Year of Biodiversity is about your activities, campaigns and efforts to save biodiversity. Our messages create an important foundation, and we want to encourage you to use these as the introduction to your own activities. It is important that at all times your messaging remains simple and concise. It should also maintain the sense of discovery, wonder and urgency that the campaign messages are based on. You do not have to clear these messages with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, but the Secretariat would appreciate receiving copies of any information material that you produce. Your own action messages should: Offer stakeholders practical actions they can do to help support your campaign. Promote the activities and issues that are central to your campaign, mission or event. Provide specific examples of: - Ecosystem services that are directly relevant to your area and that your stakeholders will be familiar with. - Success stories from your area. These might include the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, or the equitable sharing of benefits from the use of the genetic resources of our world 6

7 Biodiversity is our life
Biodiversity is life Biodiversity is our life The United Nations General Assembly declared that 2010 will be the International Year of Biodiversity (IYB), and will help raise awareness of the importance of biodiversity all over the world. It is an opportunity to: Stress the importance of biodiversity for our well-being. Reflect on our achievements to safeguard biodiversity so far. Encourage a redoubling of our efforts to reduce the rate of biodiversity loss. Saving biodiversity requires effort from everyone. Through activities around the world, the global community will work together to ensure a sustainable future for us all. The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity is the focal point for the International Year of Biodiversity. Established at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is an international treaty for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and the equitable sharing of the multiple benefits of biodiversity. With 193 Parties, the CBD has near-universal participation. 7 7

8 The logo is designed to convey the concept of discovery and realization. A host of symbolic iconographic elements are included within the design to depict the scope of biodiversity, which includes marine, flora and fauna aspects. Together, they demonstrate how biodiversity is life and how we, as humans, are realizing our place within this journey. The logo consists of three core components: The year ”2010” that frames the campaign and the logo elements. The iconographic elements symbolising biodiversity. These include fish, waves, a flamingo, an adult and child, and a tree. The logo is available in electronic format from the Secretariat for use in your campaigns. If you wish to use the International Year of Biodiversity logo please refer to the usage guidelines in the Communications Guidelines and fill in the waiver on page 33. You can also get this waiver online at

9 Logo 9 9

10 International Year of Biodiversity Success stories
Projects carried out by communities, organizations and governments that have achieved the 2010 Biodiversity Target: Models for future biodiversity targets and policies Website will feature a “2010 Success Stories” clearing-house The International Year of Biodiversity is built on the examples of communities, governments and organizations that have been able to achieve the 2010 Biodiversity Target at different levels. Their stories will themselves become messages and models for future policy and action. They will be presented in a way that highlights their economic contribution to the lives of communities. The particularly important role of Indigenous and Local Communities will also be highlighted. Other examples of “2010 Success Stories” will be the work of the scientific community; the latest developments in biodiversity science. The website of the International Year of Biodiversity will feature a “Success Stories” clearing-house. This is where communities and organizations will submit their success stories for web and print publication. Partners will be able to advertise their stories and demonstrate how these contribute to the 2010 Target and beyond. Various formats of the “Success Stories” will be available to the media. Stock footage will be produced for TV stations looking for films on biodiversity. These films could also be used by national governments in the production of their own promotional material. In fact, Parties are expected to promote their “Success Stories”. Print material will be also offered to newspapers in ready to publish format and as brochures. We invite you to share YOUR “Success Stories” with the rest of the world! Examples of projects are drawn from Global Biodiversity Outlook 3 10

11 Key international events in 2010
Jan Berlin, Germany – Opening of the International Year of Biodiversity Paris, France – High-level event, scientific conference and launch of UNESCO’s IYB exhibition Feb Trondheim, Norway – Trondheim Conference on Biodiversity Bali, Indonesia, Global Ministerial Environmental Forum Mar Doha, Qatar, COP-15 of CITES May New York, USA - CSD and the Permanent Forum for Indigenous Issues Nairobi, Kenya - SBSTTA and WGRI, Launch of GBO-3 GLOBAL - International Day for Biological Diversity Jun GLOBAL - World Environment Day July New York, USA - High-level segment of ECOSOC Montreal, Canada - UNESCO Congress - Biodiversity and Cultural Diversity Sept New York, USA - United Nations General Assembly Oct Nagoya, Japan – The Nagoya Biodiversity Summit – includes the 5th Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and the tenth Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity Dec Kanazawa, Japan - Close IYB and contribution to the International Year of Forests NOTE: Please refer to the website or the Implementation Plan for more events and details. The International Year of Biodiversity will be marked by celebrations at the regional, national and international levels. The main purpose behind all major international days and events will be to: • Raise awareness about the need to save biodiversity • Present examples of commitments to conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, including 2010 Success Stories, and to demonstrate how these commitments will contribute to human well-being and development • Link these commitments to policy makers for future targets for the Convention 11

12 The Green Wave One school, one tree, one gift to nature The Green Wave is a multi-year global campaign that enables children and youth to make a difference – one school, one tree, one step at a time. The Green Wave brings together children and youth from around the world to raise awareness about biodiversity, and the need to reduce its loss. The Green Wave contributes to the Plant for the Planet Billion Tree Campaign. We invite you to join The Green Wave. You’ll learn-by-doing and be recognized internationally on Google maps. Start by exploring this website. Learn more about The Green Wave, Green Wave celebrations, trees and how your school can get involved in an exciting international initiative.

13 International Year of Biodiversity Current Partners
Here are some of our current partners, all very much involved with biodiversity related issues. The more the merrier, we’re waiting for your participation! [SHORT VERSION] Bioversity International is an international research organization dedicated solely to the conservation and use of agricultural biodiversity. They’ve launched “Diversity for Life” - a series of events in 8 countries to be held in 2010 has already been established and implementation plans have been shared with the Secretariat. Countdown 2010 is a powerful network of active partners working together towards the 2010 Biodiversity Target. The secretariat – hosted by IUCN – facilitates and encourages action, promotes the importance of the 2010 Biodiversity Target and assesses progress towards 2010. One Planet Pictures produced the excellent TV series “Nature Inc.” on BBC, which presents case studies and examples of the economic contribution of biodiversity. Episodes of the series will have run in 2009 and will be available for syndication. The Nature Conservancy works in supporting the implementation of various CBD programmes in more than 30 countries, across five continents. Their work with governments and other organizations has led to the creation of more than 22 million hectares of new protected areas. Television Trust for the Environment (TVE) produced excellent documentaries in 2007 for the IBD, which were subsequently broadcast on the BBC as part of the Earth Report Series. UNESCO will provide access to educators and scientists. Two exhibitions (one travelling exhibition) on the International Year of Biodiversity are presently planned – one with The Nature Conservancy and another with the SCBD. Wildscreen is an educational charity working globally "to promote the public appreciation of biodiversity and the conservation of nature through the power of wildlife imagery.“ The Wildscreen Film Festival is the largest nature photography film festival in the world. The Festival has agreed to mark the International Year of Biodiversity in their 2010 festival and to mobilize a traveling festival for Parties during 2010. The World Association of Zoos and Aquariums 's mission is to guide, encourage and support the zoos, aquariums, and like-minded organizations of the world in animal care and welfare, environmental education and global conservation. [LONG VERSION] Bioversity International: Diversity for Life - a series of events in 8 countries to be held in 2010 has already been established and implementation plans have been shared with the Secretariat. Bioversity is an international research organization dedicated solely to the conservation and use of agricultural biodiversity. Countdown 2010 (Partner for promotion of the 2010 Target). Countdown 2010 is a powerful network of active partners working together towards the 2010 Biodiversity Target. Each partner commits additional efforts to tackle the causes of biodiversity loss. The secretariat – hosted by IUCN – facilitates and encourages action, promotes the importance of the 2010 Biodiversity Target and assesses progress towards Where NGOs have programmes and initiatives linked to the 2010 Target, such as the work of IUCN’s countdown 2010 initiative, coordination of outreach, and use of institutional mechanisms for stakeholder mobilization should also be encouraged. One Planet Pictures produced the excellent TV series “Nature Inc.” on BBC, which presents case studies and examples of the economic contribution of biodiversity. Episodes of the series will have run in 2009 and will be available for syndication. New episodes will also be available. Ways to extend the distribution of the series to Parties will be explored. The Nature Conservancy (TNC) works in supporting the implementation of various CBD programmes in more than 30 countries, across five continents. Their work with governments and other organizations has led to the creation of more than 22 million hectares of new protected areas. Their experiences can be the basis for important “2010 success stories”. Television Trust for the Environment (TVE) produced excellent documentaries in 2007 for the IBD, which were subsequently broadcast on the BBC as part of the Earth Report Series. UNESCO will provide access to educators and scientists. Two exhibitions (one traveling exhibition) on the International Year of Biodiversity are presently planned – one with The Nature Conservancy and another with the SCBD. Wildscreen is an educational charity working globally "to promote the public appreciation of biodiversity and the conservation of nature through the power of wildlife imagery.“ The Wildscreen Film Festival is the largest nature photography film festival in the world. The Festival has agreed to mark the International Year of Biodiversity in their 2010 festival and to mobilize a traveling festival for Parties during World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) 's mission is to guide, encourage and support the zoos, aquariums, and like-minded organizations of the world in animal care and welfare, environmental education and global conservation. At COP-9 the Executive Secretary met the head of WAZA and agreed to conclude a Memorandum of Understanding that would include WAZA as a partner to promote the International Year of Biodiversity. 13

14 International Year of Biodiversity National Committees
National Governments will be primary organisers for the IYB. National Committees will be constituted of a variety of stakeholders including, but not limited to, representatives from: Ministries Municipalities Business & Key economic sectors Educators Indigenous and Local Communities NGOs Scientific groups National Clearing-House Mechanisms The media Youth groups NOTE: For more complete descriptions of each group, please refer to “Annex – Structure of National Committees.doc” While the International Year of Biodiversity will be a global event, the celebrations of the International Year will take place primarily at the national level. The success and prominence of the year will be the result of the collective actions of Parties to the Convention. It is expected that Parties will require some form of national organizing to accomplish their IYB mission. National Committees should have as wide a participation as is possible. We expect that National Committees will be constituted of a variety of stakeholders including, but not limited to, representatives from: Ministries other than those traditionally associated with the CBD Municipalities Business & Key economic sectors Educators Indigenous and Local Communities NGOs Scientific groups National Clearing-House Mechanisms The media Youth groups It will be extremely important to measure the outcomes of the International Year of Biodiversity; in fact, National Committees will be asked to evaluate its impact. Based on the high-level dialogues happening throughout the year, such as that planned for the UNGA in fall 2010, a strategy should be established for the post-2010 period, integrating biodiversity into the policies and practices of key economic sectors.

15 International Year of Biodiversity Getting involved
• Adapt and adopt the messages, and transmit them among your networks • Promote success stories • Provide support and resources to national events including on: - the International Day for Biodiversity 22 May - the World Environment Day and other events • Build links between biodiversity and other items on the environmental and development agendas • Organise and participate in events at key international meetings • Coordinate to become involved in the CBD process • Establish and increase your contact with media It will not be possible for the Secretariat to effectively directly engage the entire list of target groups above. The variety and scope of these targets demands the involvement of intermediaries who are closer geographically and culturally to these groups in accessing them. In the section below, we list some of the partners, and their expected actions. Note that the list of groups below is not exhaustive and other important and relevant groups will be included as they are identified. International organizations including United Nations Agencies represent important partners to reach target groups. Specialized agencies have experience in accessing both policy makers for issue areas. They also represent important forums where the issues of the CBD should be mainstreamed. The Secretariat will establish relationships with a number of organizations to celebrate the Year. There follows an indicative list of organizations and some actions that should be promoted. 15

16 International Day for Biodiversity and other international days
22 May Biodiversity for Development International Women's Day - 8 March World Water Day - 22 March World Health Day - 23 March World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development - 21 May World Environment Day - 5 June World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought - 17 June World Refugee Day - 20 June World Population Day - 11 July International Day of the World's Indigenous People - 9 August International Youth Day - 12 August International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer - 16 September World Food Day - 16 October United Nations Day and World Development Information Day - 24 October

17 International Year of Biodiversity What you can do
Believe that you can make a difference; read Books on Biodiversity. Inform yourself. The Internet is a great place to start, find out more at Observe the natural world around you... it can be something as small as the ants on the floor or the spider in the corner Do your part, Dig a garden, Delve into the subject, Develop your knowledge about biodiversity issues, Delight in different varieties of foods Interest your family and friends; Initiate a biodiversity project at school or in your community Volunteer to work on a biodiversity project; Value traditional knowledge, practices, foods and medicines Educate yourself, your friends and family; Examine your surroundings to see what you could do to improve them Respect biodiversity in all its forms; Reduce consumption and waste, Reuse, Recycle Study hard and become a Scientist, a biologist, an agronomist, an ecologist, a forestry expert; Share your knowledge; live Sustainably Involve yourself in an environmental NGO or your country’s committee for the international Year of Biodiversity Talk to and Teach others about biodiversity loss. Yes, YOU can do it... if we each do our part without waiting for others to do something first. YOU start, others will follow

18 Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
For more information on the International Year of Biodiversity contact us at: Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity World Trade Centre 413 St. Jacques street, Suite 800 Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2Y 1N9 Tel. 1 (514) 18 18


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