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Improvisation and tool box

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1 Improvisation and tool box
Choreography Improvisation and tool box

2 Improvisation Improvisation is a process of producing spontaneous movements as a result of stimuli. Stimuli can be: ideas, images, music, words, poetry, stories , photographs, artwork, places. Why do we improv? Choreography ideas, develops personal style, gets one “out of the box,” expands movement range

3 Phrase Smallest simplest unit of form
Has a clear beginning, middle, and end A phrase is to dance what is a sentence is to a book. Has intention and meaning High Point: something within the phrase that is of interest to the audience (example: stronger, bigger, faster, stillness, a moment)

4 Phrase vs. Class combo. Phrase has meaning and intention but is usually geared to the “art” of the dance Class combo. is created for students by a teacher working on a particular technique. Prepared in an academic way.

5 Tool Box Canon – all dancers doing the same movement but at different times Theme – a sequence of movement that are recognizable, established as the dance unfolds, established through repetition and contrast. Its defined strictly by a series of movement. Accumulation – adding on to (example: plie, plie tendu, plie tendu saute)

6 Juxtaposition – large group dancing in unison with a smaller or individual doing something different. Motif – the movement or movements that an audience will remember to be the “characteristic” of your piece. (example: poking hands) Contrast – diversity of color, emotion, or tone. Intensifies the experiences. Keeps the dance from being monotonous by changing the speed, level, direction, quality, ect.

7 Transition – what happens between the sets of movement, helps the dance become seamless.
Retrograde – to rewind the movement Reverse – reverse the movement in some way, a different direction. Repetition – repeating movement to emphasize it. It can be a sequence, phrase, floor pattern, or gesture.

8 Variation – Starts with a theme and “highlights” different parts of the theme. (example: AB, ABA, ABACAD) To repeat the movement with some changes Unison – All dancers doing the same movement at the same time. Audience – Don’t forget them! Ask yourself questions…It is important for your audience to be touched/inspired? Do they really have to understand the movement and meaning? Do they have to “get it?”

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