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Published byLizbeth Smith Modified over 6 years ago
The Status of the LHC Machine and the Experiments
LHCb ATLAS LHCf Acknowledgements: Many thanks to my numerous colleagues at CERN for the material they kindly provided CMS TOTEM ALICE LHC machine 10th International Conference on Instrumentation for Colliding Beam Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia, February 28 - March 5, 2008 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008 Werner Witzeling, CERN
The LHC machine The Large Hadron Collier (LHC) will provide proton-proton collisions at a centre of mass energy of 14 TeV About 1800 superconducting magnets in the ~27km long tunnel Superconducting RF cavities And much more… LHC placed in the LEP tunnel ( m underground) 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
LHC cryogenics Largest cryogenics installation in the world
A distributed system providing liquid Helium at 1.9 K along the 27 km circumference Commissioning well advanced 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
LHC installation ~ 27 km Cryogenics distribution line Magnets
RF cavities Feed box 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
LHC magnet installation
First magnet lowered into the tunnel on 7 March ’05 Last of ~ 1800 superconducting magnets was lowered on 26 April ’07 Transport: km at 2 km/h Closure of continuous cryostat on 5 November 2007 The installation of the LHC machine is practically complete 26 April 2007 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
LHC hardware commissioning
Hardware commissioning is performed centrally from the Cern Control Centre (CCC) 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
LHC commissioning: transfer lines and injections
IR8 TI 8 beam tests 23./ / TI 8 SPS LHC IR2 Transfer lines: combined length 5.6 km over 700 magnets ca. 2/3 of SPS TI 2 TI 2 beam test 28./ PMI2 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
LHC hardware commissioning
Some 200 power circuits for the superconducting magnets have to be commissioned in each of the 8 sectors Electrical quality assurance Interlock protection tests Powering tests ….. Temperature @9500A 17R4-B @9789 A 27L5 (C-B-A) @9857A 22R4 (A-B-C) then 21R4 (C) Natural quench Natural quenches Provoked quench Temperature Ramping the main dipoles in sector 4-5 Time 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
LHC hardware commissioning (2)
Sector 4-5: Ramp of 138 power converters to a current equivalent to 5.3 TeV (including realistic LHC optics ) 19 February 2008,15:00 commissioning team 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
LHC hardware commissioning summary
Large effort ongoing to commission the hardware on several sectors in parallel Two sectors have been successfully cooled to 1.9 K (6.8 km!) Dipoles in sector 4-5 have been ramped to currents equivalent to 6 TeV Sector 4-5 being warmed now up to connect the triplets (on critical path) Three sectors presently being cooled down According to plan, all sectors should be cold by mid June ’08 Commissioning with beam should follow soon after Follow the status of hardware commissioning online at: Sector 45 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
The ATLAS detector The ATLAS detector is a general purpose detector with an assembly of three large air-core toroids for the muon spectrometer 46 meters 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
ATLAS muon spectrometer
Three measurement stations: MDT and CSC precision chambers RPC and TGC trigger chambers Covering an acceptance >96% ~95% of chambers installed Cosmics data being taken routinely 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
ATLAS calorimeters Hadronic calorimeter Tile calorimeter
Electromagnetic Calorimeter Lead-LAr accordeon All three cryostats are cold Both calorimeters: installation complete, cosmics data at regular intervals 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
ATLAS magnet system Barrel toroid: fully tested in Nov ’06
8 separate coils End-Cap Toroid: 8 coils in a common cryostat Barrel toroid: fully tested in Nov ’06 ECT tested to 75% of nominal Full field test planned for May ‘08 Field mapping machine in solenoid points measured (4 currents) Solenoid: magnetic field mapped Field integrals seen by the particles with measured with a precision of < 5·10-4 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
ATLAS Inner Detector All components of the Inner Detector have been installed in 4 steps Barrel SCT + TRT 2 End-Caps SCT + TRT Full pixel detector + Be beam pipe Commissioning is under way 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
ATLAS getting ready All detectors are installed
Last big detector “small muon wheel” installed Inner Detector commissioning to be completed prior to closure of detector Combined toroid test in May Intensive commissioning activity ATLAS will be ready for the first collisions Small wheel, 14 Feb 08 ATLAS control room 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
The CMS detector The Compact Muon Solenoid detector (CMS) is a general purpose detector with a large superconducting solenoid 22 m 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
CMS assembly on surface
Concept from the very beginning: Pre-assembly of the ton detector on the surface to be independent of civil engineering Assemble and test magnet and part of detectors on the surface, then lower into cavern Cosmic in TK, ECAL, HCAL, Mu 13 major elements Rapid access for maintenance Surface assembly started in 2000, culminated in a system test in 2006 Magnet tested and field mapping performed HCal and slices of all detectors installed and common cosmics run performed (Magnet Test And Cosmics Challenge MTCC) 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
CMS moving underground
Lowering of heavy pieces started in Nov ’06 with the forward calorimeter Followed by 3 end-cap disks and barrel wheel Then central barrel with solenoid Followed by re-installation of HCal Central barrel Feb’07 HCal Apr’07 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
CMS moving underground (2)
Electromagnetic calorimeter Insertion of tracker Last heavy object: end cap disk YE-1 ECal Jul’07 YE-1 Jan’08 Tracker Dec’07 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
CMS getting ready CMS has achieved a gigantic job moving the detector from the surface to the underground area The ‘initial’ CMS detector is installed, except the pixel detector (ready end March) and one end-cap ECAL (May) Pixel detector Initial CMS detector will be closed by end May ’08 and will be ready for beam (PS: If no beam imminent, the second ECal end-cap could be installed in July ’08 -> ‘low luminosity CMS detector’ ) Underground control room – Dec’07 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
The TOTEM detector (1) IP5
TOTEM is an experiment dedicated to the measurement of total cross section, elastic scattering and diffractive processes at the LHC IP5 A. Near detectors (integrated in CMS): T1 Cathode strip chambers 2 symmetric arms 5 planes Triple GEM chambers 10 layers per arm 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008 production finishing in April production complete
The TOTEM detector (2) IP5 RP1 RP2
B. Far detectors: Roman pot stations (RP) with 2x2 units on either side of IP5 IP5 147 m 220 m RP1 RP2 Edgeless Si detectors Dead area ~ 50 μm All Si detectors produced All Roman pot stations installed in tunnel One station equipped with Si detectors Roman pot unit in tunnel 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
The LHCb detector Interaction point
LHCb is designed to look for indirect evidence of new physics in CP violation and rare decays of beauty and charm hadrons Single Arm Forward Spectrometer Vertex Locator Magnet Tracking stations RICH detectors Calorimeters Muon System Interaction point Acceptance 10 to 300 mrad 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
Vertex Locator (VeLo) Vertex locator installed on the beam line
42 Si detector modules located in a vacuum tank separated from the beam by a thin specially shaped aluminium foil Commissioning in full swing Beam eye’s view r-measuring f-measuring Si sensor modules 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
Tracking stations Outer Tracker 3 stations 4 layers of straw tubes
per station Installed, commissioning ongoing Trigger Tracker 4 layers of Si strip detectors Installation ongoing OT: Time spectrum of cosmics Inner Tracker 3 stations 4 layers of Si strip detectors per station Installation ongoing 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
RICH2 on-line display - February 2008
RICH detectors RICH-1 Radiators: Aerogel and C4F10 Most components installed, commissioning started with ½ of photon detectors 3.8m RICH-2 Radiator: 100 m3 of CF4 Detector installed and commissioned 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008 RICH2 on-line display - February 2008 Hybrid Photon Detectors
Calorimeters Calorimeter system with four components
Scintillating Pad + Pre-shower detectors Electromagnetic Calorimeter (Shashlik) Hadronic calorimeter (Tiles) Fully installed Commissioning proceeding Cosmic in ECal and HCal 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
Muon detector Muon system consists of 5 stations
Multi-wire proportional chambers Except inner-most region of first station: triple GEM chambers Stations M2-M5 MWPC 98% (of ~1100) installed Alignment nearly completed Commissioning proceeding Stations M1 Installation of supports and services on the way Chamber installation will not be completed by end April ’08 Between two Muon stations (open position) 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
LHCb getting ready Installation of the LHCb detector will be completed in April ‘08 (except M1) Commissioning of detector is ongoing Because of the moderate luminosity (2x1032) required, LHCb hopes to produce new physics results early on LHCb will be ready to take data from first day of p-p collisions 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
The ALICE detector ALICE is a dedicated detector for the study of heavy-ion collisions at LHC energies 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
ALICE Installation Important progress in 2007
Installation of the Time Projection Chamber (TPC) Inner Tracking System (+pixel, SPD..) and Beryllium beam pipe installed Part of the TRD and TOF detectors installed Insertion of ITS into the TPC 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
ALICE muon spectrometer arm
Installation essentially complete Dipole magnet commissioned and field mapped Tracking system (5 stations) installed (except ½ station for access) Trigger chambers installed View on tracking stations 1+ 2 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
Muon Tracking Chambers
ALICE commissioning Cosmics run in December ’07 Operation form the ALICE control room Up to 11 systems in global run With data migrating to CASTOR Muon Tracking Chambers Muon showering in the TPC 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
ALICE getting ready Installation of most ALICE detectors in 2007 as planned Initial detector configuration required for the pp runs in 2008 will be achieved by April ‘08 Some more detector modules (TOF, TRD, PHOS, PMD) to be installed Commissioning activities in full swing ALICE will be ready to take data at first pp collisions 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
The LHCf detector LHCf Both arms installed and will take data during low-luminosity running Goal: Improve understanding of high energy cosmic ray phenomena By measuring the energy distribution of particles emitted in the very forward region of hadronic interactions LHCf will measure forward production spectra of photons and π° (and neutrons) scintillators tungsten layers scintillating fibers Silicon layers Simulation atmospheric shower due to 1019 eV proton scintillators ARM 1 tungsten layers ARM 2 140 meter 140 meter 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
All the elements of the LHC machine required for the initial phase are installed
The commissioning of the machine is progressing in parallel on several sectors The experiments will finish installation in May’08 and commissioning of the detectors is in full swing A very large effort is being undertaken to start the operation of the LHC in summer 2008 Summary 10th International Conference on Colliding Beam Detectors, Novosibirsk W.Witzeling 28 Feb 2008
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