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Prefixes By: Harrison Hatcher

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1 Prefixes By: Harrison Hatcher

2 Multi- Many;More than one
Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, is a well known Multimillionaire. A lot of new video games are multiplayer Examples: Multiplier Multiplayer Multimillionaire Multiple

3 Fore- It means “before”
Robert foreshadowed that the day would end in tragedy, sadly he was right... My forefather was a very well known and famous man. Examples: Foreshadow Foresight Forebode Forefather

4 Hyper- It means “over” “I ate like 15 pancakes this morning!” “Isn't that kind of a hyperbole? I clicked on the link and it took me coolest site ever! Examples Hyperbole Hyperactive Hyperlink Hypertensive

5 Self- It means “oneself”
At first, Trisha was excited about school, but then she lost her self-confidence. You should never act self-centered, it makes you look bad. Examples: Self-confident Self-esteem Self-conscious Self-centered

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