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Install Onlineshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Install Onlineshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Install Onlineshop

2 Install onlineshop and test member system
Download zip file from website Move/Copy to htdocs Set folder name “onlineshop”

3 Create database Run as Admin start Apache and MySQL service
Open browser URL: localhost/phpmyadmin Create database Import SQL for create table (8 tables) Import province and amphur data from province.csv and amphur.csv (respectively) Open inc/connect.php modify database name Front-office: Open browser type  localhost/onlineshop Back-office: Open browser type  localhost/onlineshop/admin

4 Run as Admin

5 Create database and Tables Localhost/phpmyadmin
1. Click new 4. Click Create button 2. Type database name “onlineshop” 3. Select utf8_general_ic

6 Create database and Tables
1. Click onlineshop 2. Click ปุ่มเลือกไฟล์ Select create.sql Check Character set  utf-8 And select go button

7 Create database and Tables
1. Read message

8 Create database and Tables
2. Check Collation  utf8_general_ic 1. Click onlineshop

9 Create database and Tables
2. select Import tab 1. select province 3. click เลือกไฟล์ Select province.csv 4. Character set  utf-8 And click go button

10 Create database and Tables
1. Read message

11 Create database and Tables
2. Read and check Province_name 1. Click province

12 Create database and Tables
1. Select Import tab 1. Click amphur 3. Select เลือกไฟล์ select amphur.csv 4. Character set  utf-8 And click go button

13 Create database and Tables
1. Read message

14 Check inc/connect.php Goto Folder: XAMPP, htdocs, inc
Use notepad++ to open connect.php Check and change dbHost dbUser dbPass dbName

15 Front-office Open browser: localhost/onlineshop

16 Front-office Select: Register
1. Fill data 2. Click บันทึก

17 Front-office 1. Type 2. Type Password

18 Front-office 1. Display and logout

19 Back-office Open Browser: localhost/onlineshop/admin
1. Select Member Management

20 Back-office 1. Display member 2. Click for edit 2. Click for delete

21 Back-office 1. Edit member

22 View source code index.php

23 Check customers in database
1. Select customers 2. View data

24 Do you know?

25 Change Collation Select database, Click Operations tab, Click Collation  utf8_general_ci

26 Drop database: Select database, Operations tab, and Drop the database
2. Click Operations tab 1. Click database 3. Click drop the database (DROP)


28 NEXT Catalog System Shopping Cart

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