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Aylin Küntay Meeting 6 Language and Communication Disorders

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1 Aylin Küntay Meeting 6 Language and Communication Disorders
Autistic Disorder Aylin Küntay Meeting 6 Language and Communication Disorders

2 What is autism? Pervasive developmental disorder
Impairment of the reciprocal social and communication skills Abnormal language development Restricted repertoire of behaviors and interests Historically though to be caused by non-warm, unresponsive parenting No evidence

3 Early diagnosis ( < 2)
Looking at faces Following someone’s gaze Turning when name called Showing objects to others Protodeclarative gestures Pointing at interesting objects Pointing to request Protoimperative gestures Symbolic play

4 Social abilities No differences in attachment
İmpaired social imitation Impaired joint attention Face-processing problems Emotion perception and expression?? Symbolic play Delayed Mechanical and repetitive

5 Language and communication abilities
Joint attention and symbolic play are considered precursors of lang Around 50% of autistic individuals do not produce speech at all Rest produce deviant language Echolalia (immediate or delayed repetition) Abnormal prosody Pronoun reversal (use “you” instead of “I”)

6 Especially in pragmatic aspects
No relevance: provision of redundant details Inappropriate shifts to a new topic Lack of responsiveness to others’ questions and comments Lack of understanding of speaker-listener turn taking rules Lack of understanding of the listener’s perspective

7 Repetitive behaviors and interests
Lower level motor behaviors such as shaking, hand waving Higher level behaviors such as over-organizing; obsessive interests

8 Assessment and screening instruments
ADOS (Autism Diagnostic Observation Scale) CARS (Childhood Autism Rating Scale)

9 Asperger syndrome Without mental retardation or significant language delay Being unable to understand and respond to social cues Later:

10 Autism Joint attention episodes absent; impaired pragmatics
No declarative speech acts ToM difficulties OK lexical learning in high-functioning

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