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Haryana 4th Review Mission DISTRICT: Kurukshetra & Kaithal

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1 Haryana 4th Review Mission DISTRICT: Kurukshetra & Kaithal
Mid Day Meal Scheme 4th Review Mission Haryana 18th – 22nd March, 2013 DISTRICT: Kurukshetra & Kaithal

2 World’s largest school feeding programme
Team Members Mrs. Rita Chatterjee, Joint Secretary, MDM, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India – Team Leader Dr. D. Suresh, Director General, Elementary Education, Govt. of Haryana. Ms. Kiran Bhatty, Representative of Office of Supreme Court Commissionerate. Shri Rajender Singh Yadav, Representative of Monitoring Institution World’s largest school feeding programme 2

3 World’s largest school feeding programme
Structure of the Presentation Performance of the Scheme during to first quarter of Findings of the Review Mission Team in two districts Kurukshetra Kaithal World’s largest school feeding programme

4 Coverage of Children (Primary)
Coverage in % World’s largest school feeding programme

5 Coverage of Children (Upper Primary)
Coverage in % World’s largest school feeding programme

6 % Utilization of Central Assistance against Allocation
Utilisation in % World’s largest school feeding programme

7 Terms of Reference of the Mission
Review the system of fund flow from State Government to school / cooking agency level and time taken in this process. Review the management and monitoring system and its performance from State to school level. Review the progress of the programme during with respect to availability of foodgrains and funds at the school / cooking agency level, quality and regularity in serving the meal in the selected schools and districts, transparency in implementation, role of teachers, involvement of community, convergence with School Health Programme for supplementation of micronutrients and health check up etc. World’s largest school feeding programme

8 World’s largest school feeding programme
Contd…. Assess the satisfaction of children, parents and teachers about the implementation and impact of the scheme. Review the maintenance of records at school / cooking agency level. Review the payment of cost of foodgrains to FCI Review the availability of infrastructure, its adequacy and source of funding. Give suggestions for improvement in the implementation of the programme Review the progress on web based MIS integrated with IVRS World’s largest school feeding programme

9 World’s largest school feeding programme
Infrastructure Kitchen-cum-stores: Available in 12 of the visited schools. Kitchen devices: Cooking utensil available and in use. Eating utensils are also available in all the schools Safe Drinking Water: Available in all the visited schools. Toilets: Fire Extinguisher: Available in 8 of the visited schools. World’s largest school feeding programme

10 World’s largest school feeding programme
Best Practices RTGS no. of bank accounts for majority of schools. Provision of eating utensils for all the students. State has decided to provide additional Rs. 150 per month per CCH since September, 2012. State has provide Rs lakh for procurement of kitchen devices during and Rs lakh for procurement of eating plates and spoons for childern during from its own funds. Provision of storage bins for food grains. World’s largest school feeding programme 10

11 World’s largest school feeding programme
Issues No clarity about heads of funds. Irregularity in supply of food grains by HAFED. No mechanism for getting information on utilisation of funds and food grains. Kitchen-cum-stores constructed but not in use in Kurukshetra. Faulty design of kitchen-cum-stores in Kaithal. Menu is not as per the nutritional norms of MDMS. World’s largest school feeding programme

12 World’s largest school feeding programme
Issues Less inclusion of green leafy vegetables in menu. Less quantity of meal provided by ISKCON. World’s largest school feeding programme

13 Monitoring: Un-answered Questions
What are the monitoring structures? Who in the department is supposed to monitor what? What are the Terms of Reference? How frequently is monitoring to be done? Are reports prepared after each visit? What is the format of the reports? Who maintains the reports? Is there a record maintained at the school? Are there Inspection registers? What funds have been allocated for Monitoring? How are the State, District and Block Monitoring Committees functioning?

14 World’s largest school feeding programme
Contd…. Convergence with Health Department needs to be further strengthened for distribution of IFA tablets, Vitamin-A dosage and de-worming tablets Displaying of MDM logo and entitlements Delay in release of funds from State Finance Department. Functionaries at grass root level unaware of MDM entitlement of children. Children of NCLP schools are provided MDM only on the working days when elementary schools are covered, whereas per the PAB World’s largest school feeding programme

15 World’s largest school feeding programme
Recommendations Proposed Management Structure Financial Management Strengthening of monitoring mechanism Capacity building and training Convergence Publicity Grievance Redressal Mechanism World’s largest school feeding programme

16 1. Proposed Management Structure
Setting up of Mid Day Meal Authority headed by Director level officer. Filling up of vacant posts at block level, Engagement of persons on contractual basis from the relevant fields. Providing mobility facilities to the officers at various levels. Provision of CUG mobiles connection to the officials. World’s largest school feeding programme

17 World’s largest school feeding programme
2. Financial Management Rationalization of fund flow by reducing the intermediate levels – District & Block. Utilization of interest accrued on MDM grant. Timely availability of funds to the schools, Release of honorarium to CCH directly through bank account. World’s largest school feeding programme

18 3. Strengthening of Monitoring
Mandatory Inspections by the officials as per the defined ToR. Follow up mechanism on the inspections MME funds must be used for improving management systems An assessment of the requirements for each task at each Block must be made and resources allocated accordingly Regular meeting of district / block monitoring committee may be ensured. Identification of problematic districts and setting up of State Review Mission to review the Scheme in those districts. Introduction of social audit mechanism. World’s largest school feeding programme

19 4. Capacity Building and Training
Community Mobilization – Training of SMC members under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. Orientation training to the Programme Managers of MDMS at various levels. The cooks need to be trained on aspects of hygiene, health, sanitation apart from cooking. A brief module on Mid Day Meal in In-service training programme for teacher World’s largest school feeding programme

20 World’s largest school feeding programme
5. Convergence NRHM: Health card, IFA Tablets, Vitamin A and De worming tablets and spectacles. SSA: i) Maintenance of kitchen-cum-stores from the maintenance grant of SSA. UNICEF Global Hand Washing Day : Improved hygienic practices through education in terms of hand-washing, safe drinking water etc. This will enhance the health benefits of this scheme. MPLAD Scheme: Inclusion of construction of dining hall.. World’s largest school feeding programme

21 World’s largest school feeding programme
6. Publicity The rights and entitlement of children and daily menu should be displayed prominently on the outside wall of the schools. MDM logo should also be exhibited prominently in the school. Adequate advocacy of the scheme with use of an IEC campaign in the State to highlight the scheme, its norms so as to bring in a component of community ownership of the scheme. World’s largest school feeding programme

22 World’s largest school feeding programme
7. Grievance Redressal Mechanism A well-defined GR mechanism must have the following elements operating within well-appointed time frames: 1. System of Registering complaints 2. System of investigating complaints 3. System of redress Time frames for redress of complaints varying with severity of complaints. Accountability at different levels must be fixed. World’s largest school feeding programme

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