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The movement to go ‘beyond nuclear’ in the U.S.

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Presentation on theme: "The movement to go ‘beyond nuclear’ in the U.S."— Presentation transcript:

1 The movement to go ‘beyond nuclear’ in the U.S.

2 In the beginning…..the Clams

3 Community allies The birth of a new movement

4 What winning looks like
Nothing happened Nothing happened, yet Not all of it happened What winning looks like

5 What didn’t happen There is no open long-term HLW repository
We have not yet had our U.S. Fukushima Since 1974, 100 planned reactors have been canceled. We did not get Nixon’s “1,000 reactors by the year 2000.” What didn’t happen

6 Success stories 1. Delay of the DUD

7 Success stories 2. Vermont Yankee shut down

8 Success stories 3. San Onofre shut down

9 Success stories 4. Yucca Mountain canceled

10 Success stories 5. Nuclear Waste “Confidence” Decision
Challenges NRC contention that permanent nuclear waste storage is “technically feasible and will eventually be made available” but only “when necessary” Won round 1. Two-year hiatus on new licenses NRC pulled a Windscale and now calls it “Continued Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel Rule.” Under appeal to stall new and renewed licenses Success stories 5. Nuclear Waste “Confidence” Decision

11 The challenges: Geography

12 The challenges: The breadth of issues
Uranium mining – indigenous people Nuclear power generation, accident risk Radioactive releases, leaks and spills Radioactive waste -- pools, casks and dumps Security and sabotage Subsidies Shutting down operating reactors Stopping new reactors/construction work in progress Decommissioning The challenges: The breadth of issues

13 The challenges: $2.4 million annual lobbying budget $54 annual million operating budget

14 The challenges: media The sky is falling vs. the sky fell

15 The challenges: No room on the stage

16 Decline = greater danger
Industry is cutting its budget by 30% NRC is downsizing. Project AIM “delivering our future” is more like a wake, but… Whistle-blower firing squad. NRC wants compliant staff, not compliant industry Reduced transparency; less public intervention Legal avenues narrowed Industry profit motive eroding = safety shortcuts Taxpayers and ratepayers will pay for new reactors Decline = greater danger

17 Fukushima delivered some new activists and awoke old ones

18 Armchair activism and the Moules Marinières Alliance

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