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Year 10 Subject Selection Physics Semester 1

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1 Year 10 Subject Selection Physics Semester 1

2 Electricity in Term I Course Description
In this unit, the topics studied are magnetic field, electric field, simple electric circuits, Ohm's Law, domestic electricity and electric safety in term 1

3 Movement in Term II Course Description
In this unit, the topics studied are linear motion, Newton's laws of motion, forces and friction.

4 Work tasks and Assessments
Assessment tasks Work tasks include practical activities, chapter questions and classroom discussions on all topics covered in the unit. An example of some of the practical activities include: Series Circuit Parallel Circuit Ohm,s Law Free Fall and Gravity Friction and Force Practical Reports Assignments Topic Tests End of Semester Exam

5 Subject pathway Students who undertake this subject are given a general introduction to studying Physics in Electricity and Linear Motion. VCE pathway: Physics and Engineering (VET)

6 Subject pathway after VCE
Engineering Airforce Navy Army Architecture Electrician Plumber Medical health: Radiology, Dentistry….

7 Good Luck! Have a Great Year! Contact Subject Teacher Mr. Peter Cheung

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