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How can we do CPD better?.

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Presentation on theme: "How can we do CPD better?."— Presentation transcript:

1 How can we do CPD better?

2 The iceberg is melting We have frameworks in place (eg NQP & Dysphagia) but: The resources supporting these are scattered People are feeling overwhelmed Members are too busy to go looking for the resources (time is the currency)

3 We are going to try a new approach…

4 …CPD resources organised into themed lists and arranged as a journey

5 Why are we using a list approach?
Lists are simple to use Learners are in control – the order is suggested but they can proceed how they want Learners can take a suggested list and make it their own – adding or deleting Learners can share lists Lists of digital content are familiar to us:

6 Why the idea of a journey?
The idea of structured lists through learning material has existed in schools for some time as a way to link content. Schools call these ‘learning journeys’. It is now being considered as a flexible way to organise and share learning content for professionals. We are going to try this and we are using the working title: ‘Learning Journeys’

7 What are learning journeys?
They are curated lists of links to content which guide a person through a sequence of learning in a structured way They are like a playlist of recommended learning materials in a range of formats eg videos, articles, web pages, Twitter chats and live events They are designed to develop a learner’s understanding of a particular subject

8 Why are they a good thing?
Learning journeys are designed to develop a learner’s understanding of a particular subject. They provide: Clear navigation Quick to use Ability to adapt to the user A framework for clinical & non-clinical subjects A sequenced pathway through learning

9 What they could look like with the new website
A learning journey could look a bit like this on our current website… What they could look like with the new website Learning journeys Learning Journey Title here Details about this learning journey here including: introduction, learning objectives, overall time to complete and what level it is set at. > Research skills > Influencing skills > Clinical business skills > NQP > Leadership skills > Becoming an adviser > Dysphagia > Working overseas > etc Item 1 title Item 1 description, Learning objectives and Time to complete go here…………………………………………………………………………………… Item 2 title Item 2 description, Learning objectives and Time to complete go here……………………………………………………………………………………………….. Item 3 title Item 3 description, Learning objectives and Time to complete go here……………………………………………………………………………………………….. Item 3 title Item 3 description, Learning objectives and Time to complete go here……………………………………………………………………………………………….. Completed? Once you have completed this learning journey please do update your CPD diary as this counts towards your CPD. Please complete this short survey to tell us what you thought. Questions and comments? If you have comment or query about this learning journey please us at or by phone our enquiries line on

10 But on the new website we plan to extend learning journeys with more features including:
Links to member’s profiles Links to CPD diaries Editable by members & groups (eg Hubs, CENs & Journal Clubs…) Sharable Members can make their own lists

11 But on the new website we want it to have more features including:
Linked to member’s profiles Linked to CPD diaries Editable by members Sharable Members can make their own lists Thank you!

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