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Purpose and functions of political parties in the U.S.

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Presentation on theme: "Purpose and functions of political parties in the U.S."— Presentation transcript:

1 Purpose and functions of political parties in the U.S.
Objective 6.5 Purpose and functions of political parties in the U.S.

2 What is a political party??
A group of people that shares similar political ideas takes action to achieve their political goals

3 help candidates win elections
Political parties… help candidates win elections

4 Goals of Political parties
recruit and nominate candidates find people that share party beliefs Nominate people that can WIN!!!

5 educate the electorate about campaign issues
Political parties… educate the electorate about campaign issues VOTERS

6 monitor the actions of other elected leaders
Political parties monitor the actions of other elected leaders Point out mistakes of other party report wrong doing Make sure leaders are honest

7 raise money for campaigns
political parties…. raise money for campaigns Campaigns are expensive and candidates need $$ to win

8 Two Major Political Parties in US politics
DEMOCRATS & REPUBLICANS All Presidents for last 100 yrs Overwhelming majority of members of Congress Dominate state and local gov’t politics

9 political parties besides D or R
Third Parties political parties besides D or R Can influence voters with their ideas Rarely win elections

10 Similarities and differences of political parties Obj. 6.6

11 both parties organize to win elections **MAIN GOAL**
similarities both parties organize to win elections **MAIN GOAL**

12 both influence public policy by
similarities both influence public policy by Educating the public about issues Helping candidates get elected

13 both reflect liberal and conservative political views
similarities both reflect liberal and conservative political views Liberal- modern ideas Conservative- traditional ideas

14 Both appeal to the political center (moderates)
similarities Both appeal to the political center (moderates)

15 similarities (moderates)
Many citizens are in the “middle” and support ideas of both parties The party that wins support from moderates usually wins elections

16 differences The major differences between political parties can be found in the Party Platform

17 Party Platform A party’s statement of the issues of importance The party’s solutions for dealing with issues

18 Party Platform The two major parties have different platforms for dealing with major Social and Economic issues

19 Believe in large role of federal government
left DEMOCRATS Believe in large role of federal government

20 Differences DEMOCRATS
left Differences DEMOCRATS the federal gov’t should create programs to solve social problems

21 Differences DEMOCRATS
increase taxes (maybe) to pay for the social programs

22 Differences DEMOCRATS
domestic programs (programs in the US) are more important than giving foreign aid


24 Differences REPUBLICANS
believe the role of the federal government should be limited

25 Differences REPUBLICANS
right Differences REPUBLICANS think that state governments should create and fund programs to solve problems

26 Differences REPUBLICANS
right Differences REPUBLICANS decrease taxes (maybe) and provide for less social programs

27 Differences REPUBLICANS
foreign policy is very important (gives money, food, military aid)


29 Advantages and disadvantages of the two-party system
Objective 6.7 Advantages and disadvantages of the two-party system

30 The two-party system Since US politics is dominated by the Democrats and Republicans, it is said that the US is run on a 2 party system

31 Advantage: political stability
Both parties have large groups of supporters and popular leaders This makes government stable and strong

32 Advantage: Electoral College Winner
51% electoral college winner needed to become President Easier to achieve with only 2 parties competing

33 Advantage: continuity in government-
One of the parties will always have majority popular support If one party fails, the second party leaders can take over and the government remains strong

34 Disadvantage: less opportunity to represent minority opinions
less popular issues may be ignored

35 What if you don’t like either the Democratic or Republican candidate??
Disadvantages Less candidates for voters to choose from What if you don’t like either the Democratic or Republican candidate??

36 Reasons for the formation of third parties
Objective 6.8 Reasons for the formation of third parties

37 Third Parties

38 Why do you think 3rd parties exist in American politics?

39 major parties fail to discuss popular issues
Why do 3rd parties exist?? major parties fail to discuss popular issues Ex- the environment 3rd parties can bring attention to forgotten issues

40 Third parties introduce new ideas
Why do 3rd parties exist?? Third parties introduce new ideas

41 Why do 3rd parties exist?? To give voters more choices -Allows citizens to vote for a person outside of the two major parties

42 strong political personality of a candidate
Why do 3rd parties exist?? strong political personality of a candidate Teddy Roosevelt (Bull Moose) Ralph Nader (Green) Ross Perot (Independent)

43 Meet Ross Perot Independent candidate in the 1992 election
Conservative ideology Texas Millionaire, spent Millions of his own money to run as a 3rd party candidate Click the picture to meet Ross Perot

44 Meet Ross Perot Before Primaries, Perot led Republican and Democratic candidates Republicans and Democrats said voter would waste their vote if they voted for Perot First modern 3rd party candidate invited to debates

45 Meet Ross Perot Won 19% of popular vote during popular election
(19 Million votes) Did not win popular vote of any state, therefore no electoral votes Defeated by Democratic candidate, Bill Clinton who won 43% of popular vote

46 In the 2008 election… There were 11 third party candidates on the ballot

47 None earned more than 1% of the popular vote
In the 2008 election… None earned more than 1% of the popular vote

48 Why do you think most people never hear about 3rd party candidates?

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