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Political Parties.

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1 Political Parties

2 Third Parties Even if there are 7 other parties running against the two major parties, they are still referred to as a third party Believe neither party is meeting certain needs 1. Single-issue party Focuses on one major social, economic, or moral issue Short lived 2. Ideological party Focuses on overall change rather than on an issue EX. Socialist party, Libertarian Party. Communist Party 3. Splinter Party Split away from another group Ex. Teddy Roosevelt splitting the Republican Party to form the Progressive

3 Impact of third parties
Draw support away from one of the two major parties Ex. T. Roosevelt’s Progressive Party split Republican support and Democratic Woodrow Wilson was elected Third parties often promote ideas that are at first unpopular Picked up by major parties later on

4 Examples of third parties
Peace and Freedom Party Prohibition Party Reform party The Revolution Socialist Party, USA Southern Independence Party U.S. Pacifist Party Veterans Party of America We the People Party Knights Party Libertarian National Socialist Green Party Pansexual Peace Party Pot Party Constitutional Action Party American Falangist Party U.S. Marijuana Party America First Party American Heritage Party American Independent Party American Nazi Party Communist Party USA Constitution Party Family Values Party Grassroots Party Green Party Independence Party Labor Party Libertarian Party Light Party Natural Law Party The Third Party Worker’s World Party

5 2 Party system Two-Party System: Two parties compete with each other to run the government. Party system of U.S.: Democrats and Republicans Advantages: Continuity Disadvantages: Minority parties (third parties) receive little attention – focus is on two main parties

6 Democratic Party The oldest political party
1792, when Jefferson founded the Democratic - Republican Party initially opposed a strong central government Andrew Jackson split party in two during his campaign/election in 1828 he believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution and limited government Different today “party of the People” - attract minorities, women, blue collar workers, immigrants liberal stand, more active government role in people’s lives especially when people are in need Ex. FDR

7 Republican Party GOP - Grand Old Party
Founded in 1854 by Alvan E. Bovay opposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act which would allow these new territories to choose whether or not they wanted to be slave or free even though they lost the first election, later won with Abraham Lincoln by adding transcontinental railroad and free land to settlers to their platform

8 GOP TOdAY Conservative Little government involvement Lower taxes
Less government spending on social programs little government intervention in business and the economy

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