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Do Now: 1. A constant unbalanced force of friction acts on a 15.0 kilogram mass moving along a horizontal surface at 10.0 meters per second. If the mass.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: 1. A constant unbalanced force of friction acts on a 15.0 kilogram mass moving along a horizontal surface at 10.0 meters per second. If the mass."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: 1. A constant unbalanced force of friction acts on a 15.0 kilogram mass moving along a horizontal surface at 10.0 meters per second. If the mass is brought to rest in 1.5 seconds, what is the magnitude of the force of friction?

2 Aim: How do we describe fundamental particles that are not quarks?

3 Quarks: Review What is a quark?
Fundamental particle that makes up matter. How is a proton classified? Hadron & Baryon What is the charge on a strange Quark? -1/3 e

4 Leptons Electrons are leptons! Building blocks of matter!
What particles make up a tau neutrino? None! It’s a fundamental particle!

5 Antiparticles Antiparticles have the same mass as their particle ‘buddies’ just the opposite charge and quark make up. If a particle and an antiparticle collide, they annihilate each other and all the mass is converted into energy. What is the quark make up of an antiproton? (Proton: uud) If a neutron and antineutron collide and annihilate each other, how much energy is released in Joules? Proton: uud

6 Facts to know: Quarks and leptons are fundamental particles – everything is made of them. Protons and neutrons are baryrons, composed of three quarks. Electrons are leptons (very light particles, not made of quarks). For each particle there is an antiparticle with a charge opposite to its associated particle, and designated with a “bar” over the associated particle. See ANTIPARTICLE at page bottom.

7 Reference table Quiz How is a particle with an up quark and anti down quark classified? What is the charge on a charm quark? What is the charge and symbol for an anti charm quark? How many leptons have a charge? A Lithium atom has 4 Neutron and 3 protons in the nucleus. How many quarks is this? What is the mass of a proton and it’s classification. What is the charge on the following particles: ssb cdd and ttd?

8 Bosons Photon, Z Boson, W Boson, Gluon and Higgs Boson. Force Carriers
Massless Includes Graviton

9 Summary In the reference table we have the “Classification of Matter” diagram. **Why do you think Boson’s are not included? The RAO particle is made up of ūs. **How is this classified and what is the charge? Bosons are massless! Draw in color! We built it for the LOLS!

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