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Eastham Group Practice

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1 Eastham Group Practice
Friends and Family Test results and Feedback

2 Over View The NHS Friends and Family Test (FFT) was created to help service providers and commissioners understand whether their patients are happy with the service provided, or where improvements are needed. It is a quick and anonymous way for patients to give their views after receiving care or treatment across the NHS To complete the test patients are asked to answer the question: How likely are you to recommend our service to your friends and family if they needed similar care? The answers to this question ranges from Extremely likely to Extremely unlikely and service providers may ask a follow up question to prompt further feedback from patients. Here at Eastham Group Practice we ask our patients: Do you think the practice has improved over the last 12 months? We feel this gives patients the opportunity to provide positive feedback as well as suggestions for improvement.

3 Eastham Group practice FFT results 2015-2016 Part 1
Responses Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar PPG Survey Total Extremely Likely 61 77 82 9 63 79 11 7 3 6 2 1 207 608 Likely 12 13 4 199 255 Don’t Know 75 8 Unlikely 24 36 Extremely Unlikely 5 15 46 Neither 88

4 Eastham Group Practice FFT Results 2015-2016 Part 2

5 Eastham Group Practice FFT Results 2015-2016 Part 3

6 Eastham Group Practice FFT Trends (excludes PPG Survey Data to show an accurate trend over time)

7 What have we learned? 58.78% of patients were positive with their feedback and are happy with the services we provide 19.59% of patients suggested areas for improvement particularly around telephoning for appointments and availability of appointments 21.62% of patients were negative with their feedback, again in particularly around telephoning for appointments and availability of appointments There is a clear need to improve our appointment system and find ways of efficiently maximising our availability in line with patient demand The rate of response to the questionnaire decreased significantly from September onwards – do we need to look at other ways to gather patient feedback for future improvements Patient feedback relating to non-clinical staff has consistently been positive until recent months – why is this? Is this a result of difficulties around the appointment system? Patients feedback relating to GP’s & Nursing team consistently positive

8 Contributing Factors Increased demand due to Winter months
Reduced availability for various reasons: Unable to get continuous long term cover for a 8 session GP maternity leave 7 Session salaried GP on reduced number of patients per session due to family illness GP partner off for 3 months due to illness GP partner on reduced number of patients per session as part of a phased return to work 2 x 7 session GP registrars off due to illness – slowly commencing a phased return to work Reduced availability has lead to increased pressure in all departments

9 Action Plan for future improvements Part 1
Share results of FFT Test with GP’s, Nurses, Non-Clinical Team & PPG Reception staff to complete a demand survey to gage perspective of patient demand for appointments and services Reception team to create a script for answering the telephones to enforce consistency & continuity Admin staff to complete a survey to monitor how much work is being generated in-house Look at ways to maximise use of technology to make patient journeys more efficient and effective Use SMS, , TV Screens and Website to improve patient communication about planned changes and impact of the changes Patients

10 Action Plan for future improvements Part 2
Liaise with other surgeries of a similar size to see how they operate their appointment system and the effect it has on their patient experiences Engage fully with our patient participation group to ensure that any improvements/changes are patient centred and demand driven Explore additional ways of obtaining patient feedback Create a ‘you said we did’ board in reception to show patients how we have responded to their comments Explore ways to maximise use and efficiency of our Nurse Practitioner and look at ways to expand the role for the future Monitor any improvements/changes to assess effectiveness and patient satisfaction Patients

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