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Psalm 31:1-6 ( Tune: I’m Not Ashamed to Own My Lord)

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Presentation on theme: "Psalm 31:1-6 ( Tune: I’m Not Ashamed to Own My Lord)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Psalm 31:1-6 ( Tune: I’m Not Ashamed to Own My Lord)
Words: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 31A Music: I’m Not Ashamed, Isaac Watts Arrangement: Chris Reeves

2 1. In Thee, O Lord, I put my trust A-shamed let me not be;
Ac-cord-ing to Thy right-eous-ness do Thou de-liv-er me.

3 2. Bow down Thine ear to my re-quest and swift de-liv-’rance…
…send; to save me be a rock of strength, a for-tress to de - fend.

4 3. Since Thou my rock and for-tress art, for Thy name’s...
…sake now guide and res-cue me from se-cret net; Thou doest my …strength a-bide.

5 4. I to Thy hand with con-fi-dence my spir-it do com-mend;
For un-to me, Lord God of truth, re - demp-tion …Thou dost send.

6 5. Who ly-ing van - i - ties ob-serve I great-ly have
…ab-horred; But as for me, my con -fi -dence is fixed up-on the Lord.

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