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Media Ethics Chapter 15.

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1 Media Ethics Chapter 15

2 ‘Moral rules of conduct that guide one’s decisions.’
Ethics ‘Moral rules of conduct that guide one’s decisions.’

3 Aristotle’s Golden Mean
‘Appropriate location between two extremes’ Moderation & balance Include various points of view Balance commercial or journalistic interest against public interest

4 Golden Rule ‘Do unto others…”
Media should reflect what producers would want served to them Behaviors should reflect how journalists, other practioners would want to be treated

5 Kant’s Categorical Imperative
‘Act on that maxim you wish to become universal law.’ Take action in ways you want to be universal What is good for one is good for all

6 Situational Ethics Moral principles are relative to the situation at hand Intuitive sense of what is right Break rules if situation requires it

7 Mill’s Utility Principle
‘Seek the greatest happiness for the greatest number’ Consider potential benefits and harm Decide what will harm the fewest or benefit the most

8 Dewey’s Pragmatic Ethics
Judge actions by their results Think ahead about consequences Try to determine appropriate action by anticipating probable outcome

9 Potter’s Box

10 Media Professionals Guidelines
Basic premises: Media professionals enjoy special measure of freedom Creates obligation to use it responsibly Society’s welfare is more important than individual rights

11 Guidelines Present meaningful news
Accurate & separate from opinion Provide forum for exchange of comment & criticism Expand points of view

12 Guidelines Represent groups in society
Avoid stereotypes Clarify goals & values of society Avoid pandering to lowest Provide broad coverage Look for unreported, important information

13 Corporate Ethics Media firms are part of large conglomerates
‘Bottom line’ focus causes ethical lapses Pressure on top executives for ‘appearance’ of profits Shortchanging public service obligations

14 Ethical Limits on Free Speech
Legal stories may still be unethical Indecency Accuracy Fairness Confidentiality

15 Problems in Media Speech
Sensationalism (Over)dramatizing issues Focusing on most salacious points Bribery Junkets & freebies Commercialism Focus on dramatic Sacrifice news value for ratings Press release journalism Let PR dictate stories

16 Entertainment Ethics Determine entertainer’s responsibility for media effects Should there be any restraints on ‘artistic freedom’? Restraints on ‘commercial freedom’? Payola

17 PR Ethics Private advantage at the expense of public good?
Government & political use of PR PR code of professional standards

18 Advertising Ethics Promotion of harmful products Product placement
What is advertiser’s responsibility? Product placement Hidden advertising? Stereotyping Ads are powerful representations Consumer privacy Which techniques/practices are unethical? Deceptive advertising

19 Research Ethics Do researchers have the right to intrude? Guidelines:
No deception No coercion Must be voluntary Must be informed Human subjects protocols

20 Consumer Ethics Sharing or stealing? Plagiarism Web surfing
Intellectual property rights vs. freewheeling culture of Internet Plagiarism Internet makes it easier to do, easier to discover Web surfing Harassment Hacking Personal information use

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