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I am so happy to have you all in class today 

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Presentation on theme: "I am so happy to have you all in class today "— Presentation transcript:

1 I am so happy to have you all in class today 
Thursday, August 31, 2017 Welcome! I am so happy to have you all in class today  Do Now: Make sure your cell phones are on silent and off to the side. Please be sure to have something to write with and something to write on out and ready on your desks. Be seated before the bell rings.

2 Objectives: Go over website Understand syllabus and expectations
Name Games: Get to know each other Share Out: 1 goal you have for this semester and for this class


4 Your name is….? In your journals, make an acrostic of your name so that you use adjectives to describe who you are. You will share them with three other people. For example: P: Passionate E: Energetic T: Twitterpated E: Empathetic R: Reliable

5 A little bit more... Choose ONE WORD to describe yourself. Be prepared to share it out loud with the class. Write down 1 goal you have for this semester and for this class.

6 I am so happy to have you all in class today 
Friday, September 1, 2017 Welcome! I am so happy to have you all in class today  Do Now: Make sure your cell phones are on silent and off to the side. Please be sure to have something to write with on your desks. Be seated before the bell rings.

7 Objectives: What color is your personality Reflection questions

8 What Color is Your Personality?

9 Red Personalities: Task/result oriented THRIVES on recognition
Dislikes being late Likes expensive, showy things Moral compass may deviate during competitive showdown

10 Red Personalities:

11 Yellow Personalities:
People oriented Expressive and friendly Love of talking Optimistic Team sports player

12 Yellow Personalities:

13 Green Personalities: Detail oriented Precise and controlled
Likes to do things right the first time and complete jobs Thrifty individuals as adults

14 Green Personalities:

15 Blue Personalities: Creative and freethinking Sincere and loyal
Understanding and openminded Enjoys nature

16 Blue Personalities: Personality Types Career Choices
Creative and freethinking Sincere and loyal Understanding and openminded Enjoys nature Nursing Education Psychology Social Work Guidance Counseling

17 Blue Personalities:

18 I am so happy to have you all in class today 
Tuesday, September 5, 2017 Welcome! I am so happy to have you all in class today  Do Now: Make sure your cell phones are turned off and placed in your bags. Be seated before the bell rings.

19 Objectives: Best types of careers for your personality color
Discussion questions about color personalities 16 Personalities quiz Understand self-awareness project options I Am speech and Vision Board Identity Box and paper

20 Red Personalities: Personality Types Types of Career Choices
Task/result oriented THRIVES on recognition Dislikes being late Moral compass may deviate during competitive showdown Law/Law Enforcement Judicial System Business Executive Criminal/Private Investigation

21 Yellow Personalities:
Personality Types Career Choices People oriented Expressive and friendly Love of talking Optimistic Team sports player Administration Marketing Design Retail Human Resources

22 Green Personalities: Personality Type Career Choices Detail oriented
Precise and controlled Likes to do things right the first time and complete jobs Thrifty individuals as adults Accounting Web Design Business Executives Information Technology

23 Questions: Why does more than one red personality type in a group lead to conflict? Why do yellow personality types need a red or green group member to keep them on task? How can you identify blue personality types in a group? Why should you ask “quiet” member of the group for their ideas? What can green personality types contribute to groups? Why is it important to have a variety of personality types in a group?


25 I am so happy to have you all in class today 
Wednesday, September 6, 2017 Welcome! I am so happy to have you all in class today  Do Now: Make sure your cell phones are turned off and placed in your bags. Have something to write with and something to write on out and ready. Be seated before the bell rings.

26 Objectives: Understanding Vision vs. Mission statements
Brainstorming your own vision and mission statements Vision and mission statement assignment

27 What is a vision and mission statement?
A paragraph (each) that describes everything you would like to be, do, or have in your life Helps answer the questions of personal success Reflects values, goals, and purpose

28 Vision Statement Describes what you want to achieve in the future
The vision statement answers the question “Where do you want to be?” Defines the optimal desired future state Mental Picture of what you want to achieve Answers the question “What do you want to do?”

29 Vision Statement example:
My classroom supports each student to achieve their own maximum potential both inside and outside Hazen school walls. DO NOW! WRITE YOUR OWN VISION STATEMENT Answers the question “What do you want to do?” Answers the question “Where do you want to be?”

30 Mission Statement Describes what you want/need NOW in order to achieve your long term goal DOES NOT define a long term future state, more concerned with the present state Answers the questions of: “What do I do? How do I do it? Who do I do it for?

31 Mission Statement example:
I will achieve this by: Building relationships with each student and honing my practice in a way that reaches each individual students needs. Offering lessons on material that will link directly to their every day life outside of Hazen High School walls. Fostering an environment of creativity, learning, and commitment to excellence.

32 Assignment: Create a vision and mission statement for yourself. Make sure to answer the questions below to help you create your statements: What do you want to do? Where do you want to be? Ho will you accomplish this? Analyze your personality types for the last couple days. Do you agree or disagree with your results? Why/Why not? How will these help accomplish your vision and mission?

33 I am so happy to have you all in class today 
Thursday, September 7, 2017 Welcome! I am so happy to have you all in class today  Do Now: Make sure your cell phones are turned off and placed in your bags. Be seated before the bell rings.

34 Objectives: Self-Awareness Project
Reflect on where you were, where you are, and where you want to be How do the answers above help you achieve you mission and vision statements? What about your personality relates to your past, present, and future? Project is due at the end of class on Monday, Sep. 11

35 I am so happy to have you all in class today 
Friday, September 8 Welcome! I am so happy to have you all in class today  Do Now: Make sure your cell phones are turned off and placed in your bags. Be seated before the bell rings.

36 Objectives: Continue Self-Awareness Project
Continue to work on your Vision Boards

37 I am so happy to have you all in class today 
Monday, September 11 Welcome! I am so happy to have you all in class today  Do Now: Make sure your cell phones are turned off and placed in your bags. Be seated before the bell rings.

38 Objectives: Self-Awareness Project
Finish work on Vision boards Boards are due at the end of the period

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