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The Northern Renaissance

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1 The Northern Renaissance
Chapter 17 Section 2

2 I the Northern Renaissance
Unlike Italy which was divided into city-states, England & France were controlled by Monarchs Rulers sponsored the arts Renaissance spread north and mixed w/ N traditionsunique N Renaissance Humanists more interested w/ rel. ideas then secular ones Renaissance idea of human dignity inspired N humanists to dev. Plans for social reform based on Christian values

3 II Artistic Ideas Spread
When French king invaded Naples many Italian artist fled to safer N Europe and brought w. them style and tech. of the Renaissance Artists who studied in Italy also brought back new ideas to N Europe

4 A. German Painters Albrecht Durer paints portraits and realistic landscapes His emphasis on realism influenced Hans Holbien Hans Holbein specializes in portraits that aren't almost photographic in detail

5 B. Flemish Painters Renaissance also emphasized individualism and worldly pleasures Jan van Eyck used oil painting tech. that painters still use today (layering) Pieter Brueghel captures scenes of everyday peasant life

6 III Northern Writers Try to Reform Society A. Christian Humanists
Thomas Moore was concerned w/ societies flaws and tried to show a better model Writes Utopia about an imaginary land inhabited by a peace-loving ppl Utopia means “no place” in Greekmeans an ideal place in English

7 B. William Shakespeare Write in Renaissance England and regarded as one of the best playwrights of all time Displays deep understanding of human beings Macbeth/King Lear/Hamlet/Romeo & Juliet His plays examine human flaws QUOTE on pg. 426 (high view of human nature) Renaissance period in England also known as Elizabethan Age Was a poet and patronized the arts

8 IV Printing Spreads Renaissance Ideas A
IV Printing Spreads Renaissance Ideas A. Gutenberg Invents the Printing Press Block printing begins in China Carved out letter on wooden block, inked the block, then pressed it on paper Gutenberg draws on this idea to invent printing press Printing Press= machine that presses paper against a tray full of inked movable type Prints Gutenberg Bible

9 B. Printing Spreads Learning
Printing press had rev. impact on European society Could now make hundreds of copies that were cheap and affordable to the masses New ideas spread quicker than before Availability of books encouraged ppl to learn and caused a rise in literacy

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