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Physics with the HFT prototype?

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1 Physics with the HFT prototype?
Motivation Results of simulation : Acceptance optimization studies Tracking efficiency studies with TPC+PXL Next steps J. Bouchet for the HFT-soft group 8/2/2018 Star Coll. Meeting, LBNL, Nov. 2011

2 Star Coll. Meeting, LBNL, Nov. 2011
Motivation PIXEL detector is the inner sub-system of the HFT tracker in STAR 3 (or 2 or 4) PXL sectors (out of 10) will be installed in STAR next year for Run-13 as an engineering run Question : Which geometry is the most efficient for track pointing and physics measurement ? for low Pt D0, opening angle between daughters is large. For higher Pt D0, the opening angle decreases. Different Pt D0 regimes lead to different configurations of the sectors. cosine(φpion-φkaon) vs. PtD0 8/2/2018 Star Coll. Meeting, LBNL, Nov. 2011

3 2 configurations studied
=108 =72 =144 =36 =180 =0 =216 =324 =252 =288 Triangle-shape Joined-shape 1 sector covers 36 8/2/2018 Star Coll. Meeting, LBNL, Nov. 2011

4 Star Coll. Meeting, LBNL, Nov. 2011
Simulation Setup Input: Generate 100k D0 with flat Pt in [0,5], ||<3,|Vz|<10 cm Count : NN : # of D0 input N0 : # of D0 after Pt cut for both daughters and|| <1 N1 : # of D0 with above cuts + TPC>10,PXL=2 N2 : # of D0 in triangle configuration N3 : # of D0 in joined configuration Single track efficiency/ghosting Modify the existing geometry file with Removal of SSD and IST Localization of 3 pxl sectors according the patches configuration ~500 central AuAu Hijing events but NO PILEUP Plus minbias AuAu hijing events for creating pile-up 8/2/2018 Star Coll. Meeting, LBNL, Nov. 2011

5 Cuts on Daughters: ||<1, TPC>10,PIXL=2, triangle(N2)
8/2/2018 Star Coll. Meeting, LBNL, Nov. 2011

6 Cuts on Daughters: ||<1, TPC>10,PIXL=2, triangle(N3)
8/2/2018 Star Coll. Meeting, LBNL, Nov. 2011

7 What physics can be achieved ?
Can we do anything substantial here ? Any physics with the prototype? Charm cross-section Charm Rcp 8/2/2018 Star Coll. Meeting, LBNL, Nov. 2011

8 TPC+PXL Efficiency/ghosting studies
BFC chain reconstruction and tracking (Sti) with only pixel prototypes geometry = no material form SSD nor IST. 350 hijing events, no pile up. Vertex cuts : |Vreco -VMC| < 0.01 cm : good reconstruction vertex |Vreco | < 10 cm Tracks cuts : Reco TPC hits >15 |η|<1 The definition is : effSiGoodRc = # of tracks with 2 good pixels hit / # of tracks with 2 MC pixel hits Ghosting = # of tracks with 2 good pixels hits / # of tracks with 2 pixel hits 8/2/2018 Star Coll. Meeting, LBNL, Nov. 2011

9 Star Coll. Meeting, LBNL, Nov. 2011
Efficiency with TPC+PXL prototype Good tracking efficiency (but no pile-up yet) Hijing – NO Pile-up TPC+PXL TPC+SSD+IST+PXL 8/2/2018 Star Coll. Meeting, LBNL, Nov. 2011

10 Star Coll. Meeting, LBNL, Nov. 2011
Ghosting with TPC+PXL prototype Low Ghosting Hijing – NO Pile-up TPC+PXL TPC+SSD+IST+PXL 8/2/2018 Star Coll. Meeting, LBNL, Nov. 2011

11 Star Coll. Meeting, LBNL, Nov. 2011
Next steps Include pile-up events : Will increase single track ghosting Study reconstruction of D0 in this environment So far it looks encouraging We have two configurations for x-section and Rcp measurements (if everything else goes well) Please think of what physics YOU would like to do. We will help you run the simulation. 8/2/2018 Star Coll. Meeting, LBNL, Nov. 2011

12 Star Coll. Meeting, LBNL, Nov. 2011
Back-up 8/2/2018 Star Coll. Meeting, LBNL, Nov. 2011

13 Star Coll. Meeting, LBNL, Nov. 2011
SSD+PXL SSD layer Pixel outer layer Pixel inner layer Note : the x-axis scale changes with the layer 8/2/2018 Star Coll. Meeting, LBNL, Nov. 2011

14 Star Coll. Meeting, LBNL, Nov. 2011
PXL only SSD layer Pixel outer layer Pixel inner layer Note : the x-axis scale changes with the layer 8/2/2018 Star Coll. Meeting, LBNL, Nov. 2011

15 Star Coll. Meeting, LBNL, Nov. 2011
comments With SSD : Residuals in r/phi for the outer pixel layer is better than w/o SSD Residuals in r/phi for the inner pixel are slightly better than w/o SSD Residuals in r/phi and Z are asymetric (due to the asymetric resolution of SSD) for both outer and inner layer w/o SSD: Residuals in r/phi and Z are symmetric (due to the same resolution of the pixel) 8/2/2018 Star Coll. Meeting, LBNL, Nov. 2011

16 Some precautions to make
Optimization wrt TPC sectors : TPC has 12 sectors PIXEL has 10 sectors 2. TPC sectors health during a physics run : we want to avoid to place a PXL sector matching a unhealthy TPC sector 8/2/2018 Star Coll. Meeting, LBNL, Nov. 2011

17 Star Coll. Meeting, LBNL, Nov. 2011
8/2/2018 Star Coll. Meeting, LBNL, Nov. 2011

18 Star Coll. Meeting, LBNL, Nov. 2011
MRPC ToF barrel 100% ready for run 10 (now!) BBC PMD FPD FMS EMC barrel EMC End Cap DAQ1000 FGT Completed Ongoing MTD R&D HFT TPC FHC HLT 8/2/2018 Star Coll. Meeting, LBNL, Nov. 2011

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