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What key roof design features maximise the sustainability of the building?

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2 What key roof design features maximise the sustainability of the building?

3 Sustainable urban living – BedZED, London
1st April 2014 Lesson objective describe and explain the sustainable design features of an eco community in a richer country.

4 Case study Beddington Zero Energy Development or BedZED
Located in London Borough of Sutton. Designed to be an eco friendly housing development. Comprises homes, community facilities and workspace. Aims to show that sustainable design can be accessible, affordable and provide a good quality of life.


6 Sustainable living case study BedZED
Where is BedZED located? What land was it built on? What are the buildings used for that have been built there? Write these 3 subheadings Energy conservation Transport plan Communal living For each subheading explain some design features that have been included to make BedZED as sustainable as possible.

7 3 tasks to complete PAGE 203 – BedZED Where is BedZED located?
What are the aims and purpose of the development? Explain at least 5 ways in which the design provides a sustainable community.

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