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Concurrency control in transactional systems

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1 Concurrency control in transactional systems
Jinyang Li Some slides adapted from Stonebraker and Madden

2 What we’ve learnt so far…
Consistency semantics for single-object operations How to do failure tolerant storage with simple GET/PUT interface

3 Today’s topic: transactions
Many operations involve multiple objects Transfer money from one account to another Insert Alice to Bob’s friendlist and insert Bob to Alice’s friendlist.

4 Concurrency control Challenge: Many application clients are concurrently accessing a storage system. Concurrent transactions might interfere Similar to data races in parallel programs

5 An example Transfer $100 from A to B Withdraw $50 from A
A_bal = READ(A) If (A_bal >100) { B_bal = READ(B) B_bal += 100 A_bal -= 100 WRITE(A, A_bal) WRITE(B, B_bal) } Transfer $100 from A to B A_bal = READ(A) If (A_bal >50) { A_bal -= 50 WRITE(A, A_bal) dispense $50 to user } Withdraw $50 from A A_bal = READ(A) B_bal = READ(B) Print(A_bal+B_bal) Report sum of money Storage system

6 Solutions? Leave it to application programmers
Application programmers are responsible for locking data items Storage system performs automatic concurrency control Concurrent transactions execute as if serially

7 ACID transactions A (Atomicity) C (Consistency) I (Isolation)
All-or-nothing w.r.t. failures C (Consistency) Transactions maintain any internal storage state invariants I (Isolation) Concurrently executing transactions do not interfere D (Durability) Effect of transactions survive failures

8 What’s ACID? an example A T1 completes or nothing (ditto for T2)
T1: Transfer $100 from A to B T2: Transfer $50 from B to A A T1 completes or nothing (ditto for T2) D once T1/T2 commits, stays done, no updates lost I no races, as if T1 happens either before or after T2 C preserves invarants, e.g. account balance > 0

9 Ideal isolation semantics: serializability
Definition: execution of a set of transactions is equivalent to some serial order Two executions are equivalent if they have the same effect on database and produce same output.

10 Conflict serializability
An execution schedule is the ordering of read/write/commit/abort operations A_bal = READ(A) B_bal = READ(B) B_bal += 100 A_bal -= 100 WRITE(A, A_bal) WRITE(B, B_bal) Commit A_bal = READ(A) B_bal = READ(B) Print(A_bal+B_bal) Commit A (serial) schedule: R(A),R(B),W(A),W(B),C,R(A),R(B),C

11 Conflict serializability
Two schedules are equivalent if they: contain same operations order conflicting operations the same way A schedule is serializable if it’s identical to some serial schedule Two ops conflict if they access the same data item and one is a write.

12 Examples Serializable? R(A),R(B),R(A),R(B),C W(A),W(B),C
A_bal = READ(A) B_bal = READ(B) B_bal += 100 A_bal -= 100 WRITE(A, A_bal) WRITE(B, B_bal) A_bal = READ(A) B_bal = READ(B) Print(A_bal+B_bal) Serializable? R(A),R(B),R(A),R(B),C W(A),W(B),C Equivalent serial schedule: R(A),R(B),C,R(A),R(B),W(A),W(B),C Serializable? R(A),R(B), W(A), R(A),R(B),C, W(B),C

13 Realize a serializable schedule
Locking-based approach Strawman solution 1: Grab global lock before transaction starts Release global lock after transaction commits Strawman solution 2: Grab lock on item X before reading/writing X Release lock on X after reading/writing X

14 Strawman 2’s problem A_bal = READ(A) B_bal = READ(B) B_bal += 100 A_bal -= 100 WRITE(A, A_bal) WRITE(B, B_bal) A_bal = READ(A) B_bal = READ(B) Print(A_bal+B_bal) Possible with strawman 2? (short-duration locks on writes) R(A),R(B), W(A), R(A),R(B),C, W(B),C Read an uncommitted value Locks on writes should be held till end of transaction

15 More Strawmans Strawman 3 Grab lock on item X before writing X
Release locks at the end of transaction Grab lock on item X before reading X Release locks immediately after reading Read locks must be held till commit time Non-repeatable reads Possible with strawman 3? (short-duration locks on reads) R(A),R(B), W(A), R(A),R(B),C, W(B),C R(A), R(A),R(B), W(A), W(B),C, R(B), C

16 Strawman 3’s problem A_bal = READ(A) B_bal = READ(B) B_bal += 100 A_bal -= 100 WRITE(A, A_bal) WRITE(B, B_bal) A_bal = READ(A) B_bal = READ(B) Print(A_bal+B_bal) Possible with strawman 3? (short-duration locks on reads) R(A),R(B), W(A), R(A),R(B),C, W(B),C Non-repeatable reads Read locks must be held till commit time R(A), R(A),R(B), W(A), W(B),C, R(B), C

17 Realize a serializable schedule
2 phase locking (2PL) A growing phase in which the transaction is acquiring locks A shrinking phase in which locks are released In practice, The growing phase is the entire transaction The shrinking phase is at the commit time Optimization: Use read/write locks instead of exclusive locks

18 2PL: an example Possible? R(A),R(B), W(A), R(A),R(B),C W(B),C
R_lock(A) A_bal = READ(A) R_lock(B) B_bal = READ(B) B_bal += 100 A_bal -= 100 W_lock(A) WRITE(A, A_bal) W_lock(B) WRITE(B, B_bal) W_unlock(A) W_unlock(B) R_lock(A) A_bal = READ(A) R_lock(B) B_bal = READ(B) Print(A_bal+B_bal) R_unlock(A) R_unlock(B) Possible? R(A),R(B), W(A), R(A),R(B),C W(B),C

19 More on 2PL What if a lock is unavailable? Deadlocks possible?
How to cope with deadlock? Grab locks in order? No always possible Transaction manager detects deadlock cycles and aborts affected transactions Alternative: timeout and abort yourself wait detect & abort Use crash recovery mechanism (e.g. UNDO records) to clean up

20 The Phantom problem T1: begin_tx
update emp (set salary = 1.1 * salary) where dept = ‘CS’ end_tx T2: begin_tx Update emp (set dept = ‘CS’) where = ‘jinyang’ end_tx T1: update Bob T1: update Herbert T2: move Jinyang T2: move Lakshmi T2 commits and releases all locks T1: update Lakshmi(!!!!!) T1: update Michael T1: commits

21 The Phantom problem Issue is lock things you touch – but must guarantee non-existence of any new ones! Solutions: Predicate locking Range locks in a B-tree index (assumes an index on dept). Otherwise, lock entire table Often ignored in practice

22 Why less than serializability?
T1: begin_tx Select avg (sal) from emp end_tx T2: begin_tx Update emp … end_tx Performance of locking? What to do: run analytics on a companion data warehouse (common practice) take the stall (rarely done) run less than serializability

23 Degrees of isolation Degree 0 (read uncommitted)
no locks (guarantees nothing) Degree 1 (read committed) Short read locks, long write locks Degree 2 Long read/write locks. (serializable unless you squint) Degree 3 Long read/write locks plus solving the phantom problem

24 Disadvantages of locking-based approach
Need to detect deadlocks Distributed implemention needs distributed deadlock detection (bad) Read-only transactions can block update transactions Big performance hit if there are long running read-only transactions

25 Multi-version concurrency control
No locking during transaction execution! Each data item is associated with multiple versions Multi-version transactions: Buffer writes during execution Reads choose the appropriate version At commit time, system validates if okay to make writes visible (by generating new versions)

26 Snapshot isolation A popular multi-version concurrency control scheme
A transaction: reads a “snapshot” of database image Can commit only if there are no write-write conflict

27 Implementing snapshot isolation
T is assigned a commit timestamp System checks forall T’, s.t. T’.cts > T.sts && T’.cts < T.cts T’.wset and T.wset do not overlap T is assigned a start timestamp,T.sts R(A) W(B) time T reads the biggest version of A, A(i), such that i <= T.sts T buffers writes to B and adds B to its writeset, T.wset += {B}

28 An example No read-uncommitted R(A) R(B) W(A) W(B) 5 10 50 55 60
No unrepeatable-read

29 Snapshot isolation < serializability
The write-skew problem Possible under SI? R(A),R(B),W(B), W(A),C,C Serializable?

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