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Past + Present tenses Ariane Natalie Renée.

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Presentation on theme: "Past + Present tenses Ariane Natalie Renée."— Presentation transcript:

1 Past + Present tenses Ariane Natalie Renée

2 Inhalt Past + present tenses Forms Rules  exercices

3 Past tenses Forms Present simple continuous Past
Present perfect simple Present perfect continuous Past perfect simple Past perfect continuous Main verb in present „be“ in present Main verb in past past „have“ in present „have“ in „have“ in „have“ in Main verb + ing-form Main verb +ing-form P.p „be“ in the p.p „be“ in the p.p Main verb + ing form

4 Present Simple Rules: Used for: permanent states: habits and routines permanent truths and facts: Form: I smile

5 Present continuous Rules: used for... actions happening at the moment of speaking actions happening around the moment of speaking Descriptions Form: I‘m smiling

6 Past simple Rules: Is used...   to talk about completed actions in the past to talk about habits in the past to talk about events that happened one after the other Form: I smiled

7 Past continuous Rules: Is used... to talk about an activity in progress at a particular time in the past to describe a situation or activity when a past action is interrupted by a shorter action when a past action takes place during another, longer past action or state Form: I was smiling

8 perfect simple Rules: Used in.. times when you are talking about an event in the past, but you don't know when it happened,you don't care when it happened, when it happened is a secret. Form: I have smiled

9 Present perfect continuous
Rules: Is used.. to show that something started in the past and has continued up until now. to describe the duration of an process/action Form: I have been smiling

10 Past perfect simple Rules: Is used to/ for express an action that happened before a definite time in the past dramatic effect, looking from one point in the past to another point even further in the past Form: I had smiled

11 Past perfect continuous:
Is used.. for longer activities that had been going on up to a definite time in the past for repeated or continuous activities, while the simple is used for completed or single actions Form: I had been smiling

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