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Reported Speech (All types of sentences)

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1 Reported Speech (All types of sentences) 2014
The presentation is made by teacher Julia Apt, gymnasium 74, St. Petersburg, Russia Юлия Ефимовна Апт, гимназия №74, г. С-Петербург 2014

2 Learn the rules

3 Sequence of Tenses is was are were Vs / V V2 will + V would + V
Direct Speech Reported Speech is was are were Vs / V V2 will + V would + V has + V3 had + V3

4 Past Perfect Continuous
Direct Speech Reported Speech Present Simple Past Simple Present Continuous Past Continuous Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Simple would + V Past Perfect Continuous

5 Orders + – He asked + TO + V He asked + NOT + TO + V
“Open the door, please.” Tim asked Liz to open the door. + He asked + NOT + TO + V “Don’t open the door, please.” Tim asked Liz not to open the door.

6 Change direct speech into reported speech.

7 Friends had a hard day. Sid the sloth got tired and asked why they kept going all the time.
Friends had a hard day. Sid the sloth got tired and asked, “Why do we keep going all the time?” Check next

8 Sid added that he wanted to stop and have a break.
Sid added, “I want to stop and have a break.” Check next

9 Manny the mammoth said angrily to stop talking nonsense.
Manny the mammoth said angrily, “Stop talking nonsense!” Check next

10 Manny explained that they were running for their life.
Manny explained, “We are running for our life.” Check next

11 Manny wondered why Sid couldn’t understand it.
Manny wondered, “Why can’t you understand it?!” Check next

12 Sid said, “I understand that our life is in danger.”. Then he offered,
Sid said that he understood that their life was in danger. Then he offered to play a little bit. Sid said, “I understand that our life is in danger.”. Then he offered, “But why not to play a little bit?” Check next

13 Many said that he was tired of Sid’s chatter.
Many said, “I’m tired of your chatter.” Check next

14 Then Manny added, “If you don’t stop, I’ll hit you with my trunk.”
Then Manny added that if Sid didn’t stop, he would hit him with his trunk. Check next

15 Sid asked Manny, “Don’t be angry and calm down.”
Sid asked Manny not to be angry and calm down. Check next

16 Sid added happily, “If you don’t want me to talk, I can sing songs.”
Sid added happily that If Manny didn’t want him to talk, he could sing songs. Check next

17 Manny exclaimed, “I’m fed up with your silly songs!”
Manny exclaimed that he was fed up with Sid’s silly songs. Check next

18 Manny said, “You were talking and singing the whole day yesterday.”
Manny said that Sid had been talking and singing the whole previous day. Manny said, “You were talking and singing the whole day yesterday.” Check next

19 Sid whined that it had been the previous day (the day before).
Sid whined, “But it was yesterday.” (whine – скулить, хныкать) Sid whined that it had been the previous day (the day before). Check next

20 Sid complained, “I haven’t sung a tune today.”
Sid complained that he hadn’t sung a tune that day. Check next

21 Sid asked to let him sing.
Sid asked, “Let me sing.” Sid asked to let him sing. Check next

22 Manny shouted, “Well, that’s where I draw the line!”
Manny shouted that that was where he drew the line. Check next

23 Manny said, “I think we must part our ways.”
Manny said that he thought they had to part their ways. Check next

24 Sid got offended and said, “Of course, not, Manny. We’ll go together. ”
Sid got offended and said that he didn’t agree and they would go together. Check next

25 Sid promised, “I won’t talk any more. ”
Sid promised that he wouldn’t talk any more. Check next

26 Manny asked, “Didn’t you give the same promise yesterday?”
Manny asked if Sid hadn’t given the same promise the previous day. Check next

27 Sid answered, “Well, I’ll do my best to stop bothering you again.”
Sid answered that he would do his best to stop bothering Manny again. Check next

28 Sid asked, “Will you let me accompany you?”
Sid asked if Manny would let him accompany him. Check next

29 Manny wondered, “Why do I have to put up with you?”
Manny wondered why he had to put up with Sid. Check next

30 Then Manny gave up and offered, “Let’s have a sleep.”
to have a sleep. Check next

31 Manny added, “We will think about this problem tomorrow.”
Manny added that they would think about that problem the next day (the following day). Check next

32 Next morning Manny woke up because Sid was crying for help
Next morning Manny woke up because Sid was crying for help. Sid cried that two rhinos were chasing him. Next morning Manny woke up because Sid was crying for help. Sid cried, “Two rhinos are chasing me!” Check next

33 Manny was interested why they were chasing Sid.
Manny was interested, “Why are they chasing you?” Check next

34 “Don’t ask silly questions! Just help!”
Sid shouted to Manny, “Don’t ask silly questions! Just help!” Sid shouted to Manny not to ask silly questions and help. Check next

35 Manny cried, “Hold on, Sid!” He added, “I’ll chase them away.”
Manny cried to Sid to hold on. He added that he would chase them away. Check next

36 He added, “They’ll catch me in a minute!”
Sid answered, “I can’t!” He added, “They’ll catch me in a minute!” Sid answered that he couldn’t. He added that they would catch him a minute later. Check next

37 Sid thanked Manny and asked, “Do you want to listen to my new story?”
Sid thanked Manny and asked if he wanted to listen to his new story. Check next

38 Sid thanked Manny and asked if he wanted to listen to his new story.
No!!! next

39 The END

40 Resources   

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