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5S Burr Oak Tool, Inc. 5S PROGRAM Workplace Organization SUSTAIN SORT

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1 5S Burr Oak Tool, Inc. 5S PROGRAM Workplace Organization SUSTAIN SORT

2 8 FORMS OF WASTE Waiting Moving & Transportation Processing
Any non-work time waiting for tools, supplies, parts, etc. Moving & Transportation Wasted effort to transport materials, parts, or finished goods. Processing Doing more work than is necessary. Unnecessary motions Any wasted motion to pick up parts or stack parts. Also wasted walking, Defects & defective products Repair or rework. Inventory Maintaining excess inventory or raw mat’ls, parts in process, or finished goods. Overproduction Producing more than is needed before it is needed. Not using people’s expertise Assuming the elimination of waste is the province of the supervisor

3 5S The Foundation For Lean & Waste Reduction
Definition: A process designed to organize the workplace, keep it neat and clean, maintain standardized conditions, and instill the discipline required to enable each individual to achieve and maintain a world class work environment.

4 BRIEFLY DEFINED Sort & Safety- Get rid of what you don’t need &
make the area safe. Straighten - Find a place for everything you DO need. Shine/Sweep - Clean, and find ways to KEEP it clean. Visually and physically ‘sweep’ the area during the day. Place everything in it’s place. Standardize - Do it the same way everywhere, and make it easy to maintain. Sustain - Make the first four S’s a habit.

5 Why the 5 S’s? A physically well organized factory :
has higher productivity produces fewer defects meets deadlines better is a safer and more efficient place to work is a more pleasant place to work removes frustrations in your work enhances customer perception; MORE SALES IMPROVES WORK FLOW

6 1st S: “Sort” Separate the necessary from the unnecessary
Helpful Hints: Unnecessary Necessary -Unsafe -Used for daily work -Defective -Used periodically -Obsolete (outdated) -Used by someone -Unused -Extra (duplicate) Discard Unnecessary items Tag unnecessary items and take to a holding area for auction and disposition

7 Organize the necessary materials
2nd S: “Straighten” Organize the necessary materials POINT OF USE STORAGE, Shadow Boards. Helpful Hints: Determine a permanent location for each item. Visual aids are encouraged in order to aid understanding and minimize complexity. Label locations where necessary items are kept when not in use, especially moveable items. Label drawers and notebooks to identify their contents. Steady Rest Plates Jaw Extension Kit Remember that move time and Search time is a form of waste Spindle Shaft Hyd Gag Valve Bottom Cover Plt Back Plates

8 Keep it neat & prevent messes from happening
3rd S: “Shine / Sweep” Keep it neat & prevent messes from happening Helpful Hints: Acts as a form of inspection. Look for: -Unsafe conditions -Broken or malfunctioning equipment -Missing items and out of location tools, parts, etc. Provides a safer environment. Makes it easier to notice abnormalities. ELIMINATE DIRT INSPECT SWEEP

9 Do it the same way everywhere
4th S: “Standardize” Do it the same way everywhere Helpful Hints: Standardize multiple work areas doing the same work. Standards should be continuously improved. Without standards, there can be no improvements. Standardize POUS areas. Nest all tools the same, if possible. Make it easy to maintain. Utilize checklists. 5 Point Checklist 2 3 1 4 2.4 3 2 4 3.0 1. xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxcx lsdfj sdlk dkdie ldslj sdlj f 2 x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx lsdflj sldkj f 3. xxx xx xxxx x x xxxx x xxxxxlsdf lsdkjei lsdkj sdlkj sdl ldf 4. xx xxxxxx x xxxx x xxxxxxxsdlfkj sdflkj sflkjsdflkj flk 5. xxxxx xxx x x xxx xxxx xxxxxsdf,j sdlfjk flsdf ljsd

10 Discipline: Make the 5S’s a habit
5th S: “Sustain” Discipline: Make the 5S’s a habit Helpful Hints: Fix the rules & stick to them. Constantly look for ways to improve the process. Periodically review the previous four steps. Set a good example for others within and outside your area. Without discipline, the first four S’s will fall apart

11 The 5S process is where improvement begins
Summary The 5S process is where improvement begins Helpful Hints: The 5S’s should become part of your daily routine. Intolerant to waste. Pre-requisite to perfect quality. Creates a safer working environment. Promotes employee satisfaction. BUILD PRIDE IN YOUR WORK AREAS

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