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Instruction Encoding Synthesis for Architecture Exploration using Hierarchical Processor Modes Achim Nohl, Volker Greive, Rainer Leupers, Oliver Schliebusch,

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Presentation on theme: "Instruction Encoding Synthesis for Architecture Exploration using Hierarchical Processor Modes Achim Nohl, Volker Greive, Rainer Leupers, Oliver Schliebusch,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Instruction Encoding Synthesis for Architecture Exploration using Hierarchical Processor Modes
Achim Nohl, Volker Greive, Rainer Leupers, Oliver Schliebusch, and Heinrich Meyr

2 Outline Abstract Introduction Variable Length Opcodes Opcode Synthesis
Hierarchical Processor Models Local Operation Encoding Global Optimization Results Conclusions

3 Abstract Instruction encoding generation technique
For ASIP’s architecture exploration Tedious manual specification of opcode 這篇paper主要是針對ASIP的architecture提出一個對instruction opcode encoding的方法。 因為傳統要產生一個processor的simulator之前,都必須以人工先定義好opcode。所以作者提出一個自動assign的方法來改善這的問題。

4 Introduction ASIP Iterative architecture exploration
Stepwise refinement Simulation/profiling Various modeling abstraction levels From untimed high-level language To cycle-acurate RTL HDL synthesis models

5 Introduction (cont.) Need to provide some detailed information
Binary instruction encoding For profiling Assembler ISA simulator Irrelevant before the RTL modeling stage Instruction encoding synthesis technique

6 Variable Length Opcodes
Instruction opcode Operands NOP 0000 xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx ADD 0001 src1 src2 dest 001 SUB 0010 010 LOD 0011 address 011 STO 0100 100 MOV 0101 xxxx src xxx OR 0110 1100 AND 0111 1101 LSH 10XX xx shift 1110 x JMP 11XX offset 1111 Simple way: fixed-length opcode 左圖有些沒用到,就用don’t care 右圖有些就用variable-length opcode

7 Variable Length Opcodes (cont.)
Instruction encoding synthesis problem Input : instruction-set S={I1,…,In} Result : maxj=1…n(|Oj| + |Fj|) is minimal Oj : a unique opcode Fj : total operand field length Fj Not “flat” ISA model Above problem is used as a subroutine

8 Opcode Synthesis … 1 n1 = 15 15 p1 = 1 16 1 n0 = 4 15 Package i N=4 3
2 1 Operand length w 13 12 11 7 # instructions n 4 6 15 # distinction Instr. p Opcode #1” Opcode #15” Opcode #16”* 7 bit operand Opcode 1’ don’t care Opcode 4’ * distinction opcode package 0, n=4, w=0 package 1, n=15, w=7 1 n1 = 15 15 p1 = 1 16 1 n0 = 4 15

9 Opcode Synthesis Algorithm comprise two passes First (right-to-left)
Second (left-to-right)

10 Hierarchical Processor Models

11 Hierarchical Processor Models (cont.)

12 Local Operation Encoding
A Group is considered as a micro-instruction-set and can be automatically encoded using the algorithm presented in section 4.

13 Local Operation Encoding (cont.)

14 Local Operation Encoding (cont.)
Locally unused

15 Global Optimization

16 Global Optimization (cont.)

17 Global Optimization (cont.)

18 Results

19 Conclusions Automatic instruction encoding Three method
In hierarchical processor Three method Local Global hybrid Integrated in a processor design environment

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